• Happy Holidays and Office Closure

    by David Morrill | Dec 18, 2023

    Happy Holidays

    Happy Holidays from the Staff at AWSP

    2023 has been a great year thanks to all of you! We hope that you are able to truly rest and enjoy the holidays during the next couple of weeks.

    Please note that the AWSP office will be closed Tuesday, Dec. 19 at noon through Tuesday, Jan. 2. If you have a true professional emergency during the break, please email our executive director, Dr. Scott Seaman.

    Best wishes to you and your family this season.We'll see you in 2024!
  • School Celebration Newsletter | December 2023 Edition

    by Julie Woods | Nov 27, 2023


    One of my FAVORITE Times of Year

    Cindy and family

    Happy December friends. I absolutely LOVE the holiday season. This is the month you MUST remember to take care of you, have some fun with your family AND make some unforgettable memories. I find by adding fun activities for my staff I automatically get an energy boost from their positivity, smiles, and excitement. Research is clear when you help others fill their bucket YOUR bucket also gets filled. I encourage you to go for it this month and try something new and unique. Your staff will appreciate it and so will your heart and spirit. Remember to email me or tag me on social media so I can see your creations and celebrations.

    A few of Cindy's Favorites

    Screenshot 2023-11-27 at 4.14.53 PM

    Festivus for the Rest of Us

    I am a HUGE Seinfeld fan. As evidence, my cats are named Newman and George. This means the week before winter break we are celebrating “Festivus for the Rest of Us” with a variety of staff dress up days and fun activities to help all of us get through the wild ride. Each day, I have specific activities or games to participate in with super cheap prizes I purchase on or around black Friday to save money. Then, on the last day, we end with a fun day of trivia and prizes. A few dress up ideas include: Holiday Sweater Day, Sparkle & Jingle Day, Dress Up as a Package, Holiday Hat Day, Hawaiian Holiday, Crazy Sock Day, Comfy Day, and Red/Green Day. I have played “Find the Elf” where I hide the elf in different locations throughout the school each day and staff email me where it is for an entry into a prize drawing. No matter what, it is important to recognize that the week leading up the break can be difficult for not only our students but our staff. Every chance you have to support staff this week will support their ability to finish strong.

    December Days to Celebrate

    December 1 | “National Christmas Lights Day” Surprise students and staff when they walk into your office and staff room with lights. There are battery operated lights to help you spruce up areas without needing a nearby plug in. December 1 is also “National Eat a Red Apple Day” – Think an apple a day keeps the doctor away during cold season. AND also National Pie Day. So many individual little pies to have available for staff and bring around in your treat cart for an afternoon snack.

    December 4 | "National Cookie Day" This could be one of the easiest days to plan and one that would be guaranteed to be remembered. Pass out pre-made cookie dough to your staff. Let them know that you want to provide them with the opportunity to begin to make family memories. December 4 is also “National Sock Day” A great day to have a crazy sock dress up day.

    December 5 | “World Trick Shot Day” | In PE or out on the playground, have a trick shot competition with students and/or staff.

    December 7 | I want to combine a couple of days here. “National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day” and “National Letter Writing Day”, in my mind, can beautifully intertwine. December 7 is such an important day in our history, and if we can have students write a quick note to former service members (local VFW, Legion or retirement centers) on behalf of the legacy of the veterans who lost their life on that day, that could be very powerful.

    December 8 | “National Brownie Day”  | Little Debbie Brownies with a sticker that says “Happy National Brownie Day—It is a true treat to work with you.”

    December 11 | "International Mountain Day" So many ideas for great fun today - Purchase Mountain Bars with a note "Ain't No Mountain Too High to Keep Me From Being Thankful For You." Have a Mountain Dew Bar for staff. (Note – have you seen all of the flavors they have?) Or pass out trail mix with a note to remind them "Wherever this mountain trail takes us in 2024, we are in it together."

    December 12 | “National Poinsettia Day” | Purchase small poinsettias to decorate classrooms and office spaces. Need some team collaboration opportunities? Well, December 12 is also Gingerbread House Day!!! If you have a staff meeting, have a team competition or leave a couple kits out in the lunch room and encourage staff to build them. Have a competition between your different lunches.

    December 13 | “National Cocoa Day” Solicit your Leadership Club or PTO to create a hot cocoa bar full of toppings and flavors. Don’t forget the candy canes and marshmallows.

    December 14 | “Monkey Day” Enjoy some monkey business today and start off with a breakfast of muffins, bananas, and coffee for staff. Have a few games in the staff room to play during lunch time such as Barrel of Monkeys.

    December 15 | It's another cupcake celebration day with “National Cupcake Day”. This is for every flavor of cupcakes, so you know how this works. Pick some up, maybe have some sprinkles or toppings available for staff to add. December 15 is also “International Tea Day”. Borrow a few water warming pots and have a tea bar available for this cold winter day AND National Ugly Sweater Day!!! A great opportunity to show your style.

    December 18 | "Answer the Telephone Like Buddy the Elf Day" "What is your favorite color?"

    December 19 |  “National Hard Candy Day” As staff leave for winter break, give them a roll of Life Savers candies. Thank them for being a “Life Saver” during this ever crazy season.

    December 21 | “National Flashlight Day” Head lamps for everyone - lunch or reading by flashlights. You can play “Flashlight” by Funkadelic from your Jammy Pack—A Cromwell Household Favorite!!! It is also "National Crossword Puzzle Day" if you want a calmer activity. Provide various crossword puzzles to staff for a competition.

    December 22 | “National Cookie Exchange Day” No better way to end this week than with cookies and an exchange of favorites.

    Cindy is in her 23rd year as a school administrator. She is currently the principal of Kelso Virtual Academy and Loowit Alternative High School within the Kelso School District in Kelso, Washington. Cindy has been recognized by the National Association of Secondary School Principals as the 2021 National Digital Principal of the Year. She has two teenagers and has been married to her husband, Leszek for 23 years. Find her on Twitter @sholtys.

  • Announcing the 2024 Principals and Assistant Principals of the Year!

    by David Morrill | Nov 13, 2023

    These Four Leaders Are Moving The Needle For Kids Every Day

    2024 POY_and_APOY_homepage_rotator

    OLYMPIA — The Association of Washington School Principals is pleased to announce the 2024 recipients of the Washington State Principal and Assistant Principal of the Year awards: Dr. William Jackson, Secondary Principal of the Year; Heidi Fagerness, Secondary Assistant Principal of the Year; Cathy Sork, Elementary Principal of the Year; and Dr. Nick Davies, Elementary Assistant Principal of the Year. These distinguished leaders epitomize excellence in educational leadership within the state, serving as exemplary leaders for their peers, students, and communities.

    Washington State Secondary Principal of the Year

    Dr. William Jackson, Nathan Hale High School, Seattle Public Schools


    NHHS+William+Jackson_WEBSITEDr. William Jackson, principal at Nathan Hale High School in Seattle Public Schools, was named the 2024 Washington State Secondary Principal of the Year. Jackson will also be recognized nationally by the National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP). He will compete with winners from other states for the NASSP’s National Principal of the Year award.

    Jackson has been a school leader for seven years and leads with his strong belief that “honoring the brilliance of [his] students by centering their voice in [the] curricular and school design is the justice-centered approach that leads to high engagement in learning, and strong academic outcomes.” It is clear he is highly respected in his school, district, and community as he received a record-breaking number of nominations from each. Nominations included phrases such as “transformational leadership”, “connector of people”, “loved and admired”, and “deserves to be recognized with this great honor.” His supervisor, Superintendent of Seattle Public Schools Dr. Brent Jones, affirmed Jackson “has a clear vision of how to systemically build climate for equity, justice, and academic outcomes” and that he leads with humbleness, intentionality, and steadfastness resulting in “bold outcomes.” 

