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  • Roz Thompson, Governmental Relations & Advocacy Director, AWSP
    Feb 21, 2025
    As you know, OSPI released emergency discipline rules related to classroom exclusions at the start of the school year. They have now opened public comment as part of their permanent rulemaking process. We need our school leaders to submit feedback to OSPI. Even if changes in your building have been subtle, your voice matters. We must ensure your perspectives as principals and assistant principals are heard. If you don’t tell your story, someone will tell it for you.
  • Roz Thompson, Governmental Relations & Advocacy Director, AWSP
    Aug 16, 2024
    The Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) just filed emergency rules clarifying and updating Chapter 392-400 WAC Student Discipline (see OSPI Rulemaking Activity website). OSPI plans to also conduct permanent rulemaking concerning Student Discipline. The emergency rules are effective immediately and the permanent rules are anticipated to be in effect by the 2025–26 school year. OSPI worked in collaboration with our team at AWSP, practicing principals, assistant principals, and teachers, as well as the Washington Association of School Administrators, the Washington Education Association, and the Washington State School Directors' Association to guide the updates and rule clarifications. These changes reflect important shifts in enhancing the learning environment through leadership and policy integration at the local level.
  • Dr. Scott Seaman, Executive Director, AWSP
    Feb 21, 2024
    Members at all levels across the state continue to report that responding to student behavior is the number one issue impacting their own mental health, well-being, job satisfaction, and frankly, willingness to stay in the profession. Living in a constant reactive state to the unknown behaviors that surface daily is draining both emotionally and physically. It’s a pace that is not sustainable or realistic. Something must be done.
  • Dr. Scott Seaman, Executive Director, AWSP
    Oct 6, 2023
    Back in June, we gathered a small cadre of principals, superintendents, and staff members from AWSP and WASA to begin to identify short-term and long-term solutions to the leadership crisis in our state. We must do something to reverse the course of high turnover rates, small candidate pools, and decreased job satisfaction. While the focus of this committee is starting with easing the pressure on principals, it is much larger in scale. It’s about the entire leadership pipeline in our K12 educational system. If we want great future superintendents, we must cultivate and support future and current school leaders.
  • James Layman, AWSL Director, and The AWSL Student Voice Network
    Oct 6, 2022
    A topic that has permeated many discussions with school leaders, students, and community members over the past several years has been vaping. With a rise in students vaping, specifically in schools, the stress of figuring out how to 'solve' this epidemic has fallen on our teachers, counselors, community members, school leaders, and students. Recently, we met with the AWSL Student Voice Network and asked them to weigh in on what we can start doing, stop doing, and keep doing to find solutions for this ongoing issue.

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