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Welcome AWSP Members!

A welcome message from AWSP Executive Director Scott Seaman. 

Welcome to the best job in the world! Congratulations on your appointment as a school or district leader! On behalf of the entire team at AWSP, AWSL, Cispus, and Outdoor Schools Washington, we would like to welcome you to the family. We take school leadership seriously and our role in making sure you have support during every step of your leadership journey.

The Association of Washington School Principals (AWSP) has been in existence since 1972 and proudly supports principals, and the principalship, in the education of each and every student in the state. We are the premier principal organization in the country, serving as education advocates, mentors, and visionaries for our schools and communities. Our organization works with pride and dedication, supporting our leaders with high-quality programs, professional learning, and advocacy as we shape the minds of future generations.  

Your leadership matters. Your leadership will leave a legacy and forever impact. Don’t ever underestimate the power of your influence on an entire school community.

Your AWSP Membership

What You Get and How We Can Help


Membership & Legal Benefits

As an AWSP member, you have access to our directors for legal advice and support. You also receive a full active membership to one of our National Associations (NAESP or NASSP). These memberships provide you with legal/liability protection and access to webinars, research, online learning, and more.

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Your AWSP Account

To start becoming familiar with your AWSP account, we invite you to login (use your school email) and make sure all of your information is current and your demographic information is included. The more we know about you, the better we can serve you.


Newsletters, Mailings, & More

As an AWSP member, you'll receive helpful resources in the mail, including an AWSP Member Handbook, Bookends Print Newsletter (twice per year), and postcards with important reminders. Be on the lookout for these print communications starting in the fall. In the meantime, check out the resources on our website.

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AWSP Learning Lab

As a benefit of your AWSP membership, you have access to the AWSP Learning Lab. Here, you can access live events, quarterly forums, on-demand courses and leadership resources. The AWSP Learning Lab brings learning right to you, any time you want it, and on any device.

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Let's Stay Connected

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Our blog provides commentary, insights, updates, and up-to-date information on the news you need.

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Follow Our Socials

Stay connected to the latest in pro-learning, AWSP announcements, and association photos by following us on socials!

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A promotional banner for newsletters, featuring an email icon inside a circular badge on a light blue background.

Read Our Newsletters

We have four email newsletters that are filled with important info + twice a year we mail a print newsletter too!

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Grow with Us!

Professional Learning for Every Step of Your Career

AWSP is here to help you be the lead learner in your school! Each of our professional learning offerings are aligned to the AWSP Leadership Framework, presented through an equity lens, and connected to the School Leader Paradigm.

AWSP Learning Lab

Whether in-person or virtual, multi-day or single-hour, AWSP has a variety of workshops and trainings to meet you where you are in your leadership journey. These opportunities are showcased in our online Learning Lab


The School Leader Paradigm

The School Leader Paradigm is a collaborative effort by AWSP, the Illinois Principal Association, and others, offering a comprehensive guide to school leadership, with insights into the national problem of practice, theory of action, and professional learning opportunities from AWSP.

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AWSP Leadership Framework

The AWSP Leadership Framework is designed as a resource for the ongoing growth and evaluation of school leaders. This Leadership Framework has been carefully crafted to be used by principals and assistant principals as you look to quantify and qualify the impact of your leadership.

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A colorful educational-themed graphic with school-related icons and the phrase "Strong Leaders. Strong Schools. Strong Students."

AWSP Member Handbook

This handbook is the ultimate guide for member support! Our programs and resources are designed to help you manage your administrative duties and address the concerns facing today's building leaders. Download to see all the handbook has to offer.

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Checkout Our Foundation Partners

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Outdoor Schools Logo