Standards for Beginning Principal Induction
AWSP is excited to share with you the newly created “Standards For Beginning Principal Induction.” As part of a joint effort with WASA, WSPA and sitting principals, and with generous support from OSPI, we are proud to offer this resource as a roadmap to building quality supports for new building leaders.
School culture rises and falls on the leadership of the school principal. Principal leadership matters and carries a tremendous impact on student achievement, both positive and negative. Research indicates that it takes 3-5 years to change an elementary school, 5-7 to change a middle school, and 7-10 to change a high school. The problem? Only 1 in 4 principals remain in the same building after five years.
Principal induction needs to be intentional, systemic, and consistent. As the educational system weighs in on identifying historically inequitable gaps, consistently supporting and nurturing new principals remains overlooked in our system. This must change if we value keeping highly effective leaders in our schools and we believe quality induction is a major factor in supporting principals and slowing churn.