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AWSP Leadership Framework

What Strong Leadership Looks Like

School Leader Paradigm

School Leaders Are Becoming While Doing

Who We Are

Since 1972, AWSP has supported school leaders from aspiring to retiring with advocacy, access, and assistance. Watch our video to learn how!

Powered By Principals

We exist to support principals (this means APs, too!) and the
principalship in the education of each and every student. 

On-Demand Learning

Member Benefits & Resources

Foundation Family & Affiliates


Our Foundation

Our foundation includes a family of organizations supporting leaders and students, including the Association of Washington Student Leaders, the Cispus Learning Center, Outdoor Schools Washington, and our credit-bearing programs offered through the Principals' Learning Center. We're proud to have nationally-recognized student leadership programs, an amazing outdoor learning center, and a robust outdoor schools program.

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the logo for Next Level Leaders with the text Washington State's Premier Leadership Academy

Next Level Leaders

Next Level Leaders is dedicated to preparing leaders to conquer complex challenges through the development of a two-year learning community. The Academy is designed to focus on individual and system leadership behaviors and actions essential for success in our rapidly changing educational environment. A partnership between AWSP and WASA funded by the Washington State Legislature, the next cohort begins in 2025.

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the National Association of Elementary School Principals logo stacked on top of the National Association of Secondary School Principals logo

National Afilliates

Active AWSP memberships automatically include memberships with either the National Association of Elementary School Principals or the National Association of Secondary School Principals. Each national association offers its own benefits for members, including national conferences, awards programs, advocacy, and communications.

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Career Center

Our Career Center is the number one spot for principal and assistant principals openings in the state. Whether you have a job, need a job, or are looking to post a job, AWSP's career center can help you.