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  • Dr. Scott Seaman, Executive Director, AWSP
    Sep 5, 2023
    Welcome back to what is already shaping up to be an incredible school year. At AWSP, we’ve had a busy summer continuing to “Shine the Light” on our most robust advocacy campaign ever. The role principals and assistant principals play in the system is critical. We won’t rest until everyone is paying attention to your needs as school leaders across the state. From working conditions, to due process, to more protections, to compensation, to respectful contracts, to respect in general, and to more support, we are shining the light on you.
  • Roz Thompson, Governmental Relations & Advocacy Director, AWSP
    Apr 26, 2023
    The House and Senate pounded their gavels one last time on Sunday, April 23, as they declared “Sine Die” for the 2023 Legislative session. This Latin term means “without a day,” and it is used to describe an adjournment when the date to reconvene is not specified and when the Legislature intends to leave town for the last time. However, there is a bit of a caveat to that statement since the Legislature may come back for a special session to address the Blake Decision. More on that later.
  • Roz Thompson, Governmental Relations & Advocacy Director, AWSP
    Apr 14, 2023
    Just ten more days of this year’s legislative session remain. All policy bills had to pass off the floor of the opposite house by April 12. Once again, there were some very late nights and some bills that didn’t make it past this deadline. Over the next few days of the session, legislators will pass bills necessary to implement the budget, continue work to concur on different versions of bills that have passed, and come to an agreement over a final budget. And all of this should end by Sunday, April 23.
  • Roz Thompson, Governmental Relations & Advocacy Director, AWSP
    Apr 7, 2023
    We are in the final few weeks of this year’s legislative session, which should end on time on April 23. This week the April 4 cutoff date passed for bills to move out of budget committees. Now the House and Senate are focusing their efforts on meeting the next cutoff date of April 12, when bills (except those necessary to implement the budget) need to pass off the floor of the opposite house. Between now and the end of the session, the action will be both on the floor and behind the scenes as budget negotiations occur.
  • Roz Thompson, Governmental Relations & Advocacy Director, AWSP
    Mar 31, 2023
    What an amazing week of advocacy here in our Washington and in the “other” Washington, our nation’s capital. Our 12 principals arrived just in time for peak cherry blossom viewing. What a treat! The National School Leaders Advocacy Conference is organized each March by NAESP and NASSP. We spent the first two days learning from expert panels, congressional staff, principals from around the country, and Cindy Marten, Deputy Secretary of the Department of Education, about various pieces of federal legislation and effective advocacy strategies. On Wednesday, over 400 principals headed to the Capitol to meet with their members of Congress to talk about educator shortages, improving school mental health, wellness, and safety resources, and various budget priorities. Our group shared poignant stories about students and staff in their buildings related to each area, and we built relationships with decision-makers and principals from other states.

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