Informed Principal


  • School Celebration Newsletter | January Edition

    Cindy Cromwell, Alternative Learning Education Administrator for the Kelso School District
    Jan 04, 2021
    This past year is one that provided me a variety of opportunities to learn, grow and become a better person and principal. As we turn the page on 2020 I want to encourage you to reflect on the positive memories of the year. It is important to honor the incredible work you have done to support your staff, students, and families you serve through this unforgettable school year. Even when exhausted you continue to inspire and motivate your staff. If no one has told you lately I want you to know you are doing a phenomenal job. I hope you find this month's newsletter full of simple ideas to help bring laughter and joy to your work. Feel free to reach out to me if I can do anything to support your work or be a sounding board as you maneuver through these unchartered waters. Cheers to 2021 and this fantastic world of principaling.
  • OSPI January 2020 School Safety Blog

    Mike Donlin | OSPI School Safety Center
    Jan 01, 2021
    For those of you who have known me for a while, you may know that I was an English teacher for years – both English Language Arts and English As a Second Language. I have taught every grade level from K thru graduate level courses. Mainly in secondary classrooms in different places around the country – the world, even. So what? How does that apply to school safety?
  • Winter Closure/ Happy Holidays from AWSP

    David Morrill
    Dec 18, 2020
    Wow! What a year! Hard to believe what just happened in 2020, so we don’t say this lightly when we say thank you for your unwavering leadership this past year. Regardless of the role you play in the system, your leadership has mattered. And, it’s been the collective leadership of everyone coming together to work through the challenges presented to us this past year.
  • AWSP News for December 18, 2020

    David Morrill
    Dec 18, 2020
    In our final AWSP News episode for 2020, we discuss some of those emails you’ve been getting from us about Cispus, impacting your kids with a powerful MLK experience in January, our partnership with world-renowned educator, YouTube video sensation and TED talker Shelley Moore for two Leading For Inclusion events, some professional advice for you during your Winter Break, and our holiday office closure.
  • The White Elephant Year

    Caroline Brumfield, Graphic Design and Communications Specialist
    Dec 15, 2020
    Chances are you’ve participated in or at least heard of a white elephant gift exchange. Each year before we close the office for the holidays, the AWSP staff holds a white elephant gift exchange, typically at our office or a restaurant. We gather around a table and one by one, choose, open, and steal gifts. We’ve had people bring old mix tapes, creepy bird paintings, and even a full-size family wall portrait. Many people leave the exchange with something cute or fun – silly socks, tasty treats, or new bowls for their kitchen. But undoubtedly someone leaves with something they never expected, never wanted, and aren’t sure what to do with now. They take the gift home awkwardly, vowing to save it and pawn it off on someone at next year’s exchange.  When you think about it, 2020 has been a white elephant year of sorts. We certainly weren’t expecting it, most of us had no idea what to do with it, and I’m pretty sure we’ve all thought more than once that we wish we could send it back. (Sorry! Leaving unwanted gifts behind at the restaurant is not allowed.) Being stuck with it, we’ve had to learn to make the most of it.
  • AWSP Staff Gives Back for the Holidays

    Caroline Brumfield, Graphic Design & Communications Specialist, AWSP
    Dec 11, 2020
    Each year, the staff at AWSP signs up to sponsor two or three families for the holidays through the Tumwater Lions Club. it's a tradition we look forward to annually as each year draws to a close. We started our staff tradition about 10 years ago. It used to be that we bought gifts for each other. We'd draw names for a secret Santa exchange, then purchase a surprise gift for the person whose name we chose based on their list of hobbies and interests. While the internal gift exchange was fun, we all agreed that none of us actually needed those gifts, and that the money would be better used shopping for families in need.
  • Responding to Hateful Speech in Schools

    Roz Thompson, AWSP
    Dec 07, 2020
    In a recent article published by the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD), author Mica Pollock addresses the topic of hateful speech in schools. She writes, “hate-filled speech has been on the rise as students (and adults) emulate divisive and derogatory language heard in national rhetoric and policy.” So how might educators respond to hateful speech?
  • Washington Listens

    Roz Thompson, AWSP
    Dec 04, 2020
    Need support during COVID-19? Here is a new resource called Washington Listens provided by several partnering agencies in our state. Washington Listens is a support line that provides non-clinical support to people who feel sad, anxious, or stressed due to COVID-19. Washington Listens is free and anonymous.
  • Framework Criterion Resource Pages

    Jack Arend, AWSP
    Dec 03, 2020
    The refreshed version of the AWSP Leadership Framework is the perfect tool for your professional growth!  School leaders across Washington state now have access to incredible resources to support their work in each of the eight criteria. On December 1, AWSP launched our Leadership Framework Criterion Resource pages. These pages are housed on our AWSP website and contain everything from current article and blog posts to book recommendations and AWSP video content specific to each criterion.
  • High School Principals Connect with Higher Ed Representatives

    Lyra Fountaine, Communications Specialist, Partnership for Learning
    Nov 25, 2020
    High school principals have a lot on their minds this month as they work to support teachers and students during the COVID-19 pandemic. Learning and sharing experiences with other principals is valuable while they navigate similar challenges, such as grading, attendance, and planning for graduation. The Chief Education Officer (CEO) Network – a partnership between the Association of Washington Principals (AWSP), Partnership for Learning, Washington Roundtable and Challenge Seattle – brings principals together this school year for monthly virtual workshops and offers access to online curriculum developed by AWSP.

Like to Write?

We're always looking for guest contributions. If you have a passion to write and things to share, email David about a guest post or a role as a recurring guest blogger. 

For More Information 

David Morrill | Communications & Technology Director | (800) 562-6100

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