    Dr. Jackson will be recognized and celebrated in Washington, D.C., next year.

    Washington State Secondary Assistant Principal of the Year

    Heidi Fagerness, Chehalis Middle School, Chehalis School District


    Heidi-Fagerness_WEBSITEHeidi Fagerness, assistant principal at Chehalis Middle School in the Chehalis School District, was named the 2024 Washington State Secondary Assistant Principal of the Year. Fagerness will also be recognized nationally by the National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP), where she will compete with winners from other states for the NASSP’s National Assistant Principal of the Year award, announced in early April. 

    Fagerness has been in education for 32 years and is in her fifth year as assistant principal at Chehalis Middle School. She shows up every day with the “intention of serving others through [her] head, hands, and heart.” It is clear Fagerness recognizes the great work she’s doing is a team effort. In response to the award she stated, “It isn’t just me, it’s us. I really, truly believe that.” Chehalis Middle School principal Chris Simpson, who nominated her, describes Fagerness as “highly effective in promoting and creating a positive culture at CMS.” The cheers and hugs handed out at the surprise announcement with staff are a testament to that positive school culture.

    In July, Fagerness will be honored at the National Principals Conference with winners from each of the 50 states, the District of Columbia, the U.S. Department of Defense Education Activity, and the U.S. Department of State Office of Overseas Schools. 

    Watch Heidi's Video


    Washington State Elementary Principal of the Year

    Cathy Sork, Dorothy Fox Elementary School, Camas School District


    Sork-Cathy_WEBSITECathy Sork, principal at Dorothy Fox Elementary School in the Camas School District, was named the 2024 Washington State Elementary Principal of the Year. Sork will also be recognized nationally by the National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP), with winners from other states as one of NAESPs National Distinguished Principals.

    Sork has been principal for seventeen years at Dorothy Fox, with a total of twenty-four years in educational leadership. One of the best parts of her job is she gets “to have relationships with students and help them to grow, laugh, stretch, and move toward a bright future.” Colleague and mentee of Sork’s, Kristie Wall, believes she “embodies the best of our profession, modeling student-first leadership,” and it is clear she is highly thought of by her staff as they gasped in awe as they heard she had won this award.

    Next fall, Sork will be honored in Washington, D.C., as part of the National Distinguished Principal of the Year program, sponsored by NAESP in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Education. All state winners participate in a series of events and activities over the course of two days, culminating in a formal awards banquet. There is no national winner at the elementary level.

    Washington State Elementary Assistant Principal of the Year

    Dr. Nick Davies, Ogden and Eisenhower Elementary Schools, Vancouver Public Schools


    Nick_Davies_WEBSITEDr. Nick Davies, assistant principal at both Ogden and Eisenhower Elementary Schools in Vancouver Public Schools, was named the 2024 Washington State Assistant Principal of the Year. In addition, he will represent Washington as our state’s winner of the National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP) National Outstanding Assistant Principal award. NAESP recognizes one winner from each state every year.

    Dr. Davies has been an assistant principal for four years and shows up every day with the purpose of having “a positive impact on people’s lives so that they can become the best they are capable of becoming”, and he shares his educational leadership knowledge with others as a writer of widely published articles. A parent who nominated Dr. Davies described him as “an approachable and humble community leader by encouraging and engaging his staff and students to create a thriving environment for all.” One nomination stated Davies is “the most respectful, humble, and hard-working school administrator we have ever interacted with.”

    In July, Dr. Davies will attend the NAESP 2024 UNITED Conference in Nashville, Tennessee, where he will be recognized for his achievement. 

    Learn More

  • October Elementary Grade-level Leadership Committee Meeting Recap

    by David Morrill | Nov 13, 2023

    an awsp logo over teal background and the words October meeting recap over a blue background

    Hello, fellow school leaders. We recently wrapped up a great two-day meeting at the Crowne Plaza in SeaTac, WA, where the Elementary Grade-Level Leadership Committee came together for some meaningful discussions and shared experiences.

    On our first day, we got reacquainted with returning members and got to meet some new leaders excited to join us. We delved into the central theme of fostering joy within the learning environment, drawing inspiration from Emily and Amelia Nagoski's book "Burnout: The Secret to Unlocking the Stress Cycle." Engaging in various discussion techniques, we encouraged collaborative learning and open dialogue.

    What truly struck a chord with us was our conversation about hope. We discussed our roles in nurturing hope within our schools, and it was heartening to hear that for many of us, the support of this group had been instrumental in their journey as principals. It truly underscored the significance of our shared mission and the power of collective support.

    Moving to day two, we delved into the pressing issue of attendance with the middle-level and high-school GLLCs with a presentation with OSPI for the whole group. Afterward, each GLLC had a representative from OSPI to discuss the implications across elementary, middle, and high school levels. Our discussions highlighted the nuanced challenges and emphasized the need for tailored strategies and comprehensive support systems.

    During the weekend, we also emphasized the importance of cultivating a positive and inclusive school culture, one that fosters a sense of belonging among students and staff alike. Reflecting on our current school culture and envisioning an ideal one, we found ourselves inspired to fortify the bonds within our educational communities further.

    In essence, our time together was a testament to the crucial role of human connection and mutual support within our professional journey. We left the meeting feeling inspired and determined to continue fostering an environment where every member feels valued and empowered.

    A heartfelt thank you to all the participants for their invaluable contributions and to AWSP for providing us with an opportunity to learn, connect, and reflect with our peers from across the state.

  • How Would You Improve TPEP? Share Your Thoughts With Us!

    by David Morrill | Nov 13, 2023

    awsp and wasa logo

    So, how would you improve TPEP?

    AWSP and WASA are excited to share the latest opportunity for our two associations to partner in support of Washington’s education leaders and the students we serve. We want to hear your thoughts and suggestions about TPEP!

    AWSP and WASA are privileged to hold seats on the OSPI TPEP Steering Committee. To ensure we accurately articulate the desires of our members relating to evaluating teachers, principals, and assistant principals, both associations are launching the Thought Exchange prompt to gather ideas and suggestions from you:

    What modifications could be made to TPEP in an effort to have a meaningful, yet manageable evaluation system?

    This Thought Exchange prompt will be available through Thursday, November 30, 2023. After we close the response window, we’ll share a summary of the results from each association’s membership with the TPEP Steering Committee. 

    We are optimistic this feedback, along with information shared from WEA and ESDs, will seed conversations that, in time, will lead to a TPEP system that is both manageable and meaningful for all.

    Check out the link here to get started on this Thought Exchange. You will find this platform very easy to use.  We encourage you to submit as many ‘thoughts’ as you want. Please enter each TPEP thought/suggestion separately. The cool thing about Thought Exchange is that you rate all the thoughts others submit. You can return to this Thought Exchange as many times as you would like to continue to rate other submissions. Sharing your thoughts will take about 5 minutes of your time, and we want to thank you in advance for sharing your voice AND your thoughts on how TPEP can be modified to make it a powerful evaluation tool for you, and your teachers.

    If you have any questions about Thought Exchange, or TPEP in general, don’t hesitate to reach out to me at AWSP!  AWSP and WASA realize that everyone must be evaluated, and we hope the process is centered around professional growth and collaboration. We believe a growth-focused evaluation system plays a critical role in advancing our collective commitment to equity and excellence in student learning.

