• Rep. Lisa Callan Wins AWSP’s 2020 Torch of Leadership Award

    by David Morrill | Aug 21, 2020

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                           

    August 18, 2020

    An advocate for strong communities, mental health, and equitable systems

    Rep. Lisa Callan

    OLYMPIA –– Each year, AWSP’s Advocacy Advisory Council has the opportunity to select a state-level public servant who has demonstrated support of principals and the principalship in the education of all students. For 2020, the Council selected Representative Lisa Callan as AWSP’s 2020 Torch of Leadership Award winner. Representative Callan is a Democrat representing the 5th legislative district, which includes Issaquah, North Bend, and the surrounding areas. 

    Prior to serving in the Legislature, Representative Callan worked as a Boeing engineer and project manager and in software development consulting. She is a former Issaquah School District School Board member and was actively involved with her son’s PTSA. 

    Representative Callan serves on the House Education Committee and is Vice-Chair of both the House Capital Budget Committee and the House Human Services & Early Learning Committee. She is also a member of the Office of Homeless Youth Advisory Committee and the Early Learning Advisory Council. 

    She is hoping to assume the role of co-chair for the Children and Youth Behavioral Health Work Group (CYBHWG) this fall and successfully ran the authorizing bill for this group (2SHB 2737) in the last legislative session. This bill continues years of work by the Children’s Mental Health Work Group. It also establishes an advisory group focused on school-based behavioral health and suicide prevention to advise the CYBHWG on creating and maintaining an integrated system of care through a tiered support framework for K-12 school systems. 

    Representative Callan also sponsored ESHB 2116, which established a task force on Improving Institutional Education Programs and Outcomes. She leads this work as well.

    In her work as a legislator, she demonstrates incredible systems-level thinking in her approach to mental health needs for children. Representative Callan puts the needs of students first in her work as a policymaker and she communicates well with stakeholders as she makes decisions. She is committed to building strong communities and an education system that equitably supports each and every child. 

    In her own words, she writes, “I am a big believer in making sure our principals and teachers and all education staff have the tools and systems they need to meet every child where they are, meeting their learning and social-emotional needs, so each and every student has their very best chance to thrive.”                            


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  • AWSP News for August 21, 2020

    by Xenia Doualle | Aug 21, 2020

    In this episode of AWSP News, we discuss:

    • one of the strangest experiences in education history ever,
    • our brand new membership portal,
    • virtual school-wide programs for your school,
    • our ASB Practices in a Virtual World,
    • a survey about the realities of principaling during COVID,
    • our SMART START professional learning series,
    • the AWSP Leadership Framework Version 3.0,
    • the Inclusionary Practices Project 2020–21 Grant Funding Application,
    • our 2020 Torch of Leadership Award Winner Representative Lisa Callan, and
    • our Save Cispus Campaign.

    Prefer to read the news? Check out the script.

  • School Celebration Newsletter | August Edition

    by Xenia Doualle | Jul 31, 2020

    This comes to us from Cindy Cromwell, a principal in the Kelso School District. If you registered for our Virtual Summer Conference, be sure to watch her course, A Commitment to Supporting the "Whole" Staff on our learning management system.

    August Days of Celebrations 

    Here are some fun days in August and ways to use them with your students, staff, and families.

    August 1: National Spider Man Day – Have staff or students post their favorite Super Hero on your school's social media account--bonus points for dressing up.

    August 2: National Ice Cream Sandwich Day – For those of you having virtual staff meetings have each staff member enjoy their favorite ice cream dessert during the meeting no matter what time of day!

    August 3: National Watermelon Day – Have you ever had a watermelon seed spitting competition? Who can spit the seed the farthest? Or use social media and ask your students/staff the best way to eat a watermelon....cubes, triangles, or do you just attack it by cutting it in half and grabbing a spoon? Prefer to add salt or just plain?

    August 4: National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day – Encourage your families to make cookies today and share pictures of the end result with you. Combine the pictures into a collage and put it on your school's website.

    August 6: National Root Beer Float Day – Make it a mid-afternoon staff snack.

    August 9: National Book Lover's Day – Ask staff to share on social media a selfie reading a favorite book in a favorite place. Let's encourage our students to read by modeling!! Or make a collage of the top books checked out of your school library last year.

    August 15: National Relaxation Day – Encourage your staff to participate in this very important day before the students show up (in whatever capacity). Make sure YOU are participating also!!

    August 16: National Tell A Joke Day – Choose a fun joke and send a video out to your staff or families to join you in celebrating this great day. We all could use a giggle in mid-August!

    August 19: National Potato Day – Bring potato chips to work today and provide as an afternoon snack for your staff or have a baked potato luncheon--everyone can bring their own favorite topping to individualize their potato.

    August 25: National Banana Split Day – Its a dessert kinda day.

    August 26: National Dog Day – Everyone shares pictures of their favorite four-legged canine.

