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  • Roz Thompson, Governmental Relations & Advocacy Director, AWSP
    Feb 21, 2025
    The first policy cutoff has narrowed active bills, with fiscal committees now focusing on budget-related proposals. Key updates include the restraint and isolation bill moving forward with planned amendments, a graduation garb bill allowing cultural items at ceremonies, and extensions for retired educators working in schools. OSPI is seeking feedback on new discipline rules, while K-12 funding remains uncertain amid a $4.8 billion budget shortfall.
  • Roz Thompson, Governmental Relations & Advocacy Director, AWSP
    Feb 21, 2025
    As you know, OSPI released emergency discipline rules related to classroom exclusions at the start of the school year. They have now opened public comment as part of their permanent rulemaking process. We need our school leaders to submit feedback to OSPI. Even if changes in your building have been subtle, your voice matters. We must ensure your perspectives as principals and assistant principals are heard. If you don’t tell your story, someone will tell it for you.
  • Fred Yancey and Mike Moran, The Nexus Group
    Feb 21, 2025
    Since covering pension/retirement/health insurance issues on behalf of WASA and AWSP, there are a few important points we have learned. This is just a brief summary of selected retirement related topics. One needs to check with the Department of Retirement Systems (DRS) and the Health Care Authority (HCA) for definitive answers to questions about their own situation. Policies change so this document is just a broad overview highlighting some issues.  The importance of advance planning cannot be overstated. These are not issues to put off until the last months of either one’s impending retirement or approaching Medicare eligible age. Start by requesting an official benefit estimate from DRS 3-12 months prior to your retirement date.
  • Casey Brown, Strategies 360, AWSP Contract Lobbyist
    Feb 14, 2025
    As the session shifts from policy hearings to tough negotiations, lawmakers face key deadlines. Bills must pass policy committees this week or wait until next year, with fiscal cutoff looming next. Democratic budget writers grapple with tough funding choices, while leadership in the Rules Committee decides which bills advance or get sidelined. Stay tuned as the session heats up.
  • Fred Yancey and Mike Moran, The Nexus Group
    Feb 14, 2025
    Since covering pension/retirement/health insurance issues on behalf of WASA and AWSP, there are a few important points we have learned. This is just a brief summary of selected retirement related topics. One needs to check with the Department of Retirement Systems (DRS) and the Health Care Authority (HCA) for definitive answers to questions about their own situation. Policies change so this document is just a broad overview highlighting some issues.  The importance of advance planning cannot be overstated. These are not issues to put off until the last months of either one’s impending retirement or approaching Medicare eligible age. Start by requesting an official benefit estimate from DRS 3-12 months prior to your retirement date.

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