Member Support

Welcome to AWSP

A welcome message from AWSP Executive Director Scott Seaman. 

Getting Started With Your Membership

Hey there, new member. Welcome to AWSP. You might be a brand new principal  or assistant principal, or maybe you're just new to the state. Maybe you've been around, but you're new to us. Either way, we're glad you're here.

We exist to support and serve you and the students you serve. We do a lot to support members like you, and it can be overwhelming to even know where to begin. Check out this handy checklist to help you get started on your journey with us. Before you go through the checklist, one of the very first questions we get is how is AWSP as a professional association different than a union. This website has a great, quick summary to help answer that question.

Your New Member Checklist

1. Check out and update your profile.

Did we get everything right? Want to update your informal name? Change your communication preferences? How about uploading a picture so we can see your smiling face. You can update a lot of your own data, but if you see something you can't fix, just reach out to Macy

2. Look or listen. We've got lots in store for you. 

Did you know we've built up an enormous collection of videos on YouTube, from episodes for our AWSP TV Talk Show with local, state, and national experts as guest, to our Fast Five videos featuring principals from around the state giving you quick tips, tools, and tricks in under five minutes? We've also got some amazing, heartwarming, and awe-inspiring videos featuring amazing programs and stories from across the state. 

But hey, maybe you're tired of screen time. We've got you covered there with our A Matter of Principals podcast, where you can always listen to the latest episode of AWSP TV or hear other original content. Make sure you subscribe to our YouTube channel or podcast today.

Last but not least, we've got great reading material (if we don't say so ourselves) for you too, from our weekly Principal Matters email newsletter to our award-winning magazine, Washington Principal, featuring stories and articles from staff and school leaders all across the state. We've also got a blog you can subscribe to with email alerts. 

3. Follow, Like, Friend...Let's Get Connected

We've got social yes we do, we've got social how 'bout you? Stay up-to-date with us, participate in contests, win prizes, give feedback, and see what we're up to on our Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, or Flickr accounts. 

4. Learning for leaders? We've got you covered.

When it comes to your professional learning and growth as a leader, nobody has you covered like AWSP. Why? Because we wrote the book on what effective school leadership looks like. Literally. All principals and assistant principals in the state are evaluated on the AWSP Leadership Framework. That guides what you do. We also co-created the School Leader Paradigm, which helps you grow and become a better, more self-aware leader. 

We have an amazing team of former principals leading our professional development. Our promise to you is that our workshops, webinars, and conferences will always be entertaining, engaging, and relevant. In fact, you can check out our adult learning practices and norms. 

Whether in person on online through our LMS (the AWSP Learning Lab), or whether you're just starting out (which is probably why you're here) or further down the road in your career, we have something for everyone. Meet our pro learning team and find something to level up your leadership today.

5. Leadership can be lonely. Get involved.

You can't do this job alone. Ok, someone out there is reading this and saying "just watch me." You SHOULDN'T do this job alone. Sometimes you need to pick somebody else's brain and sometimes you just need to vent. We can help find an amazing network of peers, whether that's through a board, committee, advisory council, or our regional leadership meetings. Whatever your passion, from advocacy to student leadership, we have ways for you to get connected, grow your own leadership, and share your expertise with others.

What are the Benefits of Being Involved?

We asked some incredible principals at our January 2022 board meeting. Watch to hear what they had to say. 

6. Don't forget about your students!

Students are not only the reason we're all here, they also outnumber us! Seriously though, AWSP has a long history of amazing student programs and our beloved Cispus Learning Center. The Association of Washington Student Leaders, part of our foundation, focuses not just on creating student leaders in the traditional sense, but on creating students who lead.

AWSL is nationally recognized for their programs and they've got something for everyone, including elementary, middle, and high school programs; programs for Native American students, deaf students, Spanish-speaking students, and programs offering credits; and amazing summer camps and outdoor school through Cispus. 

Your job is hard enough. Leverage your leadership by building your student leadership capacity and creating partners in promoting a positive school culture at any age.

But Wait, There's More!

Whew! You made it all the way down here, but we haven't even told you about the national affiliations, the legal benefits, and the personal member support we provide. There's so much more to your membership organization we hope you'll learn about over time. For now, we're glad you're here. 

Remember, we exist to support you and the principalship in the education of all students. Reach out any time and for any reason. You've chosen one of the toughest jobs in the world, but also one of the most rewarding. We're here for you.

Call Us Anytime

Member Handbook

Our member handbook contains key information about AWSP's Strategic Plan, goal areas, and organizational structure, as well as tips for principals about self-care, building a network, and having a leadership impact. An abbreviated version of the AWSP Leadership Framework User's Guide is also embedded into the handbook. 


For More Information 

Macy Bruhy | Assistant Director of Membership, State and Federal Programs | (800) 562-6100

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