    Share Your Thoughts

    If you need technical help, please call ThoughtExchange at 1-800-361-9027 ext. 4 or email help@thoughtexchange.com.

    Watch the Announcement Video

  • AWSP News for November: Closing Out Principals Month, Giving Gratitude, and Our 2024 Legislative Platform

    by David Morrill | Nov 07, 2023


    Read the Script

    Hello, and welcome back to AWSP News. As we close out National Principals Month, I have a few updates to share with you. First, I want to say thank you to all the amazing principals and APs who engaged with us on social media and through email during this month celebrating YOU. As a refresher, our prompts were:


    • What’s your theme or focus for this school year?

    • Who is one person who has had a major impact on your school leadership career? 

    • What’s the funniest or strangest thing that’s happened to you at school? And, 

    • What’s the piece of advice you live by as a school leader? 

    You can find some of those answers on our social media, but you’ll also see some of our favorites pop up on our blog before long. 

    What else will you find on our blog soon? How about some information about the 2024 Principals and Assistant Principals of the Year? And they are…

    • Nick Davies, Elementary Assistant Principal of the Year at Lake Shore Elementary in the Vancouver School District

    • Heidi Fagerness, Secondary Assistant Principal of the Year from Chehalis Middle School in the Chehalis School District

    • Cathy Sork, Elementary Principal of the Year from Dorothy Fox Elementary in the Camas School District

    • Dr. William Jackson, Secondary Principal of the Year from Nathan Hale High School in Seattle Public Schools

    Join me in congratulating all four of those outstanding school leaders. While we’re able to recognize the four of them, there aren’t enough awards to acknowledge each of you for all you do to support students across the state. However, we can share how grateful we are for all of you as we shift into November. 

    Not only is November a great time to practice and share gratitude, but it’s also our Fall Forum on November 14th. Join us via Zoom to connect and learn what your grade-level leadership committee representatives are up to. We love seeing new faces, connecting with our members, and taking your stories to the policymakers and legislators who need to hear them. More on that in a minute, but for now, go ahead and hit pause. Head over to learn.awsp.org and register for the Fall Forum in the AWSP Learning Lab, where you’ll soon find a new on-demand course to help you lead conversations around the new student growth goals for teachers. 

    Now, back to the legislators and policymaker piece. Not only is November the time for pumpkin pie, warm apple cider, sweats, and the Apple Cup, but perhaps even more anticipated, the release of our legislative platform. Relax, people, it is important, but that was a joke. What’s on our platform this year? 

    • Increased funding for administrative internships

    • Immediate and centralized support for school leaders around behavior and discipline; instructional models, pathways, and academic success; and TPEP

    • Updating some existing laws to strengthen your employment provisions

    • Increased funding for school leaders in the prototypical funding formula, and 

    • Trying to fix the funding gap and ensure principal pay keeps up with the raises teachers have seen. 

    You can find our Legislative Platform on our website. Be on the lookout soon for how you can advocate to support you, your peers, and your students during the upcoming session. 

    Thanks again for all you do. The work you do leaves a forever impact. From all of us here at AWSP, and our foundation family of AWSL, Cispus, and Outdoor Schools Washington, keep up the great work for kids. See you next time. 

  • School Celebration Newsletter | November 2023 Edition

    by David Morrill | Oct 31, 2023


    November is the Month of Giving Thanks 

    As you can probably tell I LOVE to celebrate and show appreciation for people in my life. I believe passionately it is critical to have a heart of gratitude and thanksgiving. November is the perfect month to spend time thinking of the things or people that make you smile. Thank YOU for supporting me by reading this newsletter and sending me your pictures or email about how you are implementing the ideas. I LOVE hearing from you. Thank you for what you do for the students, staff, and families you serve each and everyday. I BELIEVE in you and am cheering for you!! Feel free to reach out and find me on X/Twitter at @sholtys.  

    A Few of My November Favorites

    an image of a sandwich, a red fridge, and a mason jar with lights in it

    November Days to Celebrate

    November 1 Celebrates two awesome literacy days. It is not only National Authors’ Day but also National Family Literacy DayThere are so many ways to celebrate today with not only your staff but students and families. Have you thought about doing a bedtime story via Facebook? This might be a great time to try. How about asking staff who their favorite author is and displaying it on a board? OR have staff choose a book from your library with their favorite author and put them on display for the week.

    November 1 | National Stress Awareness Day | It is November, and we are all under an intense amount of stress no matter the role in education. If your district has mental health support or assistance for staff, this would be a day to remind staff of the resources available for them and their families, especially as the holidays approach, the winter weather starts, and fewer hours of sunlight are available.

    November 3 National Sandwich Day | Look for great deals on sandwiches at Subway, Costco, and Jimmy John’s, along with your community sandwich shop. Bring in a platter of sandwiches for lunch or an afternoon snack. Ask your PTO to provide decorations to beautify the staff room (flowers, music).

    November 6 | National Nachos Day Chips, Salsa, and Cheese, anyone? There are also Nacho Lunchables you can provide as a mid-morning treat for staff.

    November 8 National STEM/STEAM Day | Celebrate your STEM and STEAM Programs today. Share job opportunities, programs, and famous individuals and their contributions to our world.

    November 10 National Vanilla Cupcake Day | How easy is this one? You could also purchase frosted vanilla cupcakes and have a decoration bar available for staff/students to finish the final touches on their creations.

    November 13 National Hug a Musician Day | Provide your music teachers with a bag of Hersey Hugs to celebrate this special day and acknowledge their dedication is also “World Kindness Day.” This is a great day to encourage your students to do a random act of kindness for someone. Have them post their accomplishments using social media. Don’t forget to have participants use their school hashtag to promote school pride.

    November 14 Pickle Day | I just have to include this “unique” day as everyone (but me and the cats) in my home LOVE pickles. If you need to send a thank you card today, you could buy a small jar of pickles with a note that says, “Thank you for helping me out of a pickle.” I will actually be doing this for a few staff.

    November 15 National Clean Out Your Fridge Day | When was the last time your staff fridge was cleaned out? Use this day to encourage staff to throw out their expired treats.

    November 17 National Hiking Day | Physical Education can come alive for your families today. Have staff, students, or families take pictures today while going on a walk. Combine the pictures into a collage to share on your school’s social media account.

    November 20 Future Teachers of America Day A day to celebrate the greatest profession of all time. Ask staff to share why they became a teacher. You could make a video of the answers and share it with your families or play Guess Who at your next staff meeting.

    November 21 This day is both National Gingerbread Cookie Day and National Stuffing Day Swing by the store and pick up some cookies or boxes of Stove Top Stuffing. Include a note that says, “I sure am thankful for all the ‘stuff’ you do every day to take care of our students. Happy National Stuffing Day.”

    November 28 National French Toast Day | Invite staff to join you for a before-school breakfast at a diner. (Everyone pays for their own meal). Break bread to celebrate this day and start your morning with your staff.

