Professional Learning

AWSP Professional Learning

Principal Leadership Continuum

Designed with YOU in Mind

We believe in professional learning that doesn't suck. Nobody likes sit and get, death-by-PowerPoint trainings. You wouldn't want your students to be bored and disengaged, so why should you be? Our workshops are designed with adult learning in mind.

With our events, you learn from other as much as you learn from us. We hope and expect you to develop relationships and networks with your fellow attendees. Being a principal can often feel lonely and isolated, but it doesn't have to be. 

Our Offerings


Summer Conference


Culture Club

iGrow WA logo

iGrow WA Summit for Leaders of Color

Aspiring School Leaders Logo

Aspiring School Leaders

Launching School Leadership

Launching School Leadership

a friendly robot sits at a computer in a school office

AI Principals

AP_institute_surviving_to_thriving_logo_square (1)

AP Workshop

Custom ASB Workshops graphic

Custom ASB Workshops

Outdoor Schools WA Graphic

Outdoor Schools WA Training

Leaders of Color Network

Leaders of Color Network


Inclusion Resources

Mentoring Logo

Be or Get a Mentor

Our Promise To You

When you participate in an AWSP Professional Learning Network, you get:

  • Timely, relevant and engaging professional learning
  • Never boring sit-n-get
  • Personalized and differentiated to meet your needs
  • Directly applicable to your context
  • Time to interact with colleagues
  • Opportunities to discuss and engage with real problems of practice
  • Less theory and more action

The best part? You don't have to take our word for it. We've got survey data to back it all up. 

Something For Everyone

School Leadership Continuum

Principal Leadership Continuum

You wouldn't teach calculus to a fourth grader, would you? Each of our workshops is tailored for where you are in your career. Meet with principals and assistant principals who are in the same place you are, struggling with the same issues, and experiencing the same frustrations and doubts. 

Most of our events fall along our School Leadership Continuum.


The AWSP Learning Lab

Our learning management system, the AWSP Learning Lab, is designed to bring our content to you wherever you are, on your time, and with or without your team. Some courses are designed to be watched with a team, where we provide resources and guiding questions to help make them interactive. Others are just for you for learning on your own time.

Adult Learning Expectations

This is how we APPEAR:

  • Access expertise inside and outside of the group
  • Participate in authentic activities with the group
  • Practice using relevant problems of practice
  • Engage (formerly and informally) with colleagues
  • Apply new learning to professional contexts
  • Reflect on leadership and new learnings

School Leader Paradigm


Dameon Brown headshot

For More Information 

Dameon Brown | Professional Learning & Mentorship Program Coordinator | (360) 338-3758
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