Informed Principal


  • Rep. Monica Stonier Wins AWSP’s 2023 Torch of Leadership Award

    David Morrill, Communications & Technology Director, AWSP
    Jul 31, 2023
    Each year, AWSP’s Advocacy Advisory Council has the opportunity to select a state-level public servant who has demonstrated support of principals and the principalship in the education of all students. For 2023, the Council selected Representative Monica Stonier as AWSP’s Torch of Leadership Award winner. Representative Stonier currently serves as the House Majority Floor Leader and leads her caucus on several key issues like labor and workers’ rights, public education, health care access for children, financial literacy education, and portable benefits for Washington workers of our future. She serves on the House Appropriations, Education, Health Care & Wellness, and Rules Committees and is the first person of color to serve in 17th and the 49th legislative districts in Clark County.
  • Ann Gray Wins AWSP’s 2023 President’s Award

    David Morrill, Communications & Technology Director, AWSP
    Jul 31, 2023
    Each year, the AWSP Board President selects someone to receive the AWSP President’s Award. The award goes to someone who is a relentless advocate for principals and assistant principals, and the principalship, in the education of each and every student (our AWSP mission). This year, 2022-23 AWSP Board President Brent Osborn, principal at Lakeside High School in the Nine Mile Falls School District, selected Ann Gray. She is the Associate Director of Educator Effectiveness in the Educator Growth and Development division at the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI).
  • Revised Edition of the Washington Youth Activities Guide for Air Quality

    Roz Thompson, Governmental Relations & Advocacy Director, AWSP
    Jul 17, 2023
    The Washington State Department of Health (DOH) has released a revised edition of the Washington Children and Youth Activities Guide for Air Quality. For more than six months, DOH has worked alongside stakeholders to create improved guidance that will benefit children when air quality is compromised. The revised guide is now available on DOH’s Smoke from Fires Took Kit Page.
  • New Partnership, New Survey, Same Mission

    David Morrill, Communications & Technology Director, AWSP
    Jun 12, 2023
    We know, we know…hundreds of you just completed a survey this winter for us about your job satisfaction and working conditions. Why are we back again with another one? We’ve partnered with Strategies 360, one of the west coast’s leading government relations and communications firms, to help us grow, support, and sustain the principalship. This survey will help us understand what our members need from us, and prioritize the most impactful policies to pursue. The questions align with the Wallace Foundation's Principal Pipeline Sustainability Guide. ​​​​​This guide explains what it takes to sustain an effective principal pipeline and provides tools to help school district teams keep the pipeline going.
  • Retirement & Health Benefits for May 19, 2023

    Fred Yancey, The Nexus Group LLC
    May 31, 2023
    Session has concluded, and the Governor has acted. Below is a brief summary of pension, health care, and other benefit legislation that will impact school districts, present and future retirees. The work continues...
  • Fact or Fiction: ESB 5175 (Allowing Principal Contracts up to Three Years)

    Roz Thompson, Governmental Relations & Advocacy Director, AWSP
    May 30, 2023
    ESB 5175 passed this last legislative session, allowing a district to offer a principal a contract of up to three years if certain conditions are met. The bill was introduced by Senator Lisa Wellman in order to help recruit and retain quality school leaders. We know it takes time to change systems and culture, and that nothing changes without relationships. A three-year contract might help reduce principal churn, and at the same time, help a principal lead with a long-term vision and plan.
  • Annual CSCP Review Part 2: Administrative Review and Assessment

    Kamrica Ary-Turner, Associate Director, AWSP and Paul Meyers, Executive Director, Hatching Results
    May 26, 2023
    The purpose of any evaluation process is to improve. Sure, you can use evaluation to make judgments and inform program decisions, but essentially the main reason for evaluating your Comprehensive School Counseling Program (CSCP) is to improve your program. Establishing an annual review and assessment process, as required for the CSCP written plan, fundamentally establishes a continuous improvement process.
  • Graduation and Career & College Readiness Update

    Roz Thompson, Governmental Relations & Advocacy Director, AWSP
    May 23, 2023
    OSPI, the State Board of Education, and the Washington Student Achievement Council held a webinar this week where they shared updates on new legislation related to graduation, as well as career and college readiness. These groups provided updates on changes coming to graduation pathways, the High School and Beyond Plan, the Washington College Grant, Mastery-Based Learning, and more. Here are some highlights. The State Board of Education explained HB 1308, which establishes another graduation pathway that districts can choose to use for their students. This performance-based pathway is an opportunity for students to demonstrate knowledge and skills in a real-world context, providing evidence that the student meets or exceeds state learning standards in English and mathematics.
  • Staff Wellbeing Grant Opportunity

    Jill Patnode, Senior Community Health Manager, Kaiser Permanente of Washington
    May 22, 2023
    Kaiser Permanente, Healthier Generation, and OSPI are excited to offer an opportunity for districts to apply the Multi-tiered System of Supports (MTSS) framework to staff wellbeing. Using a learning cohort model, we are inviting up to eight (8) district teams to join us in the 2023-24 school year. Experts in MTSS and staff well-being will guide teams through a series of learning and activities that will prepare them to implement key elements of workplace well-being within the context of MTSS. This process will assure compliance with SHB 1363: Addressing Secondary Traumatic Stress in the K-12 Workforce (WSSDA Model Policy 5515).
  • New Administrator Certification Requirements Related to Government-to-Government Relationships with Federally Recognized Tribes

    Roz Thompson, Governmental Relations & Advocacy Director, AWSP
    May 22, 2023
    OSPI recently released an important bulletin related to certificate renewal requirements for all teachers and administrators who need to renew their certification after July 1, 2023. Educators may renew early. An educator may choose to renew a certificate at any time during the validity of their certificate. It is the responsibility of the educator to ensure that they hold a valid certificate and renew that certificate in a timely manner. OSPI recommends that those wishing to renew a certificate apply for their renewal as soon as they have completed the required number of hours.

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For More Information 

David Morrill | Communications & Technology Director | (800) 562-6100

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