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  • Fred Yancey | The Nexus Group
    Apr 12, 2019
    Following marathon hearings by the fiscal committees in both houses, the chambers are now publicly engaged in floor action where numerous bills are debated and voted upon. As is generally the norm, for every nine bills brought to either floor and approved by the body, the tenth bill becomes hotly contested. That’s when the theatrics occur. One example, is after passing a number of bills fairly easily, a bill dealing with union dues, SHB 1575 brought things to a halt as the Republicans demanded the bill be read in its totality, a very rare occurrence.
  • Fred Yancey | The Nexus Group
    Apr 5, 2019
    “No! No! No!” was the constant refrain heard as the committees and floor debated numerous amendments to the budget proposals. Requests for spending totaled more than the amount either house was willing to spend or to make a priority. Concurrently, policy committees continued to hear and then move bills. All of which have been reported previously in greater detail.
  • Fred Yancey | The Nexus Group
    Mar 29, 2019
    The big news was the release of the House Budget. Released at noon, Tuesday, public hearing on same day at 3:30, passed out of committee the next day and to be voted out of the chamber Friday. Wham! Bam! Done deal. The Senate will release it's budget Friday, March 29th. The public hearing will be Monday, April Fools’ Day, so at least there is some time to review prior to that time.
  • Fred Yancey | The Nexus Group
    Mar 22, 2019
    This week has been filled with committee hearings on various bills as both houses rush to hear, then vote bills out of committee, in order to beat the next policy and fiscal deadlines. The state revenue council issued the latest revenue projections and wow, the unanticipated and now new revenue shows an additional $861 million for the 2019–221 budget. Of course, remember at the start of the session, it was reported that the state was looking at over $1 billion-dollar shortfall after case load projections and funding court mandates.
  • Fred Yancey | The Nexus Group
    Mar 15, 2019
    The legislative flow has now shifted to upcoming hearings where bills that have passed either house are scheduled for public hearings. The next deadline of note is the planned release on March 20th of the latest revenue forecast and projection. Budgets developed by both houses will follow.

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