image of the AWSP logo with text that says AWSP Board and Grade Level Leadership Committees and some icons of people
At the Association of Washington School Principals (AWSP), we are committed to improving educational opportunities for all children across Washington’s schools. We believe in enhancing the role of the principal as a key educational leader, promoting greater recognition of the professional expertise and dedication required by the position. Our mission is to support school principals in fulfilling their leadership responsibilities, fostering positive and collaborative relationships with teachers, and providing valuable opportunities for the exchange of ideas. Through professional growth, student leadership programs, and advocacy efforts, we strive to create environments where principals can lead effectively and inspire the next generation of learners.

Grade Level Leadership Committees


Formerly known as the Elementary School Principals Association of Washington (ESPAW), members of this committee are practicing elementary principals and assistant principals. They represent their colleagues across Washington state. The leadership of this committee serves on the AWSP Board.



Formerly known as the Association of Washington Middle Level Principals (AWMLP), this committee includes middle school and junior high principals and assistant principals who represent their peers across the state. The leadership of this committee serves on the AWSP Board.



Formerly known as the Washington Association of Secondary School Principals (WASSP), this committee is composed of practicing high school principals and assistant principals who represent their colleagues across the state. The leadership of this committee serves on the AWSP Board.


Who Serves You

Jack Staff Directory

Jack Arend


 Gina Staff Directory

Gina Yonts

Middle Level

Scott F Staff Directory

Scott Friedman

High School

Meeting Dates

Fall Leadership GLLC Meeting | Tacoma Marriott

Saturday, Nov. 2 - Sunday, Nov. 3, 2024

Winter GLLC Leadership Meeting | Virtual

February 5, 2025

Spring Leadership GLLC Meeting | Leavenworth, WA

Friday, April 25 - Saturday, April 26, 2025

AWSP Grade Level Leadership Committee Application

Interested in serving on either the Elementary Leadership Committee, Middle Level Leadership Committee, or the High School Leadership Committee? Fill out the quick online application. Our ESD Regional Leadership team will look at the applications to make an informed decision regarding open positions.We have reopened the application as we still have some positions without applications.

Want to Apply?

Openings will be updated Feburary 1, 2025. Check back then for more details. If you have any questions about the application, please email or call Kim Marquette at 1-800-562-6100. 


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