Informed Principal


  • Virtual Educator Overnight

    Mrs. Allison Shew, Principal, Columbia Crest A-STEM Academy
    Apr 15, 2020
    The weekend leading up to the closure, all of our schools in the district were buzzing with teachers feverishly putting together work packs for students. Copy machines were running at full steam and teachers were bundling materials to keep learning alive amidst a Governor Proclamation that all schools in the state were to be closed by March 17th, 2020. Everyone has gone above and beyond to implement this new normal. Principals and district office staff have converted space in their home as their new office and teachers have transformed a space in their home as their new classroom.
  • COVID-19 Student Reflections

    James Layman
    Apr 14, 2020
    Throughout these challenging times the voice of the students should be at the core. The AWSL Student Voice and Advisory Council took time to share their thoughts, questions and perspectives on how Covid-19 is affecting their academic, social, and personal livelihoods.
  • Webinar: Supporting School-Based Child Care Service during the COVID shutdown

    Xenia Doualle
    Apr 14, 2020
    We assembled an expert panel of state, regional, district, and community partners to provide guidance, resources, and advice on child care during the COVID shutdown.
  • Grade-Level Office Hours

    Apr 13, 2020
    Looking to connect with other school leaders at your building level? Join us on Zoom for these upcoming grade-level-based office hours.
  • Free Webinars from Ed Leaders Network

    David Morrill
    Apr 10, 2020
    The Ed Leaders Network, or ELN, is offering three free webinars coming up. Register for Strategies for Leading Through COVID-19, an ELN Virtual Tour, and Preparing Students for College, Careers and Civic Responsibilities in the 21st Century.
  • Online Learning: Managing Behavior and Learning

    Roz Thompson
    Apr 10, 2020
    We recently reached out to our contacts at online schools including Washington Virtual Academies and K12, Inc. They know that teaching students in an online environment presents challenges and are graciously sharing lots of resources with us.
  • AWSP News for April 10, 2020

    David Morrill
    Apr 10, 2020
    In this edition of AWSP News, we discuss your amazing leadership during these unprecedented times, better work-life balance and selfcare, the Governor’s school closure announcement, information, resources, tools, and ongoing professional learning, our Weekly Friday Zoom AWSP Office Hours, separate office hours next week for grade-level specific virtual convenings, some upcoming online learning sessions from Inclusionary Practice Demonstration Sites from around the state, emergency rules that allow school districts to apply for greater flexibility in awarding diplomas to seniors impacted by closures, a Virtual Commencement Toolkit for every high school in our state, a 60 second survey, an upcoming webinar, and National Assistant Principals Week.
  • Register for the Inclusionary Practices Demonstration Sites

    Nasue Nishida | Center for Strengthening the Teaching Profession
    Apr 10, 2020
    The University of Washington Haring Center is hosting online learning sessions with four school sites the week of April 20 to showcase the inclusionary practices these schools are implementing.
  • The Show Will Go On!

    Scott Seaman
    Apr 09, 2020
    We know there have been way more questions than answers as the entire P-16 education system has moved into this new reality of distance learning. And now that we’ve officially heard from our Governor that schools will remain closed through the end of the year, even more questions are surfacing. So, what about the Class of 2020? What about all of those year-end events for seniors to celebrate the end of their K-12 experience? What about the graduation ceremony itself...the cap, gown, and tassel toss?
  • Flexibility for Graduating Seniors Approved by State Board

    David Morrill
    Apr 09, 2020
    At a special Board Meeting today, the State Board of Education adopted emergency rules that allow school districts to apply for greater flexibility in awarding a diploma to high school seniors impacted by closures.

Like to Write?

We're always looking for guest contributions. If you have a passion to write and things to share, email David about a guest post or a role as a recurring guest blogger. 

For More Information 

David Morrill | Communications & Technology Director | (800) 562-6100

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