We take great pride protecting you from the myriad of organizations that want to push a survey out to our members. We are constantly buffering you from survey fatigue. Our most frequent answer is no, they are busy, please leave them alone. So it pains
me to ask you to take a few minutes of your precious time to give us some immediate feedback regarding your current job satisfaction, because the results of this
survey will ultimately and directly benefit you.
We are sitting at a crucial moment in principal history. Many of you report considering leaving the job and/or barely hanging on despite gallant efforts of perseverance, persistence, and patience. Our team at AWSP has been sharing your stories with the
Governor’s Office, legislators, officials from OSPI, the Department of Health, and other agencies and organizations. We basically are shouting from the mountaintops that principals need help and they need it both now, and as we look to redefine
what “principaling” looks like in the future.
Please take a moment to provide us with some qualitative and quantitative data to add to our advocacy toolkit. Your voice and lived principal experience is needed now more than ever. Thank you in advance for your time and continued dedication to the important
role principals play in the system.
Take the Survey