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The AWSP Equity Guide

photo of demonstration for supporting undocumented students

Regardless of your school leader title, racially-literate leaders actively pursue a deep understanding of their own individual racial identity, continually hone their ability to recognize structural and systemic racism, and courageously change the status quo. This AWSP Equity Guide is designed to help you grow your racial equity skills and understanding, and to support your learning and the learning of others.

Order the Equity Guide

(Coming soon)

Equity Guide: Interactive Resource

The AWSP Equity Guide references an Interactive Resource for use alongside the Guide.

The Interactive Resource, at first glance, can be overwhelming. The intent is to provide a “zero entry” pool for any leader on their personal equity journey. We know that equity work and understanding is important for leaders, but we also want leaders to be cognizant and aware that it’s okay to start from ground zero and grow from where they are, adding to the interactive resource with tools, articles, and resources that make sense to them on their own personal learning journey. 

The Interactive Resource is broken into eight specific sections. These sections can be unpacked one per month, or once a session depending on how you personally decide to unpack it. 

Two Ways to Access the Interactive Guide 

  • Copy the Google Doc: If you have a google account, you can log in to the Interactive Resource Google Doc and make a copy to customize with your own resources.
  • Download a PDF: You can download a PDF of the resource. No log-in is required, but this version is static and unable to be customized.


For More Information 

Kamrica Ary-Turner Beaver | Associate Director, ESDs 189 & 121 | (800) 562-6100


For More Information 

Gina Yonts | Associate Director | (800) 562-6100

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