Mishele Barnett, Communications & Digital Media Coordinator, AWSP
Dec 6, 2024
Recognizing special days and events is more than a celebration—it's an opportunity to build inclusivity, foster understanding, and highlight the values we want to promote within our school communities. Here’s a detailed list of December recognitions and holidays, along with ways to observe and celebrate them within schools
Dameon Brown, Professional Learning Coordinator, AWSP
Nov 8, 2024
As we approach Veterans Day, I find myself reflecting deeply on the meaning of service and the incredible parallels between the leadership experiences of veterans and school administrators. Having spent 23 years in the military, I understand that leadership is not just about rank, position, or power. It’s about service, sacrifice, and the steadfast commitment to a greater mission. Veterans serve our country with dedication, courage, and resilience, and in many ways, school administrators serve in much the same way—leading with heart and dedication in the battlefields of education.
With Black History Month here, you may ask, "What does this mean for me?" In our daily lives, many of us may not know how to best honor, acknowledge, or celebrate cultures, whether our own or somebody else's.
Julie Woods, Member and Community Relations Coordinator, AWSP
Jan 31, 2024
As we usher in February, we are thrilled to announce the launch of our Member Engagement Month – a month-long campaign dedicated to fostering connection, amplifying your voices, and providing you with exciting opportunities to shape the future of education for principals and assistant principals across the state.
At AWSP, we believe that an engaged and active membership is the heartbeat of our professional association. It is your passion, dedication, and insights that drive positive change in the educational landscape. That's why we're rolling out a series of initiatives, blog posts, and weekly emails throughout the month to help you make the most of your membership.
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