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School Leader Paradigm

The Paradigm is a guide for ongoing self-reflection and is a non-evaluative companion resource. It addresses the intelligences of the leader (personal, social and systems) with specific attention to leadership attributes such as empathy, patience, creativity, etc. The Paradigm then moves leaders into reflecting on their ability to navigate the various contexts in which they lead (individual, school, community, and political). All of this learning, self-assessment, and personal reflection is continuous in a cycle of inquiry. It’s all about a leader’s ability to reflect on their own growth and learning as a leader and the impact of that growth on the school as a whole through a lens of culture, systems, and learning.
Paradigm Website3

Empowering Excellence Series

The Paradigm + Customized Professional Learning

The School Leader Paradigm on its own is simply information. However, if you pair the paradigm with excellent, in-depth, customizable professional learning, you get AWSP's Empowering Excellence Series. 

Covering a range of topics from setting foundations for the school year to assessing and connecting your leadership impact, the Empowering Excellence series breaks down the complexity of leadership into customizable sessions that bring to life all aspects of the paradigm in a collaborative environment.


a photo of a blonde woman smiling, her name is Mary Beth Tack
School leadership is not just about orchestrating and managing staff and students; it's about inspiring change and mentoring futures. It’s where the art of leadership meets the heart of education. AWSP’s intentional work with our district has equipped our leaders to turn challenges into opportunities as they develop as leaders of change. AWSP's commitment to growing, supporting, and sustaining school leaders is a beacon of hope in Kelso!
- Mary Beth Tack, Kelso School District

School Leader Paradigm Publication

Order Your Print Copy Today

The School Leader Paradigm: Becoming While Doing is a product of AWSP, the Illinois Principal Association, and other associations in the nationwide School Leader Collaborative. The publication is now available to order. The book describes our national problem of practice, our theory of action, the paradigm itself, the cycle of inquiry, and more. You'll also find three helpful appendices.

The book incorporates the National Association of Secondary School Principals' new publication, Building Ranks: A Comprehensive Framework for Effective School Leaders.


The School Leader Collaborative

AWSP is a proud partner of the School Leader Collaborative, a consortium of state principal associations (Alabama, Illinois, Minnesota, New York, Indiana, Missouri, Washington, Wisconsin, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Alaska) who came together to develop the School Leader Paradigm, share resources, and collectively study the continuum of effective school leadership. We focus on making sure all professional learning addresses the art of school leadership, becoming while doing.