Informed Principal


  • Special Education and 504 Tips & Resources | May 15, 2023

    Dr. James Whitehead | Director of Special Programs & Services, Integrated Student Support | Capital Region ESD 113
    May 15, 2023
    These resources are sent out weekly to leaders in special education and Section 504. Each post contains tips and resources on a variety of topics that are meant to keep you informed and up-to-date.
  • Annual CSCP Review Part 1: Collecting Stakeholder Input

    Kamrica Ary-Turner, Associate Director, AWSP, and Paul Meyers, Executive Director, Hatching Results
    May 15, 2023
    Conducting an annual Comprehensive School Counseling Program (CSCP) program review, as required in the CSCP written plan, should include feedback from school administrators and other educational partners. SSB 5030 requires each school to develop a process for conducting an annual CSCP review, but it allows schools to develop their own process. If you have not yet established a process for collecting feedback, allow us to make a suggestion: consider a simple open-ended survey.
  • A Letter from WASA & AWSP

    Joel Aune, Executive Director, WASA and Dr. Scott Seaman, Executive Director, AWSP
    May 09, 2023
    The Executive Teams from AWSP and WASA met on April 25th for a discussion to begin exploring opportunities for collaboration as related to the health and future sustainability of the principalship here in Washington state. This interest is not only shared by our respective associations, but also by principals and superintendents alike. We know that superintendents view the principal as a key member of the district leadership team, and more importantly an essential element in the creation of superior schools and sustaining that level of excellence over time.
  • Parents Bill of Rights

    Roz Thompson, Governmental Relations & Advocacy Director, AWSP
    May 04, 2023
    As a 2022 interim project, Senator Lisa Wellman (D-Mercer Island), Chair of the Senate Committee on Early Learning and K-12 Education, asked committee staff to put together a document that identifies and categorizes references to parents and guardians in state law, rules, and model policies. The final document organizes these policies by topics such as attendance and truancy, classroom access and parental involvement, curriculum and instructional materials, special education, graduation, and more.
  • The AWSP Equity Guide: The Heart Work of School Leadership

    Gina Yonts, Associate Director, AWSP
    May 02, 2023
    We are excited to have made our final edits to a new publication called The AWSP Equity Guide: The Heart Work of School Leadership. The AWSP Equity Guide is really a guide of self-discovery, providing a “zero entry” pool to the deep end, and resources and learning opportunities for leaders who are intent in growing their skillset and knowledge about equity and how it intersects with our leadership practices. The AWSP pro-learning team has used the guide as a primary resource in our AWSP New Principal Mentor Training program and Implementation Sessions. The goal is to have the guide available to schools and districts by the AWSP/WASA Summer Conference, taking place June 25-27 in Spokane.
  • Just One Moment

    Patrick Vincent, Principal, Union Gap School, Union Gap School District
    May 01, 2023
    Mr. Regalado died 9 years ago. Thousands of students, like me, who spent time in the darkroom at his side with our negatives and prints, asking about exposure, composition, and what made a good photograph good, mourned when we heard the news. He was one of those teachers that zealously approached his subject, mastered the command of his ship (à la his classroom), and built a community of learners at the tables in his room. From his class, I remember learning about Henri Cartier-Bresson, AKA "The Father of the Decisive Moment."
  • School Celebration Newsletter | May 2023 Edition

    Cindy Sholtys-Cromwell, Principal, Loowit High School and Kelso Virtual Academy (K-12), Kelso School District
    May 01, 2023
    Welcome to the beautiful month of May. I would say that May is a magical time for the students and staff we serve. It is the final push of knowledge and skills for our students to ensure they are ready to move on to the next grade, level of content, or post-high school graduation. Our staff is digging deep this month and truly giving their students everything they have left. They (like us) are exhausted but we are all determined to dig a bit deeper to finish strong. The month of May is full of celebration opportunities for you to utilize to celebrate with your staff. Some are ridiculously simple and others will require a bit of prep work. I have no doubt that this month's School Celebration Newsletter has something for everyone. Let me know if I can support you or ever be a listening voice. You can find me on Twitter @sholtys or drop me an email at anytime. I believe in you!!
  • Mentoring Sessions: That's a Wrap

    Gina Yonts, Associate Director, AWSP
    Apr 30, 2023
    The AWSP Mentor Implementation Sessions have wrapped up, and a big thank you to all of you who participated in mentoring, training, and walking with new school leaders this year. We were able to mix things up a bit and keep many school leaders in their buildings by hosting our virtual implementation sessions to complete training requirements. We also learned much about facilitating a large statewide network, and with the help of post-session feedback, we adjusted presentation content and learning as the sessions unfolded. This was a big lift! Thank you to my AWSP colleagues, David Morrill and Dameon Brown, for their support on the technology side and problem-solving and learning between sessions to meet the learner's needs.
  • Legislative Update | 2023 Sine Die Edition

    Roz Thompson, Governmental Relations & Advocacy Director, AWSP
    Apr 26, 2023
    The House and Senate pounded their gavels one last time on Sunday, April 23, as they declared “Sine Die” for the 2023 Legislative session. This Latin term means “without a day,” and it is used to describe an adjournment when the date to reconvene is not specified and when the Legislature intends to leave town for the last time. However, there is a bit of a caveat to that statement since the Legislature may come back for a special session to address the Blake Decision. More on that later.
  • Make an Equity Impact with the Anti-Racist Daily Newsletter

    Gina Yonts, Associate Director, AWSP
    Apr 21, 2023
    Speaking of EQUITY… have you ever heard of the ARD Newlsetter? Talk about powerful and impactful daily learning on all things related to the topic of Anti-Racism. As our team has been working to find resources for the AWSP Equity Guide, The Heart Work Of School Leadership, I stumbled across this organization and its newsletter. They have podcasts to listen to as well as professional learning opportunities. I have added this daily read to my morning workflow and have pushed myself to continue reading and learning about how racism creeps into almost everything. From bank bailouts to exploitation of farmworkers and how inequality fuels a global water crisis to questioning your understanding of “authentic” food…I’m getting curious and thoughtful and paying a bit more attention to so many different inequalities as they are exposed and, at times, right under my very nose!

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We're always looking for guest contributions. If you have a passion to write and things to share, email David about a guest post or a role as a recurring guest blogger. 

For More Information 

David Morrill | Communications & Technology Director | (800) 562-6100

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