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ProCert Update to Members

David Morrill
Apr 28, 2017

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The Professional Educators Standards Board voted unanimously on Friday, March 24 to no longer require that principals must complete the second-tier licensure system knows as “Professional Certification” (ProCert). AWSP, PESB and other stakeholders are continuing to collaborate and look at new possibilities for what second-tier licensure might look like, while at the same time, the Legislature debates what they think it should be.

Q & A

  1. Does this change anything with regard to yearly evaluation requirements, timelines or student growth goals (TPEP)?
    No. Evaluation (TPEP) and licensure (certification) are separate entities.

  2. I completed a ProCert program and have my Professional Certificate. Does this change anything for me?
    No. Your license (certificate) and renewal requirements will not change. For example, Professional Growth Plans (PGP’s) are still required in order to maintain your professional license. We anticipate you will be grandfathered into any new second-tier licensure system.

  3. I’m currently enrolled in a ProCert program. Should I remain enrolled and complete the program?
    We encourage members to carefully consider the benefits and costs of remaining enrolled and make a decision that is best for you. You will be able to complete ProCert programs until Dec. 31, 2018 presuming university programs continue to offer them next year. For those who have completed ProCert, we anticipate you will be grandfathered into any new second-tier licensure system. Options for what a new system might look like are currently being considered in a collaborative effort by AWSP, the PESB and other stakeholders.

  4. My license (certificate) currently reads “Residency” and has an expiration date (2018, ’19, ’20…). Do I need to do anything?
    Yes. In the near future, the PESB will provide information explaining how to apply for a three-year extension. AWSP will communicate this information to our members. Options for what a new second-tier licensure system might look like are currently being considered in a collaborative effort between AWSP, the PSEB and other stakeholders. Once a new system has been determined, maintenance of your license will be subject to the new requirements.

  5. My license currently reads “Residency Certificate” and does not show an expiration date. Do I need to do anything?
    No. As of now, there are no requirements for those with Residency Certificates without an expiration date to do anything. If OSPI provides you with an expiration date for your certificate, please refer to answer #4 (above).