In 2012, ESSB 5940 regarding school employee benefits passed. It directed the Office of the Insurance Commissioner (OIC) to collect data on the health plans and costs from all school districts. This phase has been done with 100% of districts and carriers submitting the data. The legislation also mandated that school districts must offer a high deductible health plan option with a health savings account similar to that required for state employees.
During the House Education Committee meeting on Monday, January 26th, AWSP testified in support of HB 1142, which modifies school district authority with respect to student parking. AWSP staff Marty Fortin worked with the prime sponsor, Representative Wilcox (R-Yelm), to craft legislation clarifying that school ASB’s may use student parking fees to support student activities.
The following is a partial list of bills that could affect current and future retirees. The sponsors are listed so in the event you are meeting with any of them, please let them know of your interest and support or non-support.
Q. I had a question about how teachers and coaches can get a pass to watch in district sporting events. For the past 24+ years we have been able to show our employee badge, agree to supervise as needed, and were able to get in with a spouse or sibling. We were just told this does not work with ASB laws. Is there a way this can be resolved, so staff can go support students they have taught or coached?
Although it is still early in the session, some bills have been introduced that could impact present and future employees and retirees. Other bills are expected. It’s important to keep in mind that after introduction, some bills move on, some don’t, and some bill proposals change as they move along.