    November 30 | National Mason Jar Day | Fill mason jars with special treats to provide staff. OR one of my favorites — purchase mason jars and solar lids with an LED string of lights. (Check out Amazon for the set). Put the lights in the jar and hand them out to the staff. This can serve as a reminder of the light they are to others. Be creative and have fun with a simple and heartfelt message.

    photo of cindy Cromwell
    Cindy Sholtys-Cromwell

    Principal, Loowit High School and Kelso Virtual Academy (K-12)
    Kelso School District

    Cindy is in her 24rd year as a school administrator. She is currently the principal of Kelso Virtual Academy and Loowit Alternative High School within the Kelso School District in Kelso, Washington. Cindy has been recognized by the National Association of Secondary School Principals as the 2021 National Digital Principal of the Year. She has two teenagers and has been married to her husband, Leszek, for 23 years. Find her on Twitter @sholtys.
  • "We Won an Emmy!" Celebrating the Habibs and Observing Disability Employment Awareness Month

    by David Morrill | Oct 09, 2023

    School leaders, what if one of your students said, “We won an Emmy!”? Our ultimate goal as inclusive educational leaders is to have all of our students achieve at high levels. For Samuel Habib, an Emmy was never his end goal; he set out to document his life story so others can see the daily struggle, perseverance, and payoff for our students with disabilities when they are encouraged, supported, included, and advocated for.

    In honor of National Disability Employment Awareness Month, I encourage each of us to learn more about Samuel and your own staff and students with disabilities' journey. As you identify the barriers your students and staff face in your school and district, think about how you and other school leaders can use your privilege, title, and opportunity to remove some of those barriers. What can I (we) do to support and advocate for students and staff with disabilities? How can I (we) elevate their story of perseverance to pave the way and model for others?

    Leadership Action Steps

    1. Check out the Department of Labor website for more resources and information.
    2. Observe October as National Disability Employment Awareness Month.
    3. Celebrate the contributions of America’s workers with disabilities past and present.
    4. Showcase supportive, inclusive employment policies and practices that benefit employers and employees.

    September 29, 2023 White House Proclamation

    “America is the only country in the world founded on an idea: that we are all created equal and deserve to be treated equally throughout our lives. This National Disability Employment Awareness Month, we celebrate all the people with disabilities who have moved our Nation closer to realizing that ideal and, in the process, have made America more prosperous, inclusive, and humane. As we celebrate the progress we have made, may we continue to open the doors of opportunity even wider for people with disabilities by advancing access and equity.”

    Read the entire proclamation.

    My Disability Roadmap Wins an Emmy

    My Disability Roadmap, a New York Times Op-Doc directed by Samuel Habib and Dan Habib, won a National News & Documentary Emmy Award on September 27, 2023! See more photos and news about the award on the My Disability Roadmap Facebook page or on Instagram. In his acceptance speech, Samuel dedicated the award to their late friend and mentor, Judy Heumann.

  • AWSP & WASA's Strategic Collaboration

    by Caroline Brumfield | Oct 06, 2023


    Dear School Leader,

    I hope your year is off to a great start. I’ve heard incredible stories from principals and assistant principals across the state about the positive energy and enthusiasm in your classrooms, hallways, and playgrounds. Some even dared to use the word “normal” to describe the start of the year.

    While I love hearing success stories related to the positive start of the school year, I know the realities of your jobs will surface again as the back-to-school honeymoon ends. That’s why I am adding one more email to your inbox today. I want to share the collaborative journey AWSP and the Washington Association of School Administrators (WASA) have embarked on to improve the quality of life for school leaders now and in the future.

    Back in June, we gathered a small cadre of principals, superintendents, and staff members from AWSP and WASA to begin identifying short-term and long-term solutions to the leadership crisis in our state. We must do something to reverse the course of high turnover rates, small candidate pools, and decreased job satisfaction. While the focus of this committee is starting with easing the pressure on principals, it is much larger in scale. It’s about the entire leadership pipeline in our K12 educational system. If we want great future superintendents, we must cultivate and support future and current school leaders.

    Without turning this brief message into a mini-novel, here are AWSP and WASA’s three collective short-term targets for improvement.

    1. Teacher Evaluation

    Many principals and superintendents cite employee evaluation, most notably teacher evaluation, as being increasingly difficult to manage, driving principals toward compliance as opposed to a genuine focus on improving instruction and student learning. Our representatives to the TPEP steering committee, Kim Fry and Jack Arend, have raised this issue for discussion on the committee. We also wonder, after nearly 15 years with TPEP in place, if it’s time to look at TPEP’s influence on student learning. For TPEP to be effective, we must figure out how to make it meaningful and manageable.

    2. Student Discipline

    Another area of common interest among AWSP and WASA members is student discipline. Many superintendents and principals are expressing a high degree of frustration with current rules, regulations, and restrictions. We have been in conversation with OSPI and that conversation will continue in the weeks and months to come. We have no desire to push for changes that exacerbate disproportionality and yield the exclusion of more students from access to the educational program and the learning opportunities that come with it.

    We need to ensure there is a consistent and accurate understanding of what can and can't be done with the rules. We are engaging in conversations to share concerns and suggest changes that might be more reasonable, manageable, and less problematic in practical application, with appropriate consideration for student/adult safety and disruption of the learning environment.

    3. Administrative Leave

    While we haven’t formally gathered data, we know the frequency with which school staff, including principals, are placed on paid leave during an investigation has increased significantly in the past few years. This is particularly problematic when the individual placed on leave is ultimately cleared of any wrongdoing - and even more so when the allegations are found to be completely baseless. The perception of being “guilty until proven innocent” and the damage that can be done to the reputation of an individual who is completely without fault is particularly concerning and unfair when perception lingers, and it can sometimes derail future career opportunities. We have been working with risk management, legal, and the Washington State Personnel Association to frame this issue and possibly develop some best practice considerations for districts to use when deciding when and how to place an individual on paid leave during an investigation.

    These are our short-term targets because they connect directly to the daily pressures and demands of your work. Stay tuned for updates throughout the coming months in each of the above areas. If you have any feedback, ideas, and/or suggestions, please reach out to me directly.

    One final note: the Wallace Foundation’s 2021 research report said,

    It is difficult to envision an investment in K-12 education with a higher ceiling on its potential return than improving school leadership. 

    Great leadership makes great schools in which our students can thrive. Thank you for your continued amazing leadership!


    Scott Seaman's signature

    photo of scott seaman in a suit from the shoulder ups Dr. Scott Seaman

    Executive Director


  • School Celebration Newsletter | October 2023 Edition

    by David Morrill | Sep 25, 2023


    Welcome To October

    Welcome to the October 2023 edition of the "School Celebration Newsletter."

    There are so many wonderful things I associate with October. The change of leaves, the final harvest from our garden, my son's birthday, and Friday night lights, just to name a few. October is when the school year becomes real for our staff and students. The novelty of the start has worn off, and it's fast and furious every day for our team. It is a month when you must do something to celebrate your staff. This month's newsletter is loaded with a ton of ideas to help you achieve this. Check out the details of October 4, as it is becoming one of my favorite days of the year, but then again, anything to do with tacos makes my heart happy. I also want to challenge YOU to put something on the calendar this month that will bring you joy. Maybe it will be coffee with a friend, a spa treatment, or going out for dessert with your partner. Do something intentional this month to bring joy to your heart. I believe in you!

    In this month's edition, you will find so many fun and easy-to-implement ideas. Choose a couple and use them to bring some fun and joy to your school. I am an email away if there is anything I can do to support your work, and please send me a picture of your celebrations @sholtys. Take care and be well.

    A Few of My October Favorites

    a photo of tacos, m&m candies, and pumpkins

    October Days to Celebrate

    October 2 | “National Smarties Day” | Pass out smarties candies to students and staff today.


    October 3 | “National Techies Day” | This is a great day to make an announcement to celebrate these vital employees that do so much behind the scenes to make schools work. Provide a card or a sign for staff and students to sign to say thank you.

    October 3 | “National Eat Fruit at Work Day” | Pick up a platter of fruit to share or encourage staff to bring some fruit to share.

