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  • Fred Yancey | The Nexus Group
    Apr 5, 2019
    “No! No! No!” was the constant refrain heard as the committees and floor debated numerous amendments to the budget proposals. Requests for spending totaled more than the amount either house was willing to spend or to make a priority. Concurrently, policy committees continued to hear and then move bills. All of which have been reported previously in greater detail.
  • David Morrill
    Apr 3, 2019
    Welcome to another episode of AWSP News, where we discuss this year’s National Assistant Principals Week, how Vicki Puckett and the Mercer Island School District empower and use student voice, how the Association of Washington Student Leaders can help you harness student voice, and a great example from Bob Walters on how to use our pay gap video with your district administration.
  • Fred Yancey | The Nexus Group
    Mar 29, 2019
    The big news was the release of the House Budget. Released at noon, Tuesday, public hearing on same day at 3:30, passed out of committee the next day and to be voted out of the chamber Friday. Wham! Bam! Done deal. The Senate will release it's budget Friday, March 29th. The public hearing will be Monday, April Fools’ Day, so at least there is some time to review prior to that time.
  • Teleah Bell-Davis | Tacoma Public Schools
    Mar 28, 2019
    Did you know that the average child in a military family will move six to nine times during a school career? That's an average of three times more frequently than non-military families. The Department of Defense sponsors the Month of the Military Child to honor military children and their families who make daily sacrifices for our country.
  • Marty Fortin
    Mar 24, 2019
    International studies document multiple benefits children gain from engagement with school gardens. What’s not been well studied are implementation practices. This study, which is based on the premise that experiencing the benefits of school gardens depends on successful implementation, aimed to gain insight in implementation practices of school gardens.

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