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  • Roz Thompson, Governmental Relations & Advocacy Director, AWSP
    Jan 13, 2022
    The saying that short legislative sessions are like sprints and long legislative sessions are like running marathons is completely true! This week, the 2022 legislative session got off to a rapid start. With about 1,500 bills either recently introduced or leftover from last year and more on the way, bill hearings began right away on Monday and both the House and Senate began voting bills out of their respective chambers on Wednesday.
  • Roz Thompson, Governmental Relations & Advocacy Director, AWSP
    May 7, 2021
    This year’s legislative session ended on time after 105 days. It’s been described as unique, historic, surprising, and consequential. Despite economic concerns about our state revenue last summer and fall, and uncertainty about how the Legislature would run its process to hear and pass bills in a mostly virtual manner, some significant bills passed and the final budgets boosted spending on many different programs.
  • Roz Thompson, Governmental Relations & Advocacy Director, AWSP
    Apr 23, 2021
    The final week of this year’s legislative session is about to come to a close. The last day is Sunday, April 25 and we are all anxiously awaiting final budget details. Earlier this week, there was a “handshake deal” between the House and the Senate on the operating budget. The staff has been working for the past few days to put the final bill together. It should be released on Saturday. It is usually the last bill passed before the Legislature adjourns.
  • Roz Thompson, Governmental Relations & Advocacy Director, AWSP
    Apr 16, 2021
    The focus was on floor action this week as legislators either agreed with changes made to bills in the opposite house (concurrence) or worked to resolve their differences. Several bills are still waiting on the final agreement and, of course, final behind-the-scenes budget negotiations are ongoing. Legislators are tackling a lot of big issues this session – from police reform to transportation to climate change, housing, and more. If you’re interested in some really good nonpartisan independent news about politics and policy in our state, check out the Washington State Wire.
  • Roz Thompson, Governmental Relations & Advocacy Director, AWSP
    Apr 9, 2021
    It was a busy week of floor action in both the House and the Senate. There were several late-night sessions and the Legislature will be busy all weekend as lawmakers and staff work to pass any remaining bills out of the opposite house before cutoff on Sunday, April 11, at 5 pm. Any remaining bills or matters that are “necessary to implement budgets, differences between the houses, and matters incident to the interim and closing of the session” will continue to be addressed up until the final day (sine die) of this year’s session which is expected to be Sunday, April 25.

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