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  • Roz Thompson, Governmental Relations & Advocacy Director, AWSP
    Jan 13, 2025
    The United States Senate Youth Program (USSYP) is pleased to announce that high school students Ms. Ashlye Ruth Triebs and Ms. Ellie Xue will join Senator Patty Murray and Senator Maria Cantwell in representing Washington during the 63rd annual USSYP Washington Week, to be held March 1 - 8, 2025. Ashlye Triebs of Vancouver and Ellie Xue of Bellevue were selected from among the state’s top student leaders to be part of the 104 national student delegation that will attend meetings and briefings with senators, the president, a justice of the Supreme Court, leaders of cabinet agencies, and other officials throughout the week. Each delegate will also receive a $10,000 college scholarship for undergraduate study.
  • Roz Thompson, Governmental Relations & Advocacy Director, AWSP
    Apr 12, 2024
    The United States Senate Youth Program (USSYP) announces that high school students Ms. Gianna Patrice Frank and Ms. Mahika Kavya Malladi joined Senator Patty Murray and Senator Maria Cantwell in representing Washington during the 62nd annual USSYP Washington Week, this past March. Gianna Frank of Marysville and Mahika Malladi of Redmond were selected from among the state’s top student leaders to be part of the 104 national student delegation. Each delegate will also receive a $10,000 college scholarship for undergraduate study
  • Roz Thompson, Governmental Relations & Advocacy Director, AWSP
    Aug 25, 2023
    Each year, the William Randolph Hearst Foundation awards two high school juniors or seniors from each of the 50 states and the District of Columbia with an all-expense-paid, week-long tour of Washington, DC, and a $10,000 scholarship as part of the United States Senate Youth Program (USSYP). In Washington state, AWSP administers the program in conjunction with AWSL. Please encourage students to apply if they are qualified to submit an application!
  • Roz Thompson, Governmental Relations & Advocacy Director, AWSP
    Mar 13, 2023
    The United States Senate Youth Program (USSYP) announces that high school students Mr. Rishi Hazra and Ms. Claire Anne Michal joined Senator Patty Murray and Senator Maria Cantwell in representing Washington during the 61st annual USSYP Washington Week, held March 4 — 11, 2023. Rishi Hazra of Sammamish and Claire Michal of Marysville were selected from among the state’s top student leaders to be part of the 104 national student delegation. Each delegate will also receive a $10,000 college scholarship for undergraduate study.
  • Kelly Sheward, Principal, Sunnyside Elementary, Marysville SD
    Nov 7, 2022
    In my third year as the principal at Sunnyside Elementary in the Marysville School District, my goals for my students are to have a voice and to feel a sense of belonging and connection to their school. With those goals in mind, I initiated a student council, that would be voted by and would represent our student body, which consists of 480 Kindergarten -5th-grade students.

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