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  • James Layman, Director, Association of Washington Student Leaders
    Jul 11, 2022
    I always ask, “Have you asked your students yet?” This question opens the door to possibilities and discoveries. Students are the experts at being students. I will say that again so that it can truly marinate… students, are the experts at being students. Adults are no longer the experts; they are. We get to use our lived experiences and positionality to support students achieve academic and social success.
  • Layla Jasper, Associate Director, AWSL
    Mar 9, 2022
    At AWSL, we are hearing the same feedback from students, teachers, and administrators across the state. There is tension at school. There are tough moments to move through in the classroom, leaving teachers and administrators feeling underprepared and students feeling unseen and frustrated. "Hot moments," a sudden eruption of conflict or tension in the classroom, can bring up an array of big emotions for people. Often, these occur when a student says something politically charged, may exhibit bias(es), or would be considered a microaggression. This moment can bring on feelings of uncertainty for everyone involved. You may not know how to move through it to interrupt harmful comments or behavior without escalating the situation even further. It may be tempting to let it go and not “make a big deal out of it,” however, as students voiced in our Student Voice Groups, not doing anything opens the door to even more harmful behavior. So, what can you do? Read on for five strategies to consider when faced with a Hot Moment in the classroom.
  • David Morrill, Communications & Technology Director, AWSP
    Dec 17, 2021
    What are you doing for MLK Day this year? How are you creating light for others? What is your school doing to make sure everyone belongs and feels humanity? If you don't have your MLK Day celebration plans already, or even if you do and would like to supplement them, I would highly advise you to check out the I AM | WE ARE program James and the AWSL team put together. There's a version for elementary and secondary. Both versions include the keynote address, an implementation guide, and discussion questions.
  • Mac Martin, Junior, Stanwood High School, Stanwood Camano SD
    Nov 18, 2021
    What is the "Devious Lick Challenge"? It is a challenge on TikTok, where students are encouraged to take something from their school; these items may include the bathroom sink, a soap dispenser, or even a teacher's desk. Schools have tried a multitude of ways to stop students, yet this challenge is just as popular today as ever. Clearly, many solutions aren't working. So what is the solution?
  • James Layman, Director of Student Programs, AWSL
    Nov 9, 2020
    The 2020 AWSL Virtual Fall Conference was a smashing success with over 5,000 attendees. Yes, we can celebrate the number of participants, but the success of this conference lies in who was able to attend. With the need to switch to a virtual format, we invited and encouraged schools to bring as many students as they wanted. Focusing on equity, becoming while doing, and the belief that all students can lead, we hoped that students who had never attended a conference of any kind, especially a 'leadership' conference who could learn, grow, connect, and see the leadership abilities within them.

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