    August 31: National Trail Mix Day – You could easily go to Costco or the local grocery store and pick up individual trail mix bags to pass out to your staff. Add a note that says "Where ever this trail takes us we are in it together"

    Cindy has over 20 years of administrative experience. She is currently the Alternative Learning Education Administrator for the Kelso School District where she serves as the principal of Loowit High School and the Kelso Virtual Academy. Cindy has two teenagers and has been married for 21 years to her husband Leszek. Follow her on Twitter at @sholtys.

  • OSPI School Safety Tips for August

    by Xenia Doualle | Jul 31, 2020

    Safety blog 

    The 5th Annual School Safety Summit was held on June 12 of this year. Annual Summits are designed to be participatory. Over the years, we have had targeted presentations on specific funding issues, safety topics, and studies mandated by the legislature. Some excellent recommendations have come out of the Summits, and some notable legislation has been proposed – and passed.

    This year, the plan for the Summit included walking participants through an abbreviated Table Top Exercise (TTX) centered on a specific threat or hazard incident. The intent was to “experience” the incident, injects and all, and discuss it. With this year’s limited Summit time, virtual meeting space, and our ongoing COVID experience, we opted to use our collective and individual COVID pandemic experiences as the TTX incident. We did, however, consider the 5 PPD–8 mission areas applied specifically to before, during and after pandemic activities.

    As you prepare for the coming new school year, you are invited to do the same with your staffs:

    • Think back to the time just before and just after the winter break last December/January.
    • Revisit your existing comprehensive school safety (EOP) plan.
    • Walk through the discussion starter questions listed below with your school teams:

    Before the Pandemic: (Prevention-Mitigation-Protection)
    • Did you have a comprehensive school safety plan?
    • Did you included a possible pandemic in your plan?
    • What policies and procedures did you have in place?
    • What resources did you have available – physical, medical, human capitol, educational?
    • Did you have a continuity of operations plan (COOP) in place?
    • Were all students and student needs considered?

    During the Pandemic: (Mitigation-Protection-Response)

    • How are you?
    • What essential functions have been disrupted over this COVID period?
    • How are you accommodating the disruption of essential functions?
    • What resources are you currently drawing on?
    • What has worked well/What are the current greatest needs of staff, students, administration – and families?
    • Are all students and student needs being addressed? Adequately?
    • Are you documenting “things” – experiences, new learnings, major challenges, etc?
    • What can you take forward into the future?

    Moving Forward: (Response-Recovery)

    • What needs do you anticipate for / from your staff, students, and families?
    • What worked well during the pandemic?
    • What do you need to consider as you move forward?
    • Who will you partner with? (1st Responders? Community organizations? Others)
    • How will you accomplish this?
    • What will you carry forward from this current experience?
    • What will you most likely need by way of training(s)?
    • Do you have the resources to meet your (newly realized) needs?
    • What else will you need? From the state, from your ESD, from your community partners? From your families?


    • What will you do to revise your old comprehensive safety plan?
    • How will you plan for the Next Big Thing?
    Thank you for all that you are doing to keep our students and staffs safe. Remember: Stay healthy and strong yourself.

    REGISTER EARLY for the 2020 GREAT WA SHAKEOUT @ 10:15 

  • UPCOMING WEBINAR | Planning for the Next Normal at School

    by David Morrill | Jul 20, 2020

    Health & Safety blog

    Key starter plays for prioritizing health when schools reopen

    To assist school and district leaders with specific, evidence-informed guidance and operating procedures for keeping school communities healthy during school reopenings, a number of nationally recognized and trusted school health organizations have come together to develop a playbook for school reopening — “Planning for the Next Normal at School: Keeping students, staff, and families safe and healthy.”

    Join Kaiser Permanente of Washington on Wednesday, July 22 at 12:30 p.m. PT / 3:30 p.m. ET for a 1-hour, live session as we take a deep dive into all five chapters of the playbook: COVID-19 prevention, Mental Health & Well-Being, Social Drivers of Health, Physical Education and Physical Activity, and Teacher and Staff Well-Being. 

    Hear from the experts and explore how you can use it to guide your school reopening plans.

    Register HERE.

    NOTE: A previous recorded webinar exploring the first chapter of the playbook — Mental Health & Well-Being — is now available to listen to. 

  • Office Closure for July 1 to July 7

    by David Morrill | Jul 01, 2020
    out of office written on blackboard


    After a crazy sprint to wrap up the school year amidst all the change due to COVID-19, including putting on our first-ever virtual conference, we're going to shut our doors for a few days to relax, recharge, and rest up. Some of us will still be checking email periodically, but we'll be officially closed until Wednesday, July 8th. In the meantime, you can email each of us or our webmaster account and we'll get back to you as quickly as we can. 

    We hope you take our advice and take some time for yourself now too. You've earned it. 

