Leaders of Color Network
At AWSP, we are committed to growing, supporting, and sustaining educational leaders through the creation of the Leaders of Color Network (LOCNET). This initiative is designed to provide a safe and brave space for Black and Brown leaders, fostering opportunities for collaborative learning, relationship building, and a strong sense of belonging. Through LOCNET, AWSP aims to support leaders of color, enhance allyship, amplify diverse voices, and increase representation within our organization. We strive to support and recruit aspiring leaders of color while ensuring their presence and leadership are integral to our GLLCs, AWSP/WSPEF Board, and Advisory Councils.

Stay Connected

Leaders of Color, stay connected with AWSP and with each other during the 2024-25 school year! Scan the QR code for direct access to AWSP's LOCNET WhatsApp Community.

Save the Date


2nd Annual WOW Gallery Social in Seattle | Sept. 21

For the second year, AWSP’s Leaders of Color Network is meeting at the WOW Gallery (Wonder of Women) in Seattle on September 21. This event is designed for school and district leaders to network with other leaders of color during an afternoon of connection, healing, and support. Registration is free and includes the WOW Gallery Exhibit experience and light refreshments.

Register Now
IGrow Save The Date

iGrow Washington Summit for Leaders of Color in Seattle | March 14 & 15

Whether you’re a seasoned principal, an aspiring leader, district leader, or an educational partner, this event is tailored to inspire, connect, and grow your leadership journey. The theme of the Summit is “We hear you. We see you. We need you.” This year's Summit includes two days of keynote and breakout sessions, and will feature an optional pre-conference day.

Learn More

Dear Sista Zooms

In response to a request from one of our leaders, AWSP created “Dear Sista,” an affinity group space for Black women leaders. The title Dear Sista is a tribute to Veronica Very’s book of poems that speaks to truth, healing, and supporting the sisterhood. The group meets monthly via Zoom. There is no cost to register.


Coming Soon