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  • Fred Yancey, The Nexus Group LLC
    Jan 19, 2024
    The Session continues. Introductions of new bills and committee hearings continue as legislators work to deal with proposed bills. A reminder that if a companion bill appears to not be moving, that means the other bill will be the prime for action.
  • Fred Yancey, The Nexus Group LLC
    Jan 11, 2024
    The second year of the 68th Washington State Biennial Legislature has begun. Given that this will be a ‘short’ session, the pace will be brisk (an understatement). Numerous bills have been and will continue to be introduced. Some are good ideas; others are not, and some are just plain silly. Hearings have started. A caveat: There are always more bills proposed that will survive the entire process. (Thank goodness!) With that in mind, below is a report and comments on selected bills that may or may not remain as the session unfolds. The point is that until hearings on selected bills are scheduled, most are just titles and text with no explanations or fiscal notes. As these become available, more detail will be presented in this report.
  • Fred Yancey, The Nexus Group LLC
    May 31, 2023
    Session has concluded, and the Governor has acted. Below is a brief summary of pension, health care, and other benefit legislation that will impact school districts, present and future retirees. The work continues...
  • Fred Yancey, The Nexus Group LLC
    Apr 21, 2023
    Sine Die approaches and a sense of glee and panic pervades the air as multiple bills either pass or fail to advance. Concurrence, recession, and just plain obstruction are on display. Multiple bills, close to 400, will be sent to the Governor who is even now in the process of signing them. To date, there have been no vetoes. Below is a summary of what is known. A year-end, post-Session report will be more definitive.
  • Fred Yancey, The Nexus Group LLC
    Apr 14, 2023
    As Sine Die approaches, the legislature will go ‘dark’. Negotiations between both chambers, caucus members, the Governor’s office, and legislature leadership will be taking place outside of the public eye. Budgets need to be adopted, and altered bills need to be reconciled/concurred by the opposite body. The balls/bills will continue bouncing back and forth until finally caught by the Governor. Bill signings are occurring.

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