  • OSPI School Safety Tips for July

    by Xenia Doualle | Jun 26, 2020

    Safety blog

    How about a fun, rewarding safety activity for students this summer?

    Washington Operation Lifesaver (WAOL) is a non-profit organization consisting of public and private entities whose purpose is to educate the public about safe practices at highway-rail grade crossings and other locations along railroad tracks. 

    With the official beginning of summer and increased outdoor activities, WAOL wants to raise awareness about rail safety with students and their families. 

    WAOL is hosting a poster drawing contest for students entering Kindergarten to 5th grade this Fall. Students are invited to create a poster sharing their ideas for being safe around railroad crossings and railroad tracks. Entries will be sorted into divisions by grade level, and Amazon gift cards will be awarded for the top artists in each division. Students can check out the www.OLI.org website for ideas.

    • Who can enter:  Children in grades Kindergarten through 5th grade.  
    • What can you enter:  One poster no larger than 20 x 20 inches. 
    • What materials can be used:  Pencils, markers, paint, watercolors, pastels, or crayons  on construction paper or poster board. 
    • What are the age divisions:  Division A, K – 1st grade; Division B,  2nd – 3rd grade; Division C, 4th – 5th grade.
    • What are the Prizes (Amazon gift cards) will be awarded in all divisions: First place:  $75, Second place:  $50, Third place:  $25!
    • Deadline - Submit your entry by Aug 30, 2020

    To submit an entry, take a photo of your poster and entry form and submit both to washington@oli.orgIf your poster is awarded a prize, WAOL will provide a mailing tube for you to mail your poster to us at Washington Operation Lifesaver, PO Box 47250 Olympia, WA 98504-7250

    Again, for all the details, click on this link

    Finally, for teachers, Pre-K-12, there are lots of additional safety materials linked here.

  • AWSP News for June 26, 2020

    by Xenia Doualle | Jun 26, 2020

    In this episode of AWSP News, we discuss:

    • one of the craziest school years ever and the impact of your incredible leadership,
    • OSPI’s weekly updates,
    • our virtual Summer Conference,
    • learning opportunities for all members,
    • AWSL’s Summer Leadership Days,
    • our AWSL Fall Conference,
    • our Learning Centers now open for business,
    • our online change of status form,
    • and nominating a fellow colleague for Principal and/or Assistant Principal of the Year.

    Prefer to read the news? Check out the script.

  • AWSP News for June 19, 2020

    by Xenia Doualle | Jun 19, 2020

    In this episode of episode of AWSP News, we discuss:

    • focusing on what is within the realm of your responsibilities,
    • what school will look like next Fall,
    • our AWSP/WASA Summer Conference,
    • the Center for Strengthening the Teaching Profession (CSTP),
    • TikTok and a number of enhancements to safety policies,
    • AWSL bringing our leader development programs to your campus,
    • our AWSL Fall Conference,
    • Juneteenth and the significance of this date in history for african americans in our country,
    • and your self-care as a top priority.

    Prefer to read the news? Check out the script.

  • TikTok Tips for Online Safety

    by Caroline Brumfield | Jun 18, 2020


    As we shelter in place during the COVID-19 pandemic, educators, students and families are turning to internet platforms to educate, stay entertained, informed and connected. Social media apps are seeing usage explode, especially among teens, as people post educational, creative and engaging videos they are producing from their homes.

    There are concerns for the privacy and protection of younger users on social media apps. There are too many bad actors trying to take advantage of children through digital interactions.

    One popular app, TikTok, recently launched a number of enhancements to safety policies, controls, and educational resources that will help keep kids safe. The National PTA -- along with the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, Family Online Safety Institute and ConnectSafely -- are partnering with TikTok to help inform parents of the new parental controls, like its Family Pairing feature, which gives parents the ability to guide their child's online experience while also educating them about online safety and digital citizenship.

    In addition to Family Pairing, TikTok also offers educational safety videos and parental guides, like its Top Ten Tips for Parents. The app also features a code of conduct outlined in its Community Guidelines to help educators, parents and kids understand what responsible community behavior looks like, how to identify and report content that may be in violation, and what it means to be positive digital community members.

    We wanted to share this information to help protect the welfare of children and youth in the home, school and community.  Taking advantage of this opportunity to help keep kids safe at home, especially now when they are spending so much time on social media apps.

    Guides to TikTok

    National PTA has partnered with TikTok itself to create TikTok Tips for Parents, and Common Sense Media has created the Parents’ Ultimate Guide to TikTok (also available in Spanish).

    TikTok Tips for Parents

    National PTA partnered with TikTok to create this guide for parents. At its most simple level, TikTok is a platform for creating short videos, much like the now-defunct Vine. The guide covers:

    • What is TikTok?
    • TikTok Terms
    • How to manage connections, including private vs. public accounts and blocking users
    • How content can be restricted
    • A digital well-being checklist

    The TikTok terms section provides a useful guide for parents about the unique language of TikTok (e.g., Duets) and the how-to sections clearly walk parents through how to protect their child’s account, who they can connect with, and what they can see on the platform.

