Informed Principal


  • DOH Update on New Vape Products

    Roz Thompson, Governmental Relations & Advocacy Director, AWSP
    Sep 18, 2023
    The Washington State Department of Health sent me a couple of pieces of information to pass along to our school leaders across the state. Unfortunately, many of you middle-level and high school leaders might already be aware of these.
  • AI for Me, AI for You, AI for Teachers and Students, Too

    David Morrill, Communications & Technology Director, AWSP
    Sep 15, 2023
    After a crazy few years of school leadership through a pandemic and its immediate recovery, the vibe we're getting for this back to school season is simply "normal." That was the report at least from the vast majority of our AWSP Board Executive Committee check-in we had the other day. What's not normal is the way AI has infiltrated so much of our lives, especially for those of us in education. I've got a few things to share with you to help navigate through these undiscovered waters.
  • Way to Staff Well-being Workshops for 2023-2024

    Jackie Vizzare, Workforce Health Consultant Strategic Customer Engagement, Kaiser Permanente
    Sep 14, 2023
    Kaiser Permanente is proud to offer Way to Staff Well-being Workshops for the 2023-24 school year. These workshops are designed for all teachers, staff, and administrators in Washington to learn how a proactive approach to staff well-being can help schools thrive.
  • Washington State Civic Observances and Future Voter Program for Students

    Roz Thompson, Government Relations and Advocacy Director, AWSP
    Sep 13, 2023
    As we dive into September, there are lots of changes in the air. A new school year, a new season, pumpkin spiced drinks, and Constitution and Citizenship Day!  State law requires the study of the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of Washington state as a prerequisite for graduation from public and private high schools. Additionally, federal law enacted in December 2004 states: "Each educational institution that receives federal funds for a fiscal year shall hold an educational program on the United States Constitution on September 17 of such year for the students served by the educational institution..." to commemorate the signing of the United States Constitution on September 17, 1787. If this day falls on a weekend (like it does this year), then the day can be observed the week before or after.
  • The Weight of Hope

    Dr. Scott Seaman, Executive Director, AWSP
    Sep 08, 2023
    Even though my morning routine always includes a good sunrise run, today was different. It wasn’t just any morning. It was the first day of school. As I made my way through neighborhoods and cross streets to meet my daily mileage and stress-release goals, I passed an elementary school, middle school, and high school. Cutting through the campuses of each building brought a flood of feelings and emotions that contributed to my pace.
  • From the AWSP President: Be a Lighthouse

    Dave Riddle, 2023-24 AWSP Board President, LaVenture Middle School Principal, Mt. Vernon School District
    Sep 08, 2023
    Fall has always been my favorite season of the year – it’s the warm days and the cool nights, the smell of a wood fire, turning leaves, the excitement of a new school year, and the start of football season. What I appreciate about fall more than anything, though, is the particular quality of light that comes with the shortening of the day. I can’t exactly describe that light, but it is somehow different: a little softer, a little less intense, a little less direct. Maybe it seems more special because there is progressively less and less of it as we move through autumn.
  • Today is Calendar Awareness Day

    Caroline Brumfield, Graphic Design and Marketing Manager, AWSP
    Sep 06, 2023
    Today is Calendar Awareness Day. No, you won’t find Calendar Awareness Day highlighted on your actual calendar. (Yes, that means we made it up.) But whatever day you’re reading this, we hope to make you more aware of four important calendar resources for school leaders.
  • A Welcome Back Message from Dr. Scott Seaman

    Dr. Scott Seaman, Executive Director, AWSP
    Sep 05, 2023
    Welcome back to what is already shaping up to be an incredible school year. At AWSP, we’ve had a busy summer continuing to “Shine the Light” on our most robust advocacy campaign ever. The role principals and assistant principals play in the system is critical. We won’t rest until everyone is paying attention to your needs as school leaders across the state. From working conditions, to due process, to more protections, to compensation, to respectful contracts, to respect in general, and to more support, we are shining the light on you.
  • School Celebration Newsletter | September 2023 Edition

    Cindy Sholtys-Cromwell, Principal, Loowit High School and Kelso Virtual Academy (K-12), Kelso School District
    Aug 28, 2023
    September is a critical month to keep yourself reminded of the goals you set this summer. Are you getting enough sleep? Are you eating healthy most of the time? Are you getting exercise and taking timeouts from electronics? It is so important for all educators to make time this month and do something to charge their batteries. I want to challenge you to make a musical playlist for yourself to listen to on your drive home to help reset your mind from work to family time. What will be your go-to song?
  • Help Protect Students from Losing Medicaid Coverage

    Jill Patnode, Senior Community Health Manager, Kaiser Permanente of Washington
    Aug 28, 2023
    Ensuring children have health insurance coverage to keep them safe and healthy is critical. About half of the nation’s children are covered by Medicaid or the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). However, students across the country who rely on this coverage for health insurance right now risk losing it due to the ending of the public health emergency. Schools can play a key role in ensuring that doesn’t happen.

Like to Write?

We're always looking for guest contributions. If you have a passion to write and things to share, email David about a guest post or a role as a recurring guest blogger. 

For More Information 

David Morrill | Communications & Technology Director | (800) 562-6100

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