On September 10, from 4:00-4:45 pm, AWSP hosted the first in a series of free attendance support meetings for school leaders and their building attendance leads. We know the school leader’s plate is full to over-flowing…and we want to help support you with timely information and problem-solving around attendance procedures and new guidance from our partners at OSPI.
OSPI's attendance lead, Krissy Johnson, has joined some of our AWSP Associate Directors to work with attendees to create a network focused on understanding the most recently released guidance, share common problems of practice, and problem-solve to support your school around compulsory attendance. Principals play a valuable role in helping to bring key leaders together, so principals and attendance clerks are strongly encouraged to attend this first meeting together!
Available On-Demand.
Topic: Statewide Attendance Guidance Webinar
Register and watch
Thank you to the amazing principals who attended last week’s Attendance Guidance Webinar hosted by AWSP and OSPI. Over 350 school leaders, their attendance clerks and district truancy support members hopped on the webinar to learn about attendance and the new guidance for the current school year.
The questions and supports you requested are going to be addressed in a series of two more attendance meetings specifically for you and your team. This next week, Attendance Clerks are invited to attend a peer to peer discussion session on Monday, September 21 to discuss challenges and solutions. Additionally, AWSP and OSPI will be hosting a special Principal Attendance Office hour on Thursday, September 24. Both of these meetings will include a brief presentation from leading districts in our state on pressing topics related to attendance, question and answer as well as breakout rooms to discuss questions and approaches with your peers. Register yourself or your attendance clerk, after registering, you will be able to access the recording automatically.