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  • Gina Yonts, Associate Director, AWSP
    Mar 27, 2023
    Over the course of the next few months, I will share some resources, newsletters, and ideas to incorporate into your daily workflow and leadership practices that I, and the leaders I support, have been finding helpful, inspiring, and reflective. I’ve been following The Daily Coach and reading it daily. It's short, insightful, and I read it as one of the first things I do when I sit down with my cup of morning coffee to “wake up” to tackle the day. Short paragraphs of leadership wisdom, sometimes it’s a comeback story or a bulleted list of items to prompt reflection or journaling. Today’s “Magic Question” was, "Where are the growth opportunities in my life?"
  • Cindy Sholtys-Cromwell, Principal, Loowit High School and Kelso Virtual Academy (K-12), Kelso School District
    Mar 27, 2023
    I love APRIL. Springtime brings crazy schedules for the Cromwell Family. However, I am determined to enjoy these precious moments with my family along with the later sunsets, the blooming flowers, the birds chirping in the morning, and evenings on the back deck. All of these beautiful signs of spring make me smile. This month of April, you need to not feel guilty about shutting down your phone for an evening or weekend. Go for a walk, turn the music up a bit louder on your drive to and from work, get a massage, AND treat yourself to some me time. April is when we are starting to see the finish line for this school year, so fill YOUR bucket. I know you will find this edition of the School Celebration Newsletter helpful to bring laughter, joy, and appreciation to your work. As always, feel free to reach out to me if I can do anything to support your work or be a sounding board of ideas. I believe in you!
  • Roz Thompson, Governmental Relations & Advocacy Director, AWSP
    Mar 24, 2023
    This was another full week in the Legislature with jam-packed agendas in committee hearings, a bit of floor action sprinkled here and there, and plenty of attention on the Senate as they released their budgets. One of my personal highlights of the week was listening to our very own Tricia Kannberg, principal at Deer Park Elementary, share how her Classroom Support App (CSA) works during a work session with members of the Senate Early Learning and K-12 Committee. Tricia and her team created the CSA to provide an immediate response to the needs of students and staff. It has been extremely effective, and the app is now used in 35 different schools. For more information, check out the video of Tricia walking through her app.
  • Fred Yancey, The Nexus Group LLC
    Mar 24, 2023
    The Senate budget proposal has been released. The House proposal is yet to come. The big-ticket items have been covered earlier in this TWIO. The other financial figures related to funding benefits will be finalized once the assumed differing budget proposals are reconciled. A fuller report detailing those finances will come after the final is done.
  • Roz Thompson, Governmental Relations & Advocacy Director, AWSP
    Mar 17, 2023
    March can feel like a long and busy month in schools, and it is the same in the Legislature. This week, there were lots of hearings on bills by committees in the opposite house. Next week is more of the same. The updated revenue forecast comes out on Monday, March 20, and this will be used to help determine the final operating budgets (and other budgets) for this year’s legislative session. We will see the Senate budget on Thursday, March 23, and it will be heard in Senate Ways and Means on Friday, March 24. We should also see the Senate Capital Budget next week. I’m hearing the House will release its budget the week after.

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