    Parents’ Ultimate Guide to TikTok

    Much like the National PTA guide, the Common Sense Media guide covers the basics of the platform and answers questions parents might have about TikTok. There is a little overlap with the National PTA guide, but it also covers questions not included in the other guide. Questions addressed in the Common Sense Media guide are:

    • What is TikTok?
    • How safe is TikTok?
    • How does TikTok work?
    • Is TikTok appropriate for kids?
    • What age is TikTok recommended for?
    • How can you make your TikTok account private?
    • How do I delete a TikTok video?
    • How can I delete a TikTok account?
    • How can I use TikTok with my kids?
    • How do you do a duet on TikTok?
    • What are TikTok Challenges?
    • Does TikTok have parental controls?
    • How can I monitor my kid’s activity on TikTok?
    • What if my kid wants to get famous on TikTok?

    Both guides can help educators and parents understand TikTok and how to keep their child safe on the platform. Educators and parents may also want to include National PTA’s The Smart Talk as part of their conversation about TikTok as a way of developing family rules for online behavior and technology use tailored to their family’s values and their child’s needs.

    For more resources about online safety, check out all of the Ultimate Guides at Common Sense Media.

  • AWSP News for June 12, 2020

    by Xenia Doualle | Jun 12, 2020

    In this edition of AWSP News, we discuss:

    • the OSPI Reopening Washington Schools 2020 Guidance,
    • the University of Washington’s SMART Center “Hope and Cope” event,
    • the Jostens Renaissance Virtual Conference,
    • the AWSP/WASA Virtual Summer Conference,
    • the AWSL camp staff coming to your campus this summer,
    • resources for your equity journey,
    • Microsoft US Education’s incredible resources,
    • our online change of status form, and
    • a specific challenge issued by OSPI Superintendent Chris Reykdal.

    Prefer to read the news? Check out the script.

  • Final Grades and Incompletes: A Resource for Doing No Harm

    by David Morrill | Jun 11, 2020
    partially painted wall

    The use of “Incomplete” (INC) is a complicated aspect of grading during the COVID–19 shutdown. It should be used only with caution, compassion, and tight parameters to avoid doing harm to students, families, and the system.

    If your district authorized the use of INCs (some did not), the following four questions are important to consider:

    • Why?
    • Who?
    • Which?
    • How?

    Why use INCs?

    Are we using them as a measure of compliance or content?

    Using grades or INCs as a mechanism of compliance (carrot/stick) or a barometer of “engagement” is a misuse of an instructional tool. 

    Research shows grades [when used for compliance] are associated with decreased motivation and lower achievement (Butler & Nisan). Not convinced yet? Read this EdSurge article recently shared by NAESP exploring intrinsic motivation versus traditional grading. 

    Are we using INCs - during a pandemic - because the missed content is interesting and relevant to students and absolutely critical to their future?

    So here's my challenge to you as you think about grading: are you using them for compliance or for content?

    Who should receive INCs?

    Physical isolation complicates communication. Gaining a deep understanding of the unique and severe hardships students and families are experiencing is more difficult than ever. Thousands of students are facing very real challenges (anxiety, fear, food insecurity, and housing instability), many for the first time in their lives. And they are doing it without the safety net of school, teachers, or friends. As Sim Kern stated, “grading during the pandemic is grading privilege”. So, getting proximal to the pain of students and families is critical in order to wisely and compassionately answer the who question.

    Examples from stories relayed to me.

    A middle school teacher and parent of a sophomore asked her daughter:

    “If we did A/INC for grades, don’t you think you and your friends wouldn’t try as hard?”

    Her daughter, the sophomore, responded:

    “Mom, I woke up for the last three nights, in the middle of the night, literally panicking about grades, school assignments and all of the confusing things the teachers are having us do online right now. If I didn’t have to worry about grades and could just focus on learning, that would be soooo amazing! You know I want to be a medical doctor when I’m older…so I would still study and work hard to learn. My friends would too. But, without the stress of grades, especially right now, I would be able to learn so much better because I would be getting a lot more sleep.”

    Another parent shared their thoughts with one of their daughter's high school teachers:

    As with many students, particularly those situated much farther from the opportunities we are able to provide our daughter, learning online has been a struggle for her. Despite having access to two parents working from home and, more recently, a tutor, it has been quite difficult for her to keep up with several different platforms, changing standards and evolving expectations for engagement and homework. The lack of direct instruction, remediation, 504 accommodations, in-person support, and peer-to-peer interaction have layered on many challenges. Most concerning to us is that it has impacted her love of learning. So, while we will maintain high expectations and will continue to support, encourage, and motivate her to remain engaged in distance learning, we must create a balance for her and for our household. With this in mind, we will be modifying her workload.

    Who should be assigned an Incomplete?