    October 4 has THREE AWESOME DAYS to celebrate and I will be celebrating all 3. | "National Golf Lover's Day" | Set up a miniature golf course in your staff room. Keep it simple though and use red solo cups as the holes and bring in a few putters. If your students are not in the school, set up some opportunities for staff to play in the hallway with scorecards and prizes. | The second one is “National Cinnamon Bun Day” for a great breakfast. Little Debbie’s are perfect for this!! AND drum roll please…… It is also “National Taco Day”! Create a taco bar by having staff sign up to bring the fixings for a great lunch or order tacos from your local Taco Bell and provide staff with one or two. Oh my goodness this is a day that you MUST celebrate.

    October 5 | "National Do Something Nice Day" | Do you have a Walgreens nearby? They have a generic brand called "NICE" and you can purchase a few staff favorites to put in everyone's box OR provide each staff member with a card to use this week to thank a peer for going out of their way to be "nice".

    October 6 | "National Coaches Day" | Remember to celebrate not only your sports coaches but the academic coaches you have on staff. Provide them with a water bottle and a Hawaiian punch flavor packet with a label. "Hey coach, enjoy this tropical getaway. Thank you for taking care of us. Happy Coaches Day."

    October 6 | "National Noodle Day" | Purchase one Cup of Noodle for each staff member. Put a label on it that says in "Thank you for working so hard to fill everyone's cup. Here is a cup to help fill yours. Happy National Noodle Day."

    October 6 | "World Smile Day" | Do you have a connection to a local dentist? Ask them to provide you with a sample toothbrush, tooth paste, and floss to share with staff and students to help with their "smiles."

    October 10 | “National Cake Decorating Day” AND “National Angel Food Cake Day” | Do you have a staff meeting today? How about a group competition or create a cookie decorating station for teachers today or various fruit toppings for an angel food cake?

    October 12 | "Farmers Day" | Can you say dress up day? Or how about Old MacDonald's favorite game — BINGO. Or how about a potluck of items that are grown on a farm?

    October 13 | "National M & M Day" | A great and easy surprise treat for everyone October 13 is also “Silly Sayings Day” all you need is post-its for this one! Ask staff to write their favorite silly saying on the post-it and put them on display or use them in announcements.

    October 16 | "World Food Day" | So many fantastic ideas to celebrate food. This would be an awesome day to have a rolling snack cart with a variety of treats for your staff to choose from.

    October 16 is also “National Sports Day” | Pull out the large post-its and ask staff to share what their favorite sport is OR if they could play ANY professional sport what would it be?

    October 18 | “National Chocolate Cupcake Day” | It can’t get any simpler than this one! Swing by the bakery on your way to school and pick up some chocolate cupcakes.

    October 20 | "International Sloth Day” | I love going to the zoo and I find myself mesmerized by these beautiful animals. Share various facts and fun videos about these very unique creatures.

    October 20 | "National Day on Writing" | Ask your staff about what they like about working in your school and post some of their answers online.

    October 23 | "National Boston Cream Pie Day" | Boston is my most favorite place in the WORLD. Celebrate the phenomenal spirit of Boston today. And it is also “National TV Talk Show Host Day” | Make your morning announcements using your best talk show voice.

    October 26 | "National Pumpkin Day" | Have pumpkins available with carving kits purchased for staff to work on or have a grade level/department competition this week. Make sure you put the pumpkins on display and have students vote on their favorite. OR purchase a few miniature pumpkins for each desk to decorate!!

    October 27 | "National Mentoring Day" | Place a piece of poster board up in the staff room and ask staff to write the best piece of professional advice they have received. Create a document to share this with any new staff or share out the advice at your next staff meeting or use a few pieces in your weekly bulletin.

    October 30 | "National Candy Corn Day" | A favorite snack to provide for everyone AND it is also "National Checklist Day"--The Dollar Store has a great supply of various notepads to help staff get organized and keep their to-do lists updated. Purchase a few list notepads at the Dollar Tree or Michaels for an inexpensive option.

    October 31 | “National Carmel Apple Day” | Most stores have these individual premade that you can hand out. It is critical you do something to support staff on this very active day for all. This is also one of my FAVORITE days as October 31 is “National Knock-Knock Jokes Day.” I guarantee you I will have some ready to go throughout the day for staff, students, and visitors.

    photo of cindy Cromwell
    Cindy Sholtys-Cromwell

    Principal, Loowit High School and Kelso Virtual Academy (K-12)
    Kelso School District

    Cindy is in her 24rd year as a school administrator. She is currently the principal of Kelso Virtual Academy and Loowit Alternative High School within the Kelso School District in Kelso, Washington. Cindy has been recognized by the National Association of Secondary School Principals as the 2021 National Digital Principal of the Year. She has two teenagers and has been married to her husband, Leszek, for 23 years. Find her on Twitter @sholtys.

  • DOH Update on New Vape Products

    by David Morrill | Sep 18, 2023


    The Washington State Department of Health sent me a couple of pieces of information to pass along to our school leaders across the state. Unfortunately, many of you middle-level and high school leaders might already be aware of these.

    The first update is about heated tobacco products, often called “Heat not Burn” tobacco.

    What is that? Here’s some information from the CDC’s page. Read the whole thing to learn more and find out how they’re different than e-cigarettes.

    • Sometimes marketed as “heat-not-burn” products, heated tobacco products come in many forms.
    • Some heated tobacco products use electronic heating elements.
      • Some heat specially-designed sticks, plugs, or capsules containing tobacco. This is how the electronically heated tobacco product authorized for sale in the United States works.
      • Some work by heating liquids that create an emission that then passes through a tobacco plug to absorb flavor and nicotine from the tobacco.
      • Some have a sealed part of the device that heats loose tobacco, either alone or together with flowers from the marijuana (cannabis) plant.
      • Some are used with flavorings.
      • Some allow users to control factors such as the temperature.
    • Some heated tobacco products have a similar size and shape as regular cigarettes and have a carbon tip wrapped in glass fibers that the user heats with a lighter or match. Federal law allows this type of product to be sold in the United States.

    The next update is about a vape product called a "highlighter" that looks like...you guessed it...a highlighter.

    We are working to arrange a meeting with DOH and PAVe (Parents Against Vaping and e-cigs). We will continue to relay to legislators/policymakers our concerns about student vaping from a health standpoint and the disruption it causes schools.

  • AI for Me, AI for You, AI for Teachers and Students, Too

    by David Morrill | Sep 15, 2023

    image of hand holding a tablet screen showing graduation with school based drawings to the right

    After a crazy few years of leadership through a pandemic and its immediate recovery, the vibe we're getting this back to school season is simply "normal." That was the report at least from almost all of our members of the AWSP Board Executive Committee when we met earlier this week. What's not normal is the way AI has infiltrated so much of our lives, especially for those of us in education. I've got a few things to share with you to help navigate through these undiscovered waters. 

    The Big Insight

    After initial ban, ChatGPT and AI are finally cool for school. And OpenAI releases an AI guide for teachers.

    From Zain Kahn's Superhuman Newsletter:

    Schools and educators are making a big U-turn on ChatGPT and AI tools in the classroom. After banning ChatGPT earlier in the year, many school districts are revoking the ban and adapting to the reality that AI is here to stay.

    Over 70% of teachers believe that it is at least somewhat important to teach students how to use AI tools, according to a recent EdWeek survey.

