Passionate advocate for education who listens well and stays in touch
Senator Lisa Wellman is the winner of AWSP’s 2018 Torch of Leadership Award. Senator Wellman is a Democrat representing the 41st Legislative District which serves Mercer Island, Bellevue, Newcastle and parts of Issaquah.
Each year, AWSP’s Advocacy Committee has the opportunity to select a state- level public servant who has demonstrated support of principals and the principalship in the education of all students. Senator Wellman’s commitment to education is reflected in her connection to her local school districts as well as to the attention she pays to issues across our state.
Senator Wellman serves as the chair of the Early Learning and K-12 Education Committee as well as on the Economic Development & Trade Committee; Energy, Environment & Technology Committee; and the Transportation Committee. She gets high marks from her community for being supportive of her schools and programs since she regularly attends district events and legislative linkage sessions with the School Board. Senator Wellman stays in touch with her constituents and uses social media to provide others with an inside view of what’s going on in Olympia. This spring and summer, she has been on a listening tour around the state on the topic of school safety.
Prior to her work as a legislator and as an executive in technology and marketing, Senator Wellman was a public school teacher. She is a thoughtful, kind, and dynamic person to work with as well as a passionate advocate for students.
AWSP will officially honor Wellman in October 2018 at its Advocacy Committee meeting. AWSP founded the Torch of Leadership Award in 2009.