    Currently, there are poverty-line, single, high school teen-moms with no childcare or wifi. Despite a safety-net (school) being shut-down, these students are learning important life-lessons as full-time parents; keeping their babies safe and healthy. They are showing tremendous resilience and grit.

    Thousands of middle-class families cannot make ends meet. Rather than “doing school”, many of their children are working, full-time, risking their health, at minimum wage jobs.

    I know of undocumented parents who keep their home-electricity off to avoid I.C.E. Their high-school children, who are citizens, cannot engage in distance learning while the family focuses on avoiding being separated by deportation.

    There are families who own restaurants. With all employees laid off, their high school students are risking their health; providing take-out and delivery-service to put food on the table. They have no time or energy for distance learning.

    “My mom’s a medical doctor. My dad’s home on quarantine. During the day, I’m responsible for my brother. He’s seven and on the spectrum. I was getting all As, but online learning is confusing, and teachers aren’t allowed to call students on the phone. My math and science classes are now the Khan Academy and teachers are giving grades based on “engagement”. I want to learn, but it is difficult because I have serious anxiety about my parents and my little brother. A family member passed away, I miss my friends and I just can’t do school right now."

    Getting proximal to the pain of students and families helps us pause before deciding to give Incompletes. If you decide that Incompletes are not an effective learning tool during a pandemic shut-down, answering the following “which” questions is the next step:


    • …letter-grade would be equitable and fair to each and every child facing difficulty “doing school”? The grade of “D”?

    • …letter-grade presumes all students are capable of excellence? The grade of “C”?

    • …letter-grade shows we believe each and every child has the capacity to achieve at the highest levels? The grade of “B”?

    • …letter-grade Does No Harm to GPAs and self-esteem? The grade of “A”.

    These are critical questions to answer as we determine the use of INCs and in order to move towards student-centered assessment.

    Perhaps the most surprising aspect of student-centered assessment is that it is motivating. Many people associate being evaluated with mild-to-moderate anxiety, not motivation. Student-centered assessment promotes learning and growth by providing useful feedback to the students, their teachers, and others about what the students need in order to progress toward the learning target. (Andrade, 2013)

    When thinking about your why for giving Incompletes or who, if anyone, will benefit from an Incomplete, please also consider how the process will unfold:

    • How will we inform students and parents about INCs?
    • How will we provide language interpretation or supports for students with no wifi or a stable address?
    • How will we notify parents when a student is nearing an Incomplete?
    • How will we establish and communicate all timelines?
    • How will we provide for an appeals process for INCs?
    • How many students and families will serve on the appeals panels?
    • How will we adjust and provide remediation if we are still teaching remotely in the fall?

    As we proceed, let’s take a collective deep breath and ensure we do no harm in the present. Let’s avoid getting bogged down in the grading-during-a-pandemic question in order to create the bandwidth needed for everyone to focus on the future of school. Let’s ensure our decisions move past the problematic nature of pre-COVID grading. We have an opportunity to push the system towards evidence-based, student-centered, assessment practices, and creative ideas for returning to school in the fall.

    Lastly - after another deep breath - let’s remember we’re in a global pandemic. Give grace to our students and their families. Let’s stay compassionate and presume they are doing their best during a very difficult time. Give yourself and your colleagues time to think carefully about the why, who, and which questions. It will save you time and resources trying to figure out the how. It will also allow us to look back on this time with confidence knowing we will be remembered for doing no harm.

    “I hope every educator who was hesitant before can acknowledge now that grades are weapons of mass inequity. -Xian Frazinger Barrett, Award-winning Chicago Public Schools teacher.
  • There Must Be Space for Face-to-Face

    by Scott Seaman | Jun 05, 2020
    image of Guy Kovacs and students

    If you are from the world of education, then you’ll understand what I’m saying about the feeling of going to the grocery store. It’s not just a grocery trip, it’s a school event. You don’t just waltz in, grab some things, and pop out. You also don’t go in wearing your favorite beer shirt and worst pair of pants.

    No, going to the grocery store as an educator means a 100% guarantee you will see and have conversations with students and parents. It’s guaranteed...even if you try to drive to another town. They’ll be there too. And, the longer you teach or principal, then the likelihood of interfacing only grows exponentially over time. 

    This isn’t a complaint, but rather one of the many realities you face in the amazing profession we call public education. But here’s the wrinkle. As you turn down the chip aisle and inevitably make eye contact with a student, group of students, and/or a family, there is one single factor that determines the type of interaction that is about to occur in front of the Juanitas –  relationships. You either did or didn’t have a relationship with the student or students. They are either excited to see you or the entire interaction is awkward because you don’t know their name(s) and there wasn’t a relationship. Either way, they are always surprised you have a life outside of school and actually buy groceries.

    This begs the question, how do these grocery store relationships begin and develop? What makes them sustain throughout the year? What makes them last over the course of time and distance? And most importantly, what did the adult do to engage the student in relationship building in the very beginning? 