    Capitalizing on the trend of increasing academic acceptance, OpenAI released a Teaching with AI guide for teachers last week. In the guide, OpenAI says that teachers are using ChatGPT for:

    • Role playing challenging conversations
    • Building quizzes, tests, and lesson plans from curriculum materials
    • Reducing friction for non-English speakers
    • Teaching students about critical thinking

    The guide also includes prompts to help teachers with lesson planning, helping students, creating an AI tutor, and more.

    You can see the full list of prompts here.

    If you’re a parent or a student looking to get started with AI, here’s a handy guide to help you get up and running.

    Learn more about Zain and the Superhuman Newsletter.

    Peninsula School District: Principles and Beliefs About Artificial Intelligence

    If you're looking for some policy examples and district-level statements, the Peninsula School District has a great page about their principles and beliefs. The whole thing is worth reading, but here's a great excerpt.

    Example Classroom Policy

    In our class, I encourage you to use Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools such as ChatGPT, Google Bard, Claude, Canva, Midjourney, and others. Some of our activities and projects will even require these tools. Understanding and using AI is a new and essential skill, and I will provide lessons and help using these tools.

    Some of our activities and projects will even require these tools. However, you must understand a few things about using AI, particularly generative tools like ChatGPT:

    • Effort matters. If you don't take the time to think through and carefully write your prompts to the AI, you may not get excellent results. It will require practice and patience to get better results.
    • Don't blindly trust the AI's responses if the AI gives you a fact or a number. Remember, you will be responsible for the accuracy of the information you use in your work, even if it comes from the AI.
    • Always remember to acknowledge when you've used AI in your work. At the end of any project or assignment where you've used AI, include a short explanation about how and why you used it and what prompts you used. Not doing this could be considered as not being honest about your work.
    • Lastly, use AI thoughtfully. It can be a great tool, but it's not always the right tool for the job. Consider whether it's the best choice for the task at hand.

    Peninsula SD is also mentioned in a recent Time Magazine article on AI.

    Harnessing AI's Potential in Education: Exploring Artificial Intelligence's Role in Our Schools

    A Webinar From EdLeaders Network | September 21, 2023 @ 1:00 PM

    As technology continues to reshape the educational landscape, this session delves into the transformative impact of AI within school environments, exploring its potential benefits, challenges, and the crucial task of developing comprehensive policies to ensure responsible and equitable AI integration. Discover how AI is revolutionizing teaching methods, personalizing learning experiences, streamlining administrative tasks, and shaping the future of education. Whether you're an educator, administrator, policymaker, or simply curious about the future of education, this webinar offers a unique opportunity to explore the dynamic synergy between AI and schools. Prepare to gain a deeper understanding of AI's potential to enhance education and equip the next generation for success in an increasingly interconnected world.

    Register now.

    From Washington Principal

    And if all of that wasn't enough, check out the last issue of Washington Principal magazine where we covered ChatGPT in our Appy Hour segment. I also shared my thoughts in my column (Say Hi to AI: Time to Get Real About Artificial Intelligence) on just how transformational it's already become and shared a few of the ways it's already changed education and business.

    Sharing is Caring

    Do you have a great example of AI being used in your school or district? Maybe a resource you think other school leaders need to know about? Have questions about getting started with AI? Please send me an email

    Like it or not, we're in a new frontier. We're all in this together now. 

    memoji of a man with a beard holding his thumb and finger to his chin in a thinking pose
    David Morrill

    Communications & Technology Director


  • Way to Staff Well-being Workshops for 2023-2024

    by Julie Woods | Sep 14, 2023


    Kaiser Permanente is proud to offer Way to Staff Well-Being workshops for the 2023-24 school year. These workshops are designed for all teachers, staff, and administrators in Washington to learn how a proactive approach to staff well-being can help schools thrive.

    Healthy staff and teachers are our most valuable resource for creating safe and supportive learning environments. The Way to Staff Well-Being in Schools workshop series explores resources and tips to strengthen staff well-being at the individual, collective, and policy level.

    These events are open to all school or district staff, including teachers, administrators, nutrition services directors, well-being leads, classifieds, and more. Please share with any colleagues you believe will benefit from attending. 

    Our foundational course, The Way to Staff Well-Being in Schools – Creating a Culture of Well-being, will be offered 3:30-5:00 pm PST (repeat):

    Our next level course is called Deep Dive Way to Staff Well-being in Schools, and it will be presented by Kaiser Permanente subject matter experts and offered 4:00-5:00 pm PST on the following dates. Check pdEnroller for registration information coming soon!

    • October 11, 2023: Stress Management for Educators
    • November 8, 2023: Preventing Secondary Trauma for Educators
    • January 17, 2024: Creating Healthy Habits for Educators
    • March 20, 2024: Active Living for Educators
    • May 15, 2024: Mental Health for Educators

    Clock hours will be available. For questions, please email KPWA.WFH@kp.org.

  • Washington State Civic Observances and Future Voter Program for Students

    by Caroline Brumfield | Sep 13, 2023


    Constitution Day

    As we dive into September, there are lots of changes in the air. A new school year, a new season, pumpkin spiced drinks, and Constitution and Citizenship Day! 

    State law requires the study of the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of Washington state as a prerequisite for graduation from public and private high schools. Additionally, federal law enacted in December 2004 states: "Each educational institution that receives federal funds for a fiscal year shall hold an educational program on the United States Constitution on September 17 of such year for the students served by the educational institution..." to commemorate the signing of the United States Constitution on September 17, 1787. If this day falls on a weekend (like it does this year), then the day can be observed the week before or after. 

    Another civic observance we have is Temperance and Good Citizenship Day which isn’t observed until January, but which can be important to think about in September because of November elections.

    From a joint letter celebrating the 100th anniversary of Temperance and Good Citizenship Day in January 2023, Superintendent Chris Reykdal and Secretary of State Steve Hobbs wrote:

    “The need to engage and educate young voters and the next generation of voters is paramount. In Washington, we have launched several initiatives to instill within young people the importance of lifelong civic participation. For example, the Future Voter program, enacted by the state Legislature in 2018, allows 16- and 17-year-olds to sign up as future voters and be automatically registered to vote when they become eligible. Temperance and Good Citizenship Day, part of Future Voter, gives high-school seniors the opportunity to register to vote during their social studies classes or enroll in the Future Voter program.”

    Students are not required to register to vote. This is a voluntary program.

    Here are some additional resources:

  • The Weight of Hope

    by Julie Woods | Sep 08, 2023

    Dr. Scott: Kindergarten and 5th Grade Class Photo

    Even though my morning routine always includes a good sunrise run, today was different. It wasn’t just any morning. It was the first day of school.

    As I made my way through neighborhoods and cross streets to meet my daily mileage and stress-release goals, I passed an elementary school, middle school, and high school. Cutting through the campuses of each building brought a flood of feelings and emotions that contributed to my pace.

    I was flooded with two completely different perspectives. As I passed each building, I couldn’t help but think about each of the leaders in those schools, the ungodly hour they would be arriving at the school, and all the related “Day One” drama that would result in a long, exhausting first day. As a long-time high school principal, I’ll never forget the feelings and emotions associated with the first days and weeks of school. That was one perspective.

    Each building also represented another perspective and set of emotions connecting way back into my life. I was a student at each of those schools I ran by: Pioneer Elementary School, Washington Middle School, and Olympia High School in the Olympia School District. I was a product of the K-12 system. That journey (and experience) as a student is largely why I’ve spent my entire career serving in public education.

