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  • Roz Thompson, Government Relations and Advocacy Director, AWSP
    Sep 19, 2022
    Our advocacy team at AWSP works hard during the interim to get ready for the upcoming legislative session that begins in January 2023. This year’s session is a long session that runs from January through April and a new biennial budget for 2023-25 will be passed.  We are focused on solutions to address the needs of our school leaders through a holistic and multi-faceted approach addressing current policies, legislation, and funding so that we can attract and retain highly effective principals and assistant principals.
  • Roz Thompson, Governmental Relations & Advocacy Director, AWSP
    Jan 19, 2022
    There was a big hearing the morning of January 18th in the House Education Committee on HB 1226 and HJR (House Joint Resolution) 4200 for passing bonds with simple majority.Both the bill and resolutionneed to pass for the issue to go to the ballot for the general election in November, but there is momentum once again around the need for school construction bonds to pass with a simple majority so students can have safe and healthy schools.
  • Roz Thompson, Governmental Relations & Advocacy Director, AWSP
    Jan 5, 2022
    Happy New Year! We are days away from January 10th, which marks the beginning of the 2022 legislative session. This short, 60-day session will go fast and is expected to end on March 10. In a 60-day legislative session, the supplemental budget makes spending adjustments to the 2021-2023 biennial budget passed last year.
  • Roz Thompson, Advocacy and Governmental Relations Director, AWSP
    Jan 25, 2021
    High-quality childcare and early learning experiences are essential for children and their families. Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, finding care has been very difficult for many and the Legislature intends to address this issue through the Fair Start Act (HB 1213/SB 5237 which are companion bills).  The Fair Start Act, sponsored by both Rep. Tana Senn and Sen. Claire Wilson, establishes a new fund that would expand access to affordable childcare by increasing eligibility and decreasing copayments in the Working Connections Child Care Program and in the Early Childhood Education and Assistance Program.
  • Roz Thompson | Governmental Relations & Advocacy Director, AWSP
    Jan 15, 2021
    A very unusual session started this week, beginning with more somber opening day House and Senate sessions in which both houses voted on remote rules. Members who traveled to Olympia for the first day had to navigate terrible rain and tightened security measures to enter the Capitol. Committee hearings began on Tuesday and continued all week

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