The third week of the legislative session was the last full week for new policy bills to be heard in committees and zipped by. Next week is the first significant cut-off date of this year’s short session. Bills must pass out of their committee of origin by February 3. Next week’s hearings are all about taking executive action, where bills may be amended and voted out of committee (or not).
Our focus next week will be on our Virtual Week on the Hill. We have about 15 meetings set up so far with legislators across the state. This is our chance to talk about our most important needs this session. As a reminder, check out our AWSP legislative platform for more information about our top issues. In our conversations next week, we’ll make sure to cover budget stability to support students and schools, mental health support for students and staff, and urge careful consideration of policy bills at a time when schools are overwhelmed.
In budget news, legislative leaders are having conversations to figure out how the supplemental budget can address enrollment stability for those districts that experienced a decline in enrollment. We want to ensure districts don’t have to cut staff positions this spring. There is good support for HB 1664, which would update the prototypical funding model to increase funding for school nurses, counselors, social workers, and psychologists. The two bills related to transportation funding (HB 1808 and SB 5595) continue to move, which is also good news.
HB 1226, related to the simple majority for bonds, is still out there waiting for action. Legislators across the state need to hear from people in their legislative districts about why a simple majority is needed for school construction bonds. Check out my Action Alert and take one minute to ask your legislators to support a simple majority for bond elections.
After next Thursday, I’ll have a better idea of which policy bills will keep moving. Our favorite policy bills this session are HB 2078 and SB 5925, which establish the Outdoor School for All program. These feel-good bills are companion bills (so only one will end up moving on), and they both received outstanding support in hearings this week in the House and Senate Education Committees. The best testimonies were from two students. Check them out below.
HB 2078 Student Testimony
SB 5925 Student Testimony
Important Bills
High School/Dual Credit
- HB 1162 | Performance Exhibition Pathway
- HB 1687 | College Bound Scholarship GPA
- HB 1760 | Dual Credit Program Access (similar to SB 5719 Dual Credit Costs)
- HB 1835 | Postsecondary Enrollment (FAFSA completion support)
- HB 1867 | Dual Credit Data
- SB 5734 | PE and Health Credits
- SB 5789 | Innovation Challenge Program (similar to HB 1835)
- SB 5902 | Credit Flexibility
- HB 1676 | Tobacco and Vapor Product Tax
- HB 1759 | Secure Storage Info on School Websites
- HB 1800 | Increasing Access to Behavioral Health Services for Minors
- HB 1834 | Student Mental Health Absences
- HB 1941 | Active Shooter Drills
- HB 2039 | Vapor Products (companion bill SB 5768)
- HB 1699 | Educators Working in Retirement
- HB 1942 | Paraeducator Training
In this remote environment, it’s easy to share your voice in public hearings or via email. Learn more about testifying remotely. If there is a bill you are passionate about and you’re interested in testifying on behalf of AWSP, let me know.
Anyone can be an advocate! Our “Virtual Week on the Hill” will be next week, January 31–February 4, 2022. Send an email to your legislator or invite them to meet with you via Zoom so you can advocate on behalf of the principalship and the needs of your school.
Thank you for all that you are doing to support students and staff!