    I recently caught up with a long time teacher friend. He’s a 30 year veteran US History teacher with a reputation of incredible relationships with kids. He blends humor, goofiness, and authentic relationships with high expectations and critical thinking. He can open the eyes of students to the complexity of the Civil War while at the same time challenge their knowledge of Sponge Bob. Kids love him. And his grocery store trips are more like a walk down the red carpet. 

    During our conversation, I asked him his feelings about some of the scenarios being discussed regarding the opening of schools in the fall. As much as we joke and laugh in our normal conversations, his mood completely turned serious. He said, “We can’t continue this distance learning stuff. It’s not working.”

    For how complex his thinking is when pushing kids to dive deeper into content, his rationale for this statement was very simple. To teach kids, you must have relationships. Period. Relationships take time, daily interactions, and most importantly, being in the same physical space. He went on to say, “Distance learning makes maintaining relationships extremely difficult. But, I can’t even imagine starting the school year next year with a new group of students and trying to connect with them virtually.” His final comment is what I have burned into my memory banks, “Scott, you know me. Distance learning makes it hard for me to do the two things that I do best, 1) I know my stuff (he used a different word), and 2) I know how to build relationships with kids.”

    It’s pretty simple and not a secret. Great educators know this. You can’t get into their minds unless you win their hearts first. Hearts first, minds second. Relationships first, content second. Trust first, risk-taking second.

    As we look to the fall and the various statewide workgroups and district committees examining our potential structures for opening school, can we please remember to create space for face to face? Can we rethink our system and find a way to safely have adults establish some “face-to-face” relationships with students before banishing everyone behind a computer screen? 

    Teachers, building leaders, and the rest of the school staffulty do so much more than “educate” our students. We are big brothers and sisters, surrogate parents, counselors, coaches, therapists, advocates, first-responders, and beacons of hope. Most of this happens in the brick and mortar space of the school. We must fight to make sure our students can safely come back to these spaces in the fall. The social, emotional, and mental health of our students depends on it. 

    I’ve been “out of the building” now as a recovering high school principal for about seven years. My trips to the grocery store are still filled with high fives and hellos from kids and families. As a principal, I always prioritized relationships above all else, and the evidence of that can be found in any aisle of the grocery store to this day. There is no way those relationships would have happened with sixteen little video squares on a computer screen. No way.

    *Disclaimer, I know we have strong virtual-school systems out there that work great for both kids and adults. This blog is about what the rest of the students need.

  • AWSP News for June 5, 2020

    by Xenia Doualle | Jun 05, 2020

    In this episode of AWSP News, we discuss:

    • our statement on the tragic death of George Floyd and our continued commitment to lead an equitable and bright future,
    • new guidance coming soon from the Department of Health and OSPI,
    • the “Stay Safe, Stay Healthy, Stay Vaccinated” campaign,
    • a statewide survey to collect student voice and perceptions about distance learning,
    • a shout out to the Elementary GLLC,
    • the 2020 AWSP/WASA Virtual Summer Conference and a message from Joe Sanfelippo,
    • our Friday morning Coffee Chats,
    • our online change of status form, and
    • a Why Try Webinar.

    Prefer to read the news? Check out the script.

  • Free Mentoring for Your Students From Ivy League College Students

    by David Morrill | Jun 04, 2020
    coveducation header image


    The COVID–19 shutdown unexpectedly sent thousands of university students home and left them disappointed and uncertain about their future. However, many of them knew they could rely on support networks to help them continue their coursework online. They also knew many K–12 students across the nation would struggle to maintain academic support networks and succeed with the limited supports being provided by their school district, so a group of Ivy Leaguers decided to create a free, online tutoring service. This is how CovEd was founded.

    With an understanding that many students face financial and logistical challenges, in addition to potential academic setbacks caused by school closures, several students from Harvard and MIT came together to create a matching platform to connect undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate mentors with K–12 students across the nation affected by school closures.

    Inspired by community-based initiatives to support first-generation, low-income college students, the platform blossomed into what is now CovEducation (CovEd).

    An initiative responding to the COVID–19 crisis, CovEd’s mission is to promote greater access to educational materials and support networks for K–12 students. Their vision is to encourage and empower students who are currently struggling with classes during the COVID–19 crisis by connecting them with mentors for virtual tutoring as well as career-oriented mentorship. A secondary goal is to minimize the extra work placed on teachers because of the transition to online classes.

    How does CovEd work? Here are answers to some of the most common questions.

    Is this service free?
    Yes. This service is completely free. All of the 2,000+ CovEd mentors are volunteers.

    How is CovEd addressing student safety?
    Student safety is a priority and is based on parents’ expectations and standards. CovEd guidelines during mentoring sessions include (but are not limited to):

    • Receiving consent from the mentee’s parent or legal guardian.
    • Having a parent or guardian present during the lessons.
    • Having mentors document the lessons.
    • Requiring a “no social media contact with mentees” policy.

