School Celebration Newsletter for November-December 2024

Cindy Sholtys-Cromwell, Principal, Kelso Virtual Academy, Kelso School District
Oct 28, 2024


Welcome to Fall

Happy Fall, friends! As you may know, I love to celebrate and show appreciation for the wonderful people in my life. I passionately believe in the importance of carrying a heart of gratitude and thanksgiving throughout the year. According to Dr. Tina Boogren, Solution Tree author and advocate for educator self-care, November and December mark the “Season of Disillusionment” for educators. In her book, “180 Days of Self-Care for Busy Educators”, Dr. Boogren explains the unique challenges of the school year’s second quarter. Around this time, we start feeling the weight of our endless to-do lists and commitments. Most of us struggle to find balance, take time for ourselves, and maintain a positive outlook each day. Does this sound familiar? (See—it’s not just you!)

Everyone feels the effects of this time of year. In this quarter’s edition, I’ll share strategies to help you survive the season and truly “thrive”! I believe in YOU, in the power of OUR work, and the incredible impact of public education. Know that I’m cheering for you! Don’t hesitate to reach out if there’s any way I can support you.

Have a fabulous rest of 2024. Be well.


Educator Wellness “The Season of Disillusionment”

The “Season of Disillusionment” is something that all educators experience to some degree. Dr. Tina Boogren describes this time as one when it becomes challenging to stay positive, and life often feels unbalanced. She encourages educators to commit to doing one small thing for themselves each week—something that truly fills your bucket. I’ve found that by organizing fun activities for my staff, I get a natural energy boost from their positivity, smiles, and excitement. Research clearly shows that when we help others fill their buckets, our own buckets are filled as well. (See below for some great celebration ideas for your staff.) Here are a few other ideas:

Focus on Relationships: During times of stress or feeling overwhelmed, it’s common to retreat or isolate ourselves. I encourage you not to do this! Instead, reach out to your support network. Schedule coffee, dessert, or a meal with a friend each week, and stick to that commitment. Having something fun to look forward to can make a huge difference. Every December, for example, my family hosts a simple dinner and gingerbread house decorating night with friends, filling our evening with laughter and good company.

Prioritize Gratitude: Another simple but powerful tool to help you through this season is practicing gratitude. Dr. Boogren, along with many researchers, has highlighted the benefits of gratitude and the positive impact it has on our well-being. Consider starting each day by identifying three things you’re grateful for, or end your day by sending a quick, handwritten note or text to someone you appreciate. Little, intentional gestures like these can have a big impact.

I encourage you to give these ideas a try this season!

A Few of Cindy's Favorite Days to Celebrate in November

November faves

November Days to Celebrate

November 1 Celebrates two awesome literacy days. It is not only National Authors’ Day but also National Family Literacy Day. There are so many ways to celebrate today with not only your staff but students and families. Have you thought about doing a bedtime story via Facebook? This might be a great time to try. How about ask staff who their favorite author is and display on a board? OR have staff choose a book from your library with their favorite author and put them on display for the week. Friday, November 1, is also Jersey Day!! What a fun Friday celebration to have your staff wear a favorite Jersey. Hmmmm, I wonder, should I go with the Red Sox, Celtics, Patriots, or Bruins? Actually, I might have multiple wardrobe changes on this day.

November 4 | National Candy Day | So many ideas for this one! Have a candy buffet for an afternoon snack. Provide a candy cart for staff to choose from with classroom delivery. Or here are a few of my favorites: purchase Swedish Fish and attach a card “You’re o’fish’ally amazing”. Rename Reese’s Pieces to “Recess Pieces” for your recess staff. Almond Joy with a note: “It’s a JOY to work with you.” 100 Grand: “You are worth so much more.” Look candy bar: “When I look up awesome, I see you.” A bowl of Smarties:“These are named after you.”

November 6 | National Stress Awareness Day | It is November and we are all under an intense amount of stress no matter the role in education. If your district has mental health support or assistance for staff this would be a day to remind staff of the resources available for them and their families, especially as the holidays approach, the winter weather starts, and fewer hours of sunlight are available. November 6 is also “National Nachos Day.” Chips, salsa, and cheese, anyone? You can also provide Nacho Lunchables as a mid-morning treat for staff.

November 8 | National STEM/STEAM Day | Celebrate your STEM and STEAM Programs today. Share job opportunities, programs, and famous individuals and their contribution to our world.

November 13 | National Hug A Musician Day | Provide your music teachers with a bag of Hersey Hugs to celebrate this special day and acknowledge their dedication is also “World Kindness Day.” This is a great day to encourage your students to do a random act of kindness for someone. Have them post their accomplishments using social media. Don’t forget to have participants use their school hashtag to promote school pride.

