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  • David Morrill, Communications & Technology Director, AWSP
    Feb 3, 2022
    Brad Wilson, principal at Chelan High School in the Lake Chelan School District, was named this year’s Washington State Principal of the Year. Every year, the Association of Washington School Principals selects a state winner. Wilson will also be recognized at the national level by the National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP). He will compete with winners from other states for the NASSP’s National Principal of the Year award.
  • David Morrill, Communications & Technology Director, AWSP
    Feb 2, 2022
    Megan Mauro, assistant principal at LaVenture Middle School in the Mount Vernon School District, was named this year’s Washington State Assistant Principal of the Year. Every year, the Association of Washington School Principals selects a state winner. Mauro will also be recognized at the national level by the National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP), where she will compete with winners from other states for the NASSP’s National Assistant Principal of the Year award, announced in early April.
  • Dr. Scott Seaman, AWSP Executive Director
    Feb 1, 2022
    Find yourself frustrated with your current situation as a building level leader? Ever wonder who makes some of these big statewide decisions that impact the work you are doing in your school? Ever consider getting more involved in influencing the P16 education system? How about just getting better connected with other principals and assistant principals from around the state? Well, guess what -- It’s easy to get more involved with AWSP, and WE WANT YOU!
  • David Morrill, Communications & Technology Director, AWSP
    Feb 1, 2022
    AWSP is looking for an amazing elementary principal to be the National Association of Elementary School Principals’ (NAESP) National Outstanding Assistant Principal honoree from our state. This program promotes excellence in educational leadership and calls attention to the fundamental importance of the assistant principal.
  • Mike Donlin, Program Supervisor, School Safety Center, OSPI
    Jan 31, 2022
    When we begin comprehensive safety planning, we do a risk assessment for our district or our school. What are those risks and hazards which we might have to deal with? How much peril are we in because of them? We establish Threat Assessment teams to help identify potential risk factors impacting the life of a student. We insure our assets and help provide safe learning environments with the help of our excellent statewide risk pools. And so on…Let’s change courses a bit. Let’s consider technology.

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