Sharing our students’ realities, joys, and challenges with legislators is a responsibility we principals do not take lightly. Our students need advocacy, and AWSP facilitates strong partnerships between the Legislature and our schools.

photo of Kris Janati
Kris Janati
Former Advocacy Committee Chair

As we develop relationships with legislative staff, we become sounding boards and contacts for our schools. Our representatives and their staff should depend upon us to provide insight on how legislation impacts our students, staff, and schools.

photo of Dwight Cooper
Dwight Cooper
Former Principal and NAESP National Rep

The responsibility of leadership is not to come up with all the ideas. The responsibility of leadership is to create an environment in which great ideas can thrive.

Simon Sinek Headshot
Simon Sinek
Notes to Inspire

Inside AWSP

At AWSP, we exist to support principals and assistant principals, and the principalship, in the education of each and every student. We believe strong leaders create strong schools and strong students. Founded in 1972, AWSP has been a leading voice in education for decades, representing principals, assistant principals, and principal interns. We support our members and their students by:

  • Advocating for our members and each and every student across the state.
  • Offering fun and engaging professional learning with best practices in adult learning across all career stages.
  • Supporting our members with coaching, mentoring, our leadership framework, support through your internship, legal guidance when needed, and so much more.
  • Promoting diversity and equity through everything we do.
  • Creating strong student leaders across the state with the Association of Washington Student Leaders.
  • Providing two unique learning centers for all kinds of educational and leadership programs.
  • Communicating news, updates, and information so every principal can be informed, engaged, and connected.

AWSP Equity Statement

Educational disparities based on race, economics and other dimensions of difference are eliminated. Positive school outcomes are distributed equitably across all demographic and identity groups.

Boards, Committees, & Advisory Councils

We have to know you to serve you. We keep our finger on the pulse of the principalship with the help of our boards and committees, which represent our state’s broad geographic and cultural diversity. 

Association Boards

Amazing principals from all across the state serve on our boards and guide our work. AWSP is made up of two separate entities, our membership organization and our 501(c)3 Washington School Principals’ Education Foundation. Both boards meet together to ensure our association is healthy, striving, and focused on the right work.


Grade Level Committees

Sometimes, a principal is a principal. Other times, each level faces unique challenges with different initiatives and legislation. Our Grade Level Leadership Committees (GLLCs) help us sort that all out and ensure principals from each level and every corner of the state have a voice and representation.

  • Elementary Grade Level Committee (EGLC)
  • Middle Level Grade Level Committee (MLGLC)
  • High School Grade Level Committee (HSGLC)

Advisory Councils

While our board and grade level committees focus on broad issues across our whole association, advisory councils provide more focused feedback and planning for our different work areas. We think of our advisory councils as great focus groups and our critical friends.

Get Involved

Help shape the future of AWSP and make career-long connections by joining a Grade Level Leadership Committee or advisory council. You can find contact information on each committee and advisory council webpage, or reach out to us for more information. 


Why We Exist

Our Collective Why

School leadership matters. We exist to ensure schools have a culture of hope, systems to support that culture, and collaborative learning and leadership among students and adults.


Supporting all principals and the principalship in the education of each and every student.



Partner with other organizations to identify, recruit, and develop future school leaders with a focus on underrepresented groups.


Support and equip all school leaders with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to foster positive school culture, build equitable systems, and lead learning in their respective school contexts and communities.


Support all principals in their capacity to be effective long-term leaders, specifically in highly impacted schools where strong and consistent leadership is needed most.

Other AWSP Awards

Torch of Leadership Award

Established in 2009, the Torch of Leadership Award honors state government officials demonstrating outstanding support for principals, the principalship, and all students. Winners are nominated and selected by the AWSP Legislation Committee.


President's Award

Selected by the AWSP Board, this award goes to someone outside of the principalship who has advocated for and made an impact for principals and students across the state. Every now and then, we’ll have multiple winners or a group winner in a given year.