    NOTE: Parents should understand that CovEd is a volunteer service and not a business. CovEd is not an employer and, other than a mechanism to verify mentors are university students, they are unable to conduct safety-background checks or monitor tutoring sessions in real-time. Parents are responsible for their child’s safety and must ultimately decide if they are comfortable with having their child interact with a CovEd mentor.

    For further information please check the CovEd Privacy Policy and Mentor Guidelines.

    Who is eligible to be mentored?
    All K–12 students in the US who are currently struggling with classes are eligible to be matched with an undergraduate or postgraduate mentor for personalized mentorship and academic support. CovEd is especially committed to supporting underprivileged students. For students under the age of 18, they require a parent or guardian be present during all mentoring sessions.

    What services are available?
    Mentors provide tutoring services for K–12 school subjects, including many Honors and AP classes. Additionally, some mentors are willing to help with college preparation, such as standardized testing (SAT, ACT, AP, etc.).

    How does mentoring work?
    Mentoring sessions will be conducted online via video chat. They suggest using Skype, Google Hangouts, or Zoom, although the decision is up to the parent or guardian, student, and mentor.

    What if students do not have access to Wi-Fi?
    According to CovEd, “Spectrum” is providing free Wi-Fi services for students during the school shutdown. Their number is 1–844–488–8398. Mentoring lessons can also be held via phone call.

    How does the matching process work?
    After filling out the registration form and verifying emails, parents/guardians will be able to access their ‘Find a Mentor’ page to find a mentor for their child.

    What if a family has multiple students and wants to request more than one mentor?
    Parents/guardians are able to request a maximum of one mentor per student.

    How many hours a week do mentors and mentees meet?
    CovEd suggests students and mentors meet 1–2 hours a week depending on the student’s needs and mentors’ availability.

    Can CovEd help English language learning students?
    CovEd has mentors that are fluent in various languages. They are working on translating all flyers and publicity materials into different languages to reach students regardless of their first language.

    Is there any way for educators to get involved?
    One of CovEd’s goals is to ensure all students have access to various resources that help stimulate educational growth. Crowd-sourced resources can be submitted on their homepage. They are hoping to curate the best resources for all students.

    While not an affiliate, partner, or sponsor of CovEd, AWSP is always interested in sharing information about educational supports with an equity-centered and innovative mission to serve each and every student. To that end, we encourage you to look into CovEd, vet it for yourself, and consider how it might benefit your students and community.

    There are inequalities present in the education system that the COVID–19 crisis has shed light on. The innovative and passionate founders of CovEd are being the change they want to see in the world. They envision an even larger movement to address inequalities while providing immediate support to students.

    Ultimately, AWSP loves to see passionate, thoughtful volunteers coming together to dedicate time and energy towards helping students continue their education during the pandemic…especially those students who are situated furthest from opportunity.

    Email me or CovED if you have questions.

  • Virtual Graduation Questions? Microsoft Might Have Your Answers.

    by David Morrill | Jun 02, 2020
    Virtual grad toolkit image


    With a little creativity and the right tools, there are ways to celebrate graduations safely this year and make positive memories for all. You're invited to join Microsoft live this Friday at 11 a.m. where they will share how you can create an engaging and rewarding virtual graduation experience for students, families, and educators alike. Use this link to access the conversation live via Microsoft Teams. 

  • AWSP's Racial Equity Statement

    by David Morrill | Jun 02, 2020


    To our leaders of color, we see you and we hear you. We march right alongside you. 

    To our white leaders, we need you now more than ever. There is a lot of work to do.  

    We have all witnessed the demonstrations and protests happening across our nation due to the killing of George Floyd.  It didn’t start with George. Sean Bell. Eric Garner. Alton Sterling.  Michael Brown. Breonna Taylor. Ahmaud Arbery. These names represent just a small number of the of black men and women who lost their lives through unjust acts of violence. Their deaths represent a larger system of deep structural racism people of color face in our country. 

    Some might say we’ve come a long way as educational organizations, stakeholder groups, schools, districts, and higher education spent the last few years talking about and addressing systems of inequity. That progress is only the tip of the iceberg. We will never be able to rest on this pursuit until access, opportunities, expectations, and outcomes can no longer be predicted by the color of one’s skin. We can’t rest until we’ve equipped new generations and addressed the biases of older generations so there is never another horrific example like George Floyd.

    His death was tragic and uncalled for. There is no other description. If you try to rationalize it, you are part of the problem. Mr. Floyd’s death, unfortunately, serves as yet another example of the deeply rooted and perpetuated racist systems in our society. This is where reading becomes uncomfortable, not because we are blaming anyone, but rather because we are acknowledging the fact racist and historically inequitable systems are still alive and well in our society. His final and forever words, “I can’t breathe” are really symbolic of an entire life of fighting to breathe in a system designed to make breathing a constant and often impossible battle. 

