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  • Monserrat Jauregui, Youth Outreach Lead, Washington State Office of the Attorney General
    Apr 2, 2024
    HearMeWA is on schedule to soft launch on April 30, 2024. At that time, the program will go live. The website will include information on how youth can submit tips via app, text, chat, web-form, and phone call. We will be piloting a best practices toolkit and developing a marketing toolkit during this time.
  • Roz Thompson
    Oct 10, 2018
    When talking to family, friends and students, and interact with coworkers, we know that lots of people around us are dealing with mental health issues. So what can we do? When does a situation become an illness or a crisis? How can we help until professionals can take over? The City of Auburn developed a one hour mental health training so that anyone can be a first responder to mental health needs.

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