    Running past those schools was a blast of cold water in the face, reminding me of the journey of hope as a student and the important role adults play in creating that hope. If a handful of adults throughout my K-12 experience had not taken the time to love me unconditionally, encourage me, and see something special in me, then who knows where I’d be today and why? The journey truly was about finding hope through the adults who took the time to speak hope into my life.

    As I rounded the corner of the classroom where I sat as a rambunctious 7th-grade block student, my emotions returned to the principals. The principals were all a huge influence in my life. (For some reason, I might have spent more time with them than other students. That’s a different blog). The principals also all took the time (often not by choice) to get to know me, see me, and love me unconditionally, even though I was just one student of many. Just one student.

    Principals and assistant principals carry the weight of hope, not just for each individual student and adult but for the entire community. And every first day of school is a reminder of that powerful burden. Hope starts with the leader and is sustained through the relationships students and adults foster and sustain throughout the year. Hope is contagious, but it is a heavy cross to bear.

    As I got home from my morning run, I was exhausted both physically and emotionally. Yes, the physical part is obvious, but I didn’t expect the emotional exhaustion from reflecting on both my own K-12 experience as a student and the leadership journey that each and every one of our school leaders across the state was starting on the first day of school.

    I hope you know the entire team at AWSP, AWSL, Cispus, and Outdoor Schools WA sees you, hears you, and understands the weight of hope you carry for your entire school community. We stand ready to meet your every need as we all jump into another year of creating hope for each and every student across the state. 

    We know your jobs are the most demanding in the system, but we also know they are the most rewarding. You keep focusing on creating hope, and let us continue to advocate for more reasonable demands, workloads, and expectations. Thank you for carrying the weight of hope. Thank you for speaking and leading hope for all.

  • From the AWSP President: Be a Lighthouse

    by David Morrill | Sep 08, 2023

    lighthouse with fall colors

    Fall has always been my favorite season of the year – it’s the warm days and the cool nights, the smell of a wood fire, turning leaves, the start of football season, and the excitement of a new school year. What I appreciate about fall more than anything, though, is the particular quality of light that comes with the shortening of the day. I can’t exactly describe that light, but it is somehow different: a little softer, a little less intense, a little less direct. Maybe it seems more special because there is progressively less and less of it as we move through autumn. 

    The concept of light has been on my mind for several months now. Like many of you, I was inspired and challenged at summer conference by Steve Pemberton and his story. The Lighthouse Effect made an impact on me (and, I am guessing, a number of you) because it was not an instruction manual about what to do to be a better leader or a better human – it was a book that called us to be a light, and to look for that light in others. Simply put, it was an inspiration and a clear reminder of why I became a teacher all those years ago. 

    This is my 41st year in school in one role or another (classroom teacher, dean of students, athletic director, building administrator). As I look ahead toward yet another new beginning, I am prompted to look back and ask myself (with apologies to David Byrne and Talking Heads), “How did I get here?” I can say with absolute certainty that when I started the journey all those years ago, I had no idea of where I would end up, but the principal’s office was definitely not on the list. Several years ago, though, two colleagues saw something in me and simply invited me to consider school administration as a pathway. In that moment, they were my lighthouse.

    As a principal, and as your AWSP president for 2023-24, I have both the opportunity and the responsibility to be that lighthouse for the people in my school, and in our organization. As principal, it is my privilege to find and recognize the best in each and every student and staff member. As president, it is my privilege to shine a light on the principalship statewide and to call each of you to do the same in your communities.

    Thank you for being an AWSP member. Thank you for being a principal or assistant principal. What you do matters, and you are a light to so many in your school and your community. Have a great start to the year.

    dave riddle at a podium with glassesDave Riddle

    AWSP Board President
    Principal, LaVenture Middle School, Mt. Vernon School District

  • Today is Calendar Awareness Day

    by Caroline Brumfield | Sep 06, 2023

    Today is Calendar Awareness Day. No, you won’t find Calendar Awareness Day highlighted on your actual calendar. (Yes, that means we made it up.) But whatever day you’re reading this, we hope to make you more aware of four important calendar resources for school leaders.

    Events & Recognitions Calendar in AWSP’s Principal Matters: If you scroll down to the end of our Principal Matters e-newsletter (published on the second and fourth Mondays of each month), you’ll see that we added a new “Events & Recognitions Calendar” section this year. Important dates, holidays, and recognitions are highlighted for the current month and the month ahead. Many of the calendar items link to an outside page with more information or ideas. Check your inbox for the latest issue, or access the archives on our website.

    School Celebration Newsletter from Cindy Sholtys-Cromwell: Cindy Sholtys-Cromwell, Principal at Loowit High School and Kelso Virtual Academy (K-12) in Kelso School District, generously shares her monthly School Celebration newsletter with AWSP members. We turn her newsletter into blog posts each month that highlight fun holidays and celebrations such as National College Colors Day (Sept. 1), Read a Book Day (Sept. 6), and National Good Neighbor Day (Sept. 28). Her posts include quick, easy-to-implement ideas for school leaders. Subscribe to our blog so you don’t miss a post.

    The AWSP Surthrival Guide: No, that’s not a typo. “Surthrival” is a cross between surviving and thriving, where school leaders tend to find themselves on most days. Our AWSP Member Handbook contains a Surthrival Guide (also known as a calendar of monthly suggestions for principals and assistant principals) divided into sections: Things to Consider, AWSP’s Great 8, Student Leadership (AWSL), and Calendar Items. For example, the September page suggests meeting with the ASB coordinator and student council for the beginning of school activities, and registering for fall student leadership events.

    Chat GPT for writing and planning recognition activities. Did you know you can use Chat GPT to help you generate ideas or write content around school holidays and recognitions? Try typing in things like “write a message honoring the hard work of our custodian for National Custodian Day” or “make a list of ideas for celebrating Veterans Day at an elementary school.”

    These calendar resources are just one small way we aim to grow, support, and sustain school leaders this year so you are better equipped to serve your students.

    We hope your Calendar Awareness Day is a great one!

  • A Welcome Back Message from Dr. Scott Seaman

    by Caroline Brumfield | Sep 05, 2023


    (Prefer to watch? Check out the same welcome back message on YouTube.)

    Hello to all of you amazing school leaders! Welcome back to what is already shaping up to be an incredible school year. 

    At AWSP, we’ve had a busy summer continuing to “Shine the Light” on our most robust advocacy campaign ever. The role principals and assistant principals play in the system is critical. We won’t rest until everyone is paying attention to your needs as school leaders across the state. From working conditions to due process, to more protections, to compensation, to respectful contracts, to respect in general, and to more support, we are shining the light on you. 

    The results from our recent statewide survey were clear: you love the impact of your job but also recognize the demands and workload are unrealistic. This has to change. While you focus on creating the best schools in the world, we’ll continue to work on improving your working conditions and expectations, with both short-term solutions to release pressure and long-term solutions to increase the pipeline and make the job more sustainable.

    On behalf of the entire team here at AWSP, we would like to remind you of all the ways we are here for you. I just shared some of our advocacy efforts, but that’s just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the support and resources your membership provides. We’re only a tap, click, or phone call away. You need individual support or assistance? Just call. You want powerful, relevant professional learning? just call. You want us to come provide training for all of the principals and assistant principals in your district…plus those who evaluate you? Just call. You want help with school culture and developing your leadership team? Just call. You want tools to help create relationships and authentic student voice? Just call. You want to join a network with colleagues walking the same journey as you? Just call. Want to get more involved with AWSP, your professional association? Please give us a call.

