Mike Donlin, Program Supervisor, School Safety Center, OSPI
Nov 1, 2022
It’s November. It’s dark and rainy. Elections are coming up. Daylight Savings Time is ending. Veterans’ Day is approaching. Thanksgiving is right around the corner. Let’s go there now.
It was Friday, October 7. The sky was smokey and the temperature warm. It was 10:50am. Parking was limited, but some spots were available. The office was dealing with one student in the health room, one student seated on a chair in the office, a parent seated, and one parent signing a student out. The fire inspector was present, requesting assistance with the fire inspection. He asked for someone to accompany him throughout the building for his inspection. This was an unexpected visit, so office staff were trying to think of a way to accommodate this request.
Dr. James Whitehead | Director of Special Programs & Services, Integrated Student Support | Capital Region ESD 113
Oct 28, 2022
These resources are sent out weekly to leaders in special education and Section 504. Each post contains tips and resources on a variety of topics that are meant to keep you informed and up-to-date.
Many have heard the quote, “if you aren’t at the table, you are on the menu” from the business community. This month, I have been acutely aware of the people at my table and the lack of diversity they represent. In an attempt at continuing our conversation this month to include ALL voices, I am highlighting the 8 Most Powerful Ted Talks on Disability.
Let me just start by saying something super unpopular but true. TPEP is draining principals rather than supporting teachers. There I said it. How do I know? I talk to principals and teachers.
Am I saying good teaching isn’t happening? No. There are wonderful and magical things happening in classrooms throughout the state. Schools are filled with hope, positive energy, enthusiasm, and incredible relationships in every region of our state.
Let me clarify: TPEP, in its current, well-intended form, is not working as originally designed. We are not improving instruction as the system was designed or as we all hoped.
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