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  • Roz Thompson, Governmental Relations & Advocacy Director, AWSP
    Jun 16, 2022
    When you’re ready to jump into some professional reading, check out this list of books that our staff created based on some of the books that we are reading or that we hear others mention. We also provide some tips for engaging your staff in a book study, if that is something that you are considering.
  • Abby Bowers | Director of Special Programs | Capital Region ESD 113
    Jun 10, 2022
    These resources are sent out weekly to leaders in special education and Section 504. Each post contains tips and resources on a variety of topics that are meant to keep you informed and up-to-date.
  • Dr. Scott Seaman, Executive Director, AWSP
    Jun 10, 2022
    As a recovering principal, you never forget the experiences you faced. Traumatic, high-stress events become permanently ingrained into the rest of our lives. And as much as we try to forget and move on, all it takes is one reminder and we are right back to the moment, the event, the decisions, and all the related emotions. On May 24, 2022, we were all given a reminder through yet another horrific school shooting and the tragic deaths of innocent students and teachers. For those in education, these unimaginable events generate additional emotions and trauma. And for principals and assistant principals, the emotions become even more complex and traumatic. Complex because we move from anger and defeat to shock, horror, sadness, and, unfortunately, the relief it wasn’t at our school.
  • Roz Thompson, Governmental Relations & Advocacy Director, AWSP
    Jun 9, 2022
    Have you heard? High-needs schools that operate the School Breakfast Program (SBP) are required to implement a Breakfast After the Bell (BAB) program and give students adequate time to eat their breakfast for the 2022-23 school year. OSPI has all the information you need to create a plan to make this happen. Not sure if your school is required to operate a BAB program? Need some creative resources to make your program successful? Check out the School Breakfast Program page on OSPI’s website.
  • Mike Donlin, Program Supervisor, School Safety Center, OSPI
    Jun 3, 2022
    There is no need to struggle again through the details of the most recent school shooting tragedy. Nor is there a reason to struggle through the other tragedies which followed in rapid succession. The stories are the same. The stories are all different. The stories are all devastating. The often-repeated, fundamental questions we hear most often these days are: How can we ensure that our schools are safe? What can we do?

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