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  • Kamrica Ary-Turner, Associate Director, AWSP and Paul Meyers, Executive Director, Hatching Results
    May 26, 2023
    The purpose of any evaluation process is to improve. Sure, you can use evaluation to make judgments and inform program decisions, but essentially the main reason for evaluating your Comprehensive School Counseling Program (CSCP) is to improve your program. Establishing an annual review and assessment process, as required for the CSCP written plan, fundamentally establishes a continuous improvement process.
  • Kamrica Ary-Turner, Associate Director, AWSP, and Paul Meyers, Executive Director, Hatching Results
    May 15, 2023
    Conducting an annual Comprehensive School Counseling Program (CSCP) program review, as required in the CSCP written plan, should include feedback from school administrators and other educational partners. SSB 5030 requires each school to develop a process for conducting an annual CSCP review, but it allows schools to develop their own process. If you have not yet established a process for collecting feedback, allow us to make a suggestion: consider a simple open-ended survey.

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