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  • Roz Thompson | Governmental Relations & Advocacy Director, AWSP
    Jan 15, 2021
    A very unusual session started this week, beginning with more somber opening day House and Senate sessions in which both houses voted on remote rules. Members who traveled to Olympia for the first day had to navigate terrible rain and tightened security measures to enter the Capitol. Committee hearings began on Tuesday and continued all week
  • Dr. Scott Seaman
    Apr 28, 2020
    One unforeseen consequence of a statewide closure has been the massive forced push for all of us to engage in the virtual meeting space. We might have dabbled before in Zoom, Skype, Google Hangouts, and Microsoft Teams, but now we are all exceeding standard. AWSP is offering weekly Office Hours for members to engage with with the AWSP Executive Team and K-12 principals from all over the state. This is a wide open session of give and take, but more importantly, to hear our members (principals, assistant principals and other school leaders) share challenges, successes, and barriers they are facing as newly assigned digital leaders. It is so incredible to watch these natural and organic conversations take off each week that I find myself thinking, "Why didn't we do this sooner?"
  • Stephanie Davidsmeyer, SBE
    Mar 23, 2020
    The State Legislature passed a new law (EHB 2965) supporting the state's response to the novel coronavirus. This law includes a provision (see Section 10) that allows the State Board of Education to grant an emergency waiver to local education agencies (e.g., school districts, etc.) and private schools.
  • Fred Yancey | The Nexus Group
    Apr 19, 2019
    After this last deadline, attention now moves to both chamber floors. Action will primarily consist of both chambers debating and voting on bills that have passed either chamber. I’ve earlier explained the concurrence, dispute, and/or conference committee avenues of resolution. Simultaneously, meetings often held in backrooms away from public and member scrutiny, are being held as issues like the budget and revenue enhancements are bargained.
  • Fred Yancey & Mike Moran
    Jan 25, 2019
    The legislative river is running as close to 1,500 bills have been introduced since December’s prefiling. Included among those are a number of bills affecting pensions, health, and job benefits. Hearings and any resulting action moving bills out of committees have begun as both houses move toward the first cut-off date. This is a brief summary of bills of interest: Retirement Related Proposals

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