This week is Teacher & Staff Appreciation Week! And while it is always important to recognize how much staff matter, this year is especially significant. Many staff worked around the clock to move online and to support their students while schools are closed.
Social distancing can make it tough to show staff how much you care, but there are still plenty of options. From e-cards or thank-you videos to classroom goodies or decorations, we’ve compiled a list of many ways you can celebrate Staff Appreciation Week at a distance, plus some other links to help in the process.
Writing notes and snail mail to the staff
Mailing thank you cards
Students send in pictures, poems, and decorations to create yard signs for staff
Porch deliveries
Notes for teachers (virtual postcards)
E-cards with gift card
Virtual gift cards
Shout outs in the Weekly Bulletin to families
Virtual 1:1 check-in meetings
Online meets with staff and students
You’ve Been Mugged with the coffee cups
Each morning sending a staff greeting, no weekly email
Virtual spirit weeks
Videos of staff
Virtual lunches and breakfast for Staff Appreciation Week (invite them to share a meal)
Miss you pictures
Having students send in pictures showing signs to staff showing appreciation
Virtual awards
Videos of signs holding up pictures
Flipgrid for messages and shout outs
Parents to send in emails or letters to staff
Text your team uplifting messages
Video and Picture
Prizes and challenges
Calling staff to check on them with 2-3 phone calls a day to staff for shoutout
Check-in buddies for all staff
Self-care bingo
Staff happy hour (virtual)
Drop photos into online photo service with a nice thank you
Here are some other links for ideas too:
And check out AWSL's 2020 resource page for other resources for schools.