    Whether it’s professional learning or professional support, we are here for you. Don’t ever hesitate to pick up the phone or send us an email. We are all things principal and assistant support through AWSP. We are all things student programs and support through AWSL. We are Outdoor Schools Washington. And we are the Cispus Learning Center. We’ve got you and your students covered. We are ready to walk with you this upcoming school year, no matter the want or need.

    As you embark on the year ahead, don’t ever forget your impact as a leader. Your leadership matters. Your impact is forever. Because of you, the lives of students, staff, and your community will be changed forever. Go big this year. Make it happen, and reach out to us for anything. 

    From all of us here at AWSP, AWSL, Cispus, and Outdoor Schools Washington, keep up the great work for kids and have an awesome year!

  • School Celebration Newsletter | September 2023 Edition

    by David Morrill | Aug 28, 2023



    Welcome To September

    Welcome to the September 2023 edition of the "School Celebration Newsletter."

    September is a critical month to keep yourself reminded of the goals you set this summer. Are you getting enough sleep? Are you eating healthy most of the time? Are you getting exercise and taking timeouts from electronics? It is so important for all educators to make time this month and do something to charge their batteries. I want to challenge you to make a musical playlist for yourself to listen to on your drive home to help reset your mind from work to family time. What will be your go-to song?

    In this month's edition, you will find so many fun and easy-to-implement ideas. Choose a couple and use them to bring some fun and joy to your school. I am an email away if there is anything I can do to support your work, and please send me a picture of your celebrations @sholtys. Take care and be well.


    A Few of My September Favorites

    picture of CWU logo next to a picture of fortune cookies next to a picture of a warm latte in a mug

    September Days to Get Excited About

    September 1 |  National College Colors Day | What a great way to bring in some fun for your staff and celebrate higher education no matter the level of your school. Encourage staff to wear college, military, or trade school attire. Wear something from your Alma Mater (I will be wearing #wildcatforlife). If you are an AVID school make sure you take a staff picture to use in your spring report.

    September 4 | Labor Day | Please take the day to rest; no work today!

    September 5 | National Cheese Pizza Day | Do an online poll to see what your students choose as their favorite pizza. Teachers can use the information to teach or enrich graphing skills to students based on the data.

    September 6 | Read A Book Day | A great day to promote literacy with your students. Read in classrooms, at lunch, a Facebook live, create a staff-recommended section of books in your library, or make a poster for staff to write in their current reads.

    September 8 | National Actors Day | Another simple idea to incorporate with your staff. Make a chart in your staff room with post-its for staff to write their favorite character on. AND if you have a theater program/club/class, CELEBRATE these amazing students today!

    September 12 | National Day of Encouragement; National High 5 Day, AND National Video Games Day | This is a ridiculous day of SO much goodness. High 5 your students every opportunity!! Provide note cards for staff and students to write words of encouragement for each other. AND if you have an esports team, CELEBRATE these awesome kids and program today!!

    September 13 | Fortune Cookie Day | Pass out fortune cookies to staff today.

    September 14 | National Coloring Day | Have a coloring competition for staff and/or students. Did you know they have coloring books designed for teachers and those of us in education? (Heads up--Check the appropriateness ahead of time) There are also some great adult coloring books to help with emotional regulation. I had placed several of those books in my staff room last year, and the feedback was awesome. Don't forget the good crayons though! You could easily create a slide show of the final products for social media.

    September 15 | National Linguine Day | Help your staff answer the dreaded "what are we having for dinner tonight?"

    September 18 | National Cheeseburger Day | A couple of ideas for this one: have students or staff design the perfect cheeseburger or have staff/students identify who makes the best cheeseburger. They could incorporate the information into a graphing or geography activity.

    September 19 | Talk Like A Pirate Day | Need I say MORE???

    September 20 | National String Cheese Day | What a great snack to share today if you have a treat wagon.

    September 22 Hobbit Day | Use quotes from this classic story throughout the day and have your staff guess which character said it for door prizes AND it is also National Ice Cream Cone Day Not a fan of the Hobbit? Well, it is also the day to eat an ice cream cone!! Purchase ice cream drumsticks and pass them out today.

    September 25 | National Comic Book Day | Share comics online, in your school bulletin, and post around your campus (don't forget the bathroom stalls). This will bring some much-needed laughter today AND

    September 25 | National One-hit Wonder Day | Music trivia, anyone??

    September 26 | National Pancake Day | I love days that I can meet and break bread with my staff. As staff to join you at a restaurant this morning to celebrate pancakes. (Everyone pays their own way) OR ask your PTO or a Booster club to help sponsor a pancake feed before school.

    September 27 | World Tourism Day | This could be a great entry activity or exit slip for your staff to share or simply utilize a question board in your staff room. Ask staff if they could travel anywhere on earth free of charge where would they go?

    September 28 | National Good Neighbor Day | Have students do an act of kindness for their neighbor today or write a brief note of encouragement/appreciation to a local neighborhood business that supports their school or sports league AND National Strawberry Cream Pie Day No explanation needed on this one.

    September 29 | National Coffee Day | Coffee bar in the staff room and bring all of the fall creamers you can find at your local grocery store.

    photo of cindy Cromwell
    Cindy Sholtys-Cromwell

    Principal, Loowit High School and Kelso Virtual Academy (K-12)
    Kelso School District

    Cindy is in her 23rd year as a school administrator. She is currently the principal of Kelso Virtual Academy and Loowit Alternative High School within the Kelso School District in Kelso, Washington. Cindy has been recognized by the National Association of Secondary School Principals as the 2021 National Digital Principal of the Year. She has two teenagers and has been married to her husband, Leszek, for 23 years. Find her on Twitter @sholtys.

  • Help Protect Students from Losing Medicaid Coverage

    by David Morrill | Aug 28, 2023


    wooden family on a desk with a heart and stethoscope

    Ensuring children have health insurance coverage to keep them safe and healthy is critical. About half of the nation’s children are covered by Medicaid or the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). However, students across the country who rely on this coverage for health insurance right now risk losing it due to the ending of the public health emergency. Schools can play a key role in ensuring that doesn’t happen.

    Since the pandemic’s public health emergency began in March 2020, children and families enrolled in Medicaid have not been required to complete renewal paperwork to stay covered. This continuous coverage ended April 1, 2023, and states have resumed reviewing eligibility for all people enrolled in Medicaid and CHIP to ensure they still qualify.

    During this process, known as the “unwinding,” it is estimated that over 5 million children are at risk of losing their health insurance coverage despite most of them continuing to be eligible for Medicaid or CHIP. It’s estimated that the uninsured rate for children could easily more than double unless we take action.

    Kaiser Permanente, as well as other healthcare providers, are working to ensure individuals covered by Medicaid and CHIP do not lose coverage. Our resources on kp.org/staycovered and this Medicaid redetermination explanation video support partners in their efforts to keep eligible individuals covered.

    Schools are one of those partners and can play a key role in supporting students and their families in maintaining and enrolling in coverage. School staff and district administrators are some of the most consistent, trusted messengers with established methods of communicating critical information to families.

    Here are some important resources to learn more:

    1. Informational webinars and resources on the HCA End of Public Health Emergency (PHE) website.
    2. General information and links to resources: kp.org/staycovered
    3. Medicaid redetermination explanation video (3:45)
    4. Medicaid Unwinding Toolkit from The School Superintendents Association (AASA)
    5. Kaiser Permanente's Blog on Protecting Students from Losing Medicaid Coverage

    You are welcome and encouraged to use these resources even if you don’t have Kaiser Permanente in your area. If you have further questions, contact Jill Patnode, Senior Community Health Manager, Kaiser Permanente of Washington.

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