November 14 | Pickle Day | I just have to include this “unique” day as everyone (but me and the cats) in my home LOVE pickles. If you need to send a thank you card today, you could buy a small jar or pickles with a note that says, “Thank you for helping me out of a pickle.” I will actually be doing this for a few staff.

November 15 | National Clean Out Your Fridge Day | When was the last time your staff fridge was cleaned out? Use this day to encourage staff to throw out their expired treats.

November 20 | Future Teachers of America Day | A day to celebrate the greatest profession of all time. Ask staff to share why they became a teacher. You could make a video of the answers and share it with your families or play Guess Who at your next staff meeting.

November 21 | National Gingerbread Cookie Day and National Stuffing Day | Swing by the store and pick up some cookies or pick up boxes of Stove Top Stuffing. Include a note that says “I sure am thankful for all the ‘stuff’ you do every day to take care of our students. Happy National Stuffing Day”

Festivus for the Rest of Us

I’m a “huge” Seinfeld fan—evidenced by the fact that my cats have been named Jerry, Newman and George! So, the week before winter break, we celebrate “Festivus for the Rest of Us” with themed dress-up days and fun activities to help us all get through the wild ride. Each day features specific games and activities, with affordable prizes I stock up on during Black Friday sales. We always celebrate Feats of Strength and do a modified Airing of Grievances presentation with a bit of a spin. On the last day, we wrap things up with a fun round of trivia and prizes. A few dress-up ideas include Holiday Sweater Day, Sparkle & Jingle Day, Dress Like a Present, Holiday Hat Day, Hawaiian Holiday, Crazy Sock Day, Comfy Day, and Red/Green Day. One of our favorite games is “Find the Elf,” where I hide an elf around the school each day; staff can email me its location for a chance to win a prize. Another fun game is “Hungry Hippos” the staff version- with marshmallows and red solo cups. AND of course we have other games and activities set up each day.

The week leading up to break can be tough for both students and staff, so every chance we take to support each other helps everyone finish strong!

A Few of Cindy's Favorite Days in December

December faves

December Days to Celebrate

December 2 | National Mutt Day | Encourage staff to post and share pictures of their pets.

December 4 | National Cookie Day | This could be one of the easiest days to plan and one that would be guaranteed to be remembered. Pass out pre-made cookie dough to your staff. Let them know that you want to provide them with the opportunity to begin to make family memories this season.

December 9 | National Pastry Day | A quick trip to the bakery department will help you with this. Choose a variety of pastry treats available as you go throughout your school with a “treat wagon,” or this would be a great time to provide a dessert room delivery service for your staff. And as a bonus, Decemer 9 is also “Christmas Card Day." Provide each staff member with either a Christmas/holiday card from you or give them one to use that already has a stamp on the envelope for them to send. Another idea that I will be using this year is to have several Christmas cards out for my staff to sign to wish various district employees a Merry Christmas. (Food Service Supervisor, Transportation, Maintenance, Human Resources). Let us not forget about the people who do so much for our students and school.

December 12 | National Poinsettia Day | Purchase small poinsettias to decorate classrooms and office spaces. Need some team collaboration opportunities? Well, December 12 is also Gingerbread House Day! If you have a staff meeting, have a team competition, or leave a couple of kits out in the lunch room and encourage staff to build them. Have a competition between your different lunches.

December 16 | National Chocolate Covered Anything Day | You can rent a chocolate fountain and provide staff with a variety of treats to dip OR purchase a variety of chocolate covered items such as raisins, pretzels, almonds, doughnuts, cupcakes, brownies, ice cream, the list could go on and on. I CAN’T WAIT FOR THIS DAY.

December 19 | National Hard Candy Day | As staff leave for winter break give them a roll of Life Savers candies. Thank them for being a “Life Saver” during this ever-crazy season.

December 20 | Need a dress up day? December 20 is “National Ugly Christmas Sweater Day.”

photo of cindy Cromwell
Cindy Sholtys-Cromwell

Principal, Kelso Virtual Academy (K-12)
Kelso School District

Cindy has been a school administrator for 24 years. She is currently the principal of Kelso Virtual Academy within the Kelso School District in Kelso, Washington. Cindy has been recognized by the National Association of Secondary School Principals as the 2021 National Digital Principal of the Year and received the 2024 Annalee Braley Membership Award from the Association of Washington School Principals. In addition, she is a Solution Tree Associate in Self-Care for Educators. Cindy has two children and has been married to her husband, Leszek, for 25 years. Feel free to reach out to Cindy for ideas, support, or to share your insights. Find me @sholtys on X or

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