Informed Principal


  • Fact or Fiction? Classroom Exclusions #2

    David Morrill
    Dec 16, 2019
    Fact or Fiction? A “Classroom Exclusion” occurs whenever a student is removed from the classroom.
  • AWSP News for December 8, 2019

    David Morrill
    Dec 08, 2019
    In this episode of AWSP News, we discuss two students selected to represent Washington in the United States Senate Youth Scholarship Program, the 2020 Summer Conference, the Visible Learning Plus Institute, a monthly checklist of things you need to be considering in the world of school safety, another edition of Fact or Fiction, a powerful way to use student voice, students who dread the Winter Break, the break as a time to reflect as the lead learner in your school and a special shout out to 30-year rock star AWSP employee Annalee Braley.
  • AWSP TV - Ep. 11 - Discipline Systems

    David Morrill
    Dec 07, 2019
    Dr. Dana Anderson, Kim Fry, Abigail Westbrook and Kurt Hatch discuss policy, leadership and practice for positive discipline systems.
  • AWSP TV - Ep. 19 - Ross Hunter

    David Morrill
    Dec 06, 2019
    Ross Hunter, Secretary of the Department of Children, Youth and Families, swings by to talk about his department and how principals can support early learning.
  • OSPI School Safety Tips for December

    Mike Donlin | OSPI School Safety Center
    Dec 05, 2019
    No doubt there will be a lot of new technology coming into homes over the holidays. Check out and share the Connect Safely Guides. You’ll find both one-page Quick Guides and longer Parent Guides to help all adults understand many of the apps, sites, and technologies which they may be seeing or hearing about.
  • Fact or Fiction? Classroom Exclusions #1

    David Morrill
    Dec 05, 2019
    Fact or Fiction? A “Classroom Exclusion” is the same as an “In-School Suspension”.
  • AWSP News for November 25, 2019

    David Morrill
    Nov 24, 2019
    In this episode of AWSP News, we discuss AWSP's mission, advocacy with the Legislature, the Pay Gap survey, the staffing ratios for the prototypical school funding formula, Member Support Consultations, the AWSP Member Handbook, the WELL Summit, AWSP TV with Jill Patnode from Kaiser Permanente, the 2020 Summer Conference, great Trauma-Responsive resources and nominating the principal or assistant principal for Principal of the Year.
  • AWSP News for November 6, 2019

    David Morrill
    Nov 06, 2019
    In this episode of AWSP News we discuss principal superheroes and superpowers, our October Principal Leadership Weekend, the principal or assistant principal of the year award, AWSL’s Advisor of the Year, Representative Laurie Dolan, our 2019 Torch of Leadership Award winner, Dr. Susan Enfield, Superintendent of Highline Public Schools, the inaugural winner of the Systems Changemaker award from Teach for America (TFA) Washington, the 2020 Summer Conference, and a new survey.
  • OSPI School Safety Tips for November

    Mike Donlin | OSPI School Safety Center
    Nov 01, 2019
    November is a month of thanks. As we head toward the holiday season, a big thank you to everyone who participated in last month’s National Bullying Prevention month. Also, thank you to all who dropped, covered and held on for the Great ShakeOut on October 17th. Each of these activities help ensure that all our students and staff are safer at school.
  • We're Changing our Principal of the Year Process. Here's Why.

    David Morrill
    Oct 17, 2019
    AWSP is redesigning our Principal and Assistant Principal of the Year program. In the past, we selected a Principal of the Year (POY) for elementary, middle, and high schools. We would either select one Assistant Principal of the Year (APOY), or recently, one for elementary and one for secondary. We’d love to explain all the reasons why we’re changing our (A)POY, but it might be faster for you to read War and Peace. You think we’re kidding…

Like to Write?

We're always looking for guest contributions. If you have a passion to write and things to share, email David about a guest post or a role as a recurring guest blogger. 

For More Information 

David Morrill | Communications & Technology Director | (800) 562-6100

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