Informed Principal


  • Outside is In: The Blossoming Health and Academic Benefits of School Gardens

    Aug 26, 2015
    Research suggests that school gardens help students get excited about school and do better on tests. John J. Pershing Elementary School is one of many schools in low-income neighborhoods in Texas that are partnering with REAL School Gardens, a program that helps schools plan and build their garden based on students’ designs.
  • Urge Your Members of Congress to Support ESEA Reauthorization

    Aug 21, 2015
    The National Association of Secondary School Principals, with collaboration from the National Association of Elementary School Principals, sent out the following statement in support of ESEA Reauthorization. Washington’s senior Senator, Patty Murray, has played a big part in the negotiation and drafting of the new language.
  • Washington Supreme Court Orders Sanctions in McCleary Education Case

    Aug 13, 2015
    Session may be over, but the intrigue around education funding has picked up once again. The Washington Supreme Court has thrown down the gavel and issued sanctions in the McCleary case. The sanctions, which are $100,000 per day, go into effect immediately as the State has not prepared a plan for how it will meet its constitutional duty to fully fund education by 2018. Chief Justice Barbara Madsen said:
  • Five Things to Look For in the 2016 Session

    Jul 23, 2015
    Now that 363 bills have been signed into law after the 176 days of the one regular and three special sessions, what lies ahead for 2016? At least five topics will be in a part of the 2016 legislative session.
  • Retirement & Health Benefits: 2015 Session Review

    Jul 23, 2015
    Many policy bills that have been proposed earlier in the Session failed to advance by the numerous Sine Die’s. Therefore, the legislative focus on these issues and resulting legislation has shifted and they appear to be “dead” or in a deep sleep until the start of the next shorter session in January 2016 where they may be revived and returned to their house of origin.
  • Opening Up The Operating Budget

    Jul 22, 2015
    The operating budget refers specifically to principals five times in the 538 page document. Some of the topics addressed are:
  • Beyond the Bake Sale: Uncontested ASB Candidates

    May 05, 2015
    Q. We are approaching ASB elections and it looks like all of our officer positions will be uncontested. In other words, there is only one person running for each position. Do we still need to have these students campaign, give speeches, and place their names on a ballot for students to vote on? There is nothing in our constitution that addresses the situation.
  • The Nexus Group: Retirement & Benefits for April 24

    Apr 24, 2015
    Session number one has ended, some would say, with a whimper. And now we must wait.
  • Superintendent Dorn Releases a Full Funding Basic Education Plan

    Apr 14, 2015
    State Superintendent Randy Dorn released his grand plan to fully fund basic education Tuesday morning, saying he wanted to give the Legislature the first shot at meeting the McCleary decision
  • Beyond the Bake Sale: Grant Via Booster Club

    Apr 14, 2015
    Q. We have a couple of teachers who want to chase down a grant. However, the grant requires us to have a 501c3 status. Is it legal for our teachers to work through our Booster Club to request those grants? The money would go to the Boosters and then they would write us a check or purchase the stuff we want. It feels like a loophole, but we want to make sure it’s legal.

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David Morrill | Communications & Technology Director | (800) 562-6100

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