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  • Jack Arend, Associate Director, AWSP
    Oct 19, 2021
    In a recent conversation with Sue Anderson, Director of OSPI’s Educator Effectiveness, she reminded me of the required Fall and early Winter TPEP dates. Sue has been a school leader and certainly understands the demands placed on principals and assistant principals. With the frenetic pace school leaders are keeping, they may think they are behind, or missing important TPEP timelines. Here is some quick info for you as you continue to plan out your observation and evaluation schedules. Take a deep breath, you have plenty of time to complete any TPEP requirements.
  • Abby Bowers | Director of Special Programs | Capital Region ESD 113
    Oct 15, 2021
    These emails are sent out weekly to leaders in special education and Section 504.. Each email contains tips and resources on a variety of topics that are meant to keep you informed and up-to-date.. Please consult your district attorney if you are looking for legal advice, as that is out of my realm.
  • David Morrill, Communications & Technology Director, AWSP
    Oct 15, 2021
    In the middle of National Principals Month and an ongoing pandemic, Almira Principal Kelsey Hoppe's just got a lot tougher. Earlier this week, we heard the somber news from the town of Almira, where their school recently burned to the ground. Home to about 300 residents, this farming community’s school served 118 K–8 students. We don’t need to tell you the importance of school within a community, especially a small community like Almira where many of the students are the 3rd, 4th, 5th, or 6th generation family members to have attended the school. It’s just hard to fathom that kind of loss.
  • Gina Yonts, Associate Director, AWSP
    Oct 8, 2021
    Help is on the way! Did you know that the Office of System and School Improvement has monthly themes? AWSP is working hard to align much of our communication around these same themes and The theme for October is Culturally Responsive Positive Behavior Interventions and supports.
  • Abby Bowers | Director of Special Programs | Capital Region ESD 113
    Oct 8, 2021
    These emails are sent out weekly to leaders in special education and Section 504.. Each email contains tips and resources on a variety of topics that are meant to keep you informed and up-to-date.. Please consult your district attorney if you are looking for legal advice, as that is out of my realm.

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