    We must recognize we can’t truly understand what it is like to live, work, and lead as a person of color in our society. We must recognize we cannot make excuses for not entering into tough, uncomfortable conversations about race and privilege. We must recognize the entire P-16 educational system was built on a foundation of inequity and that we, not you, must take the lead in its reconstruction. We must recognize to simply sit in silence as a show of support is no support at all.

    That’s where we come in. Let’s not let yet another death be in vain. Let’s not have it just be added to an already long list of black lives lost. Let’s turn pain and anger into action. It will take the collective and collaborative efforts of leaders across all sectors to continue to identify and dismantle these inequitable systems, while simultaneously coming together to rebuild our preferred, united, and equitable future. It requires the educators within these systems to examine our own biases and understand there is no destination in this journey, no point in which learning should stop.

    That learning starts right here with us at AWSP. We are learning right alongside you as society tackles these tough questions and issues. And frankly, our learning curve was much needed and long overdue. Several years ago, the Association of Washington School Principals went through a transformation thanks to an extensive strategic planning and reflective process. In addition to the discovery of our complicit nature in perpetuating historically inequitable systems, both internally and externally, we were awakened to a clear purpose of our existence. We moved away from disjointed and unaligned goals to two very succinct goal statements, 100% focused on leading equity in our state. 

    Goal 1: Identify and dismantle historically inequitable and deeply entrenched systems in our state by equipping school leaders with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to lead equity in their respective contexts.

    Goal 2: Support the sustainability and effectiveness of school leaders in order to reduce the negative consequences related to constant turnover, specifically in the schools where leadership is needed most.

    The goals, although simply stated, serve as the foundation of all of our work at AWSP. That means, as a primarily white organization, serving a population of school leaders who still don’t match the color of their students, we must stop at nothing in the pursuit of our mission, vision, and goals. We must start with ourselves. We must see ourselves as part of the problem and part of the solution. We must learn how to have tough ongoing conversations about our own backgrounds and experiences that define those of us who work at AWSP. We must examine, dismantle, and rebuild our own internal systems and structures in order to better match our actions to our goals. And, we must recognize and acknowledge it is messy, ongoing, and urgent work without end.

    As we continue to learn and grow internally as your principal’s association, we will also be relentless in our push on external systems and structures. We will continue to lead and engage our partners in reimagining our P-16 educational system. This isn’t up to our leaders of color because they understand. This is up to white leaders sitting in positions of power. AWSP is an organization with power, privilege, and access. It’s our paramount duty to use this power to make a difference, not only in the education space, but in society as a whole. We must take a stand, fight for justice, fight for our future, and truly build a system where hope exists for all kids, not just for those who come from a system designed by and for them.

    Once more to our leaders of color, we thank you for your leadership. We thank you for your example. We thank you for your sacrifice, persistence, and perseverance. We see you and your leadership. We are with you in this all-important call to action.

  • AWSP Coffee Chat

    by Xenia Doualle | May 29, 2020
    AWSP Coffee Chat Fridays at 7 am

    Come join us for our virtual coffee chat. Every Friday, at least for the foreseeable future, we'll be hanging out in Zoom. We'll start by providing new updates, we'll answer questions, and then we'll turn it over to you to share stories, successes, challenges, and learn from each other. We hope to see you there. 

    Join Our Zoom Meeting


    Meeting ID: 741 660 225

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    Meeting ID: 741 660 225
    Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/abHNXokG1L
  • Creating Schedules at Home

    by David Morrill | May 29, 2020
    photo of calendar on a tablet

    During this “Stay Home, Stay Safe” period of time, we can all benefit from a little structure. At our recent spring AWSP board meeting, we discussed providing additional resources for families. Here is a resource the principals at the Washington Virtual Academy (WAVA) shared with us to help students in grades K-12 and their families create schedules to manage their time.

    This document includes examples of different schedules. The introduction to this document says, “Scheduling is something that helps us to establish a sense of comfort and order through a routine. Families can plan together with a daily schedule that represents household needs, learning time, and personal needs, allowing student voice and choice in the process. Follow the steps below to create a schedule that has the flexibility to meet individual and household needs.”

    The last page of the document has even more resources for parents to help support learning at home. Thank you to WAVA and to the Nebraska Department of Education for this valuable and timely information.

  • AWSP News for May 29, 2020

    by Xenia Doualle | May 29, 2020

    In this edition of AWSP News, we discuss:

    • what school might look like in the fall,
    • a brand new resource called the Principal Contract Guide,
    • your own evaluation and some tools and resources to help you,
    • our Virtual Summer Conference,
    • the pre-conference registration deadline,
    • the Association of Washington Student Leaders summer programs,
    • new guidance from the Department of Health,
    • Friday 7am coffee chats, and
    • sharing with us the amazing leadership moves you are making every day.

    Prefer to read the news? Check out the script.

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