
Legislative Update


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Advocacy & Legislation Blog Posts

  • HELP WANTED: Principal Vacancies Coming Soon

    Feb 10, 2022
    Before the pandemic, addressing principal turnover across the state and country was a top priority for us at AWSP. It was an epidemic before the pandemic. Principal churn is bad for kids. Bad for teachers. Bad for schools and the communities they serve. Again, this was alarming and concerning before the current pandemic. Even more alarming when you consider our schools with the greatest needs are churning building leaders at twice the rate. So, if we really care about equity as a system, why isn’t everyone talking about the direct negative consequences of principal churn on our most disadvantaged students and schools?
  • 2022 Principal Satisfaction Survey

    Feb 09, 2022
    We are sitting at a crucial moment in principal history. Many of you report considering leaving the job and/or barely hanging on despite gallant efforts of perseverance, persistence, and patience. Our team at AWSP has been sharing your stories with the Governor’s Office, legislators, officials from OSPI, the Department of Health, and other agencies and organizations. We basically are shouting from the mountaintops that principals need help and they need it both now, and as we look to redefine what “principaling” looks like in the future.
  • Legislative Update | Week of January 31, 2022

    Feb 04, 2022
    As we near the halfway mark of this short legislative session, I want to thank all of you who were able to send emails or meet with your legislators this week! There are definitely a few benefits to virtual life, and one of those is the ease with which busy school leaders can meet with busy legislators. I was able to sit in 18 different meetings with legislators this week and to meet some new members and their staff. In scheduling these meetings with legislators, I invited principals living in their legislative district to attend. It’s great to have even a few minutes of conversation with the hope that in the future, these conversations can turn into longer ones, or even in-person school visits.
  • Retirement & Health Benefits for February 4, 2022

    Feb 04, 2022
    February 3rd was the deadline for policy bills to pass out of committees. February 7th is the deadline for fiscal bills. The most critical upcoming deadline is Feb. 15th when bills need to be out of their house of origin. It’s important that bills of import continue moving through the process.
  • AWSP Wants YOU!

    Feb 01, 2022
    Find yourself frustrated with your current situation as a building level leader? Ever wonder who makes some of these big statewide decisions that impact the work you are doing in your school? Ever consider getting more involved in influencing the P16 education system? How about just getting better connected with other principals and assistant principals from around the state? Well, guess what -- It’s easy to get more involved with AWSP, and WE WANT YOU!


For More Information 

Roz Thompson | Government Relations & Advocacy Director | (800) 562-6100

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