Everett Public Schools AP creates a hope-filled future for every student and adult.
OLYMPIA — Kristin Dickert, assistant principal at Mill Creek Elementary School in the Everett Public Schools, was named this year’s National Outstanding Assistant Principal from Washington. The National
Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP) recognizes one winner from each state every year. After reviewing nominations, Ms. Dickert was selected to represent Washington by the Association of Washington School Principals (AWSP).
Comfortable in her role as an assistant principal, Dickert embodies the ‘bloom where you are planted’ adage. "She effectively accomplishes all the essential duties of a strong instructional leader with grace and humor, and in every interaction
communicates her desire and vision for a better future for all,” said Mill Creek Principal Brenda Fuglevand about Dickert. “She maintains an artful balance of attention to high academic standards, respectful and personable interactions,
humor, positive presuppositions, and an unwavering focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion.”
Under her leadership, the schoolwide math program is creating extraordinary results. Looking at real-time diagnostic data in the fall to target students needing help, teams form within the school to develop support structures — which Dickert calls
‘First…Next…Then’ — for each student. Parents are taught strategies for home support. Data from this winter shows these programs are creating more than a year’s growth and closing learning gaps in many cases.
Dickert’s “each child is known well” mantra means every learner is respected, challenged appropriately, and served. She believes in bringing programs to students, not students to programs. Meeting students where they are and fulfilling
the needs of the individual is just one example of her equity leadership. Dickert’s partnership with the school PTA created a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee. The committee received a $1,000 grant to inform and educate the parent
and student community on various topics and themes. A focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion permeates all levels of her leadership and helps make the school a safe, welcoming, and thriving place for all.
With a strong focus on culture and community, Dickert’s empathy and wisdom create partnerships with parents instead of a one-way relationship. She teaches parents how to guide their children’s learning. Her weekly Friday Update newsletters
make sure every parent knows what’s happening in the school. Her more detailed Monthly Family Newsletter updates families on district initiatives, longer-term school programs, and other helpful information. Aside from
making her school a better place, Dickert is a sought-out mentor. Her guidance contributes to the success of many other assistant principals, expanding her impact even more.
National Outstanding Assistant Principal Program
year, NAESP recognizes a new class of National Outstanding Assistant Principals (NOAP). Public school elementary and middle-level assistant principals are nominated by peers in their state, and final selections are made by committees appointed by each
of NAESP’s state affiliate offices. There is no national winner at the elementary level.
Download the press release (PDF).
 | For More Information David Morrill | Communications & Technology Director | (800) 562-6100 |