School Celebration Newsletter April 2022 Edition

Cindy Sholtys-Cromwell, Principal, Loowit High School and Kelso Virtual Academy (K-12), Kelso School District
Mar 30, 2022


It's Spring Time

I love APRIL. Spring time brings crazy scheduling for the Cromwell Family. Cooper, is playing baseball on two teams, and Kenzi, is preparing for high school graduation. We are taking time to enjoy these precious moments with our children along with the later sunsets, the blooming flowers (even though it brings out my husband's allergies), the birds in the morning, smell of fresh bark, and evenings on my deck. All of those signs of spring make me smile. However, April brings with it a new level of exhaustion for educators. This is the month you need to not feel guilty about shutting down your phone for an evening or weekend. Go for a walk, turn the music up a bit louder on your drive to and from work, get a massage, AND treat yourself to some me time. April is when we are starting to see the finish line for this school year so fill YOUR bucket because you can't take care of others if you don't have anything to give from. I hope you find this edition of my newsletter helpful to bring laughter and joy to your work. Feel free to reach out to me if I can do anything to support your work or be a sounding board for ideas. You got this.

A Few of Cindy's Favorites

April 7 Major League Baseball Opening Day

Baseball is one of my favorite sports. I love watching my son, Cooper play and try to catch every Red Sox Game that I can find living on the west coast. #RedSoxNation. On this day turn a table or a portable treat cart into a baseball concession stand with some ballpark favorites. Think cracker jacks, licorice, popcorn, pretzels, soda, and hot dogs.

April 11 National Pet Day

Have staff share pictures of their pets. Then have a class competition to see which classroom can match the most staff to their pets. (pictured is our cat Newman)

April 27 Administrative Professionals Day

DO NOT FORGET this very important day under any circumstances. Instead of a one-and-done gift, shower your Administrative Professional with love all week.




April's Days to Celebrate

April 4 National Vitamin C Day. Pick up a box of "Emergen C" at Costco and share with staff to encourage them to build up their immune system.

April 5 National Deep Dish Pizza Day. Check with your local pizza restaurants and see if they would be willing to donate a few pizzas to honor your staff. Either treat staff to a pizza lunch or utilize them as prizes for a drawing for dinner.

April 7 as noted above Major League Baseball Opening Day. Take the opportunity and turn a table in your staff room or treat cart into a baseball concession stand.

April 11 National Pet Day (see above)

April12 National Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day. Ask your PTO or school booster group to make grilled cheese sandwiches for lunch today.

April 12 is also National Licorice Day. Have staff vote on preferences for Red Vines vs. Twizzlers??

April 13 National Make Lunch Count Day. Provide staff a list of relaxing activities they could do at lunchtime either individually or with their class.

April 13 is also National Scrabble Day. Set out a few Scrabble boards in the staff room for staff to use or write out your school name and mascot such as "Kelso Virtual Academy Chargers" on a piece of paper and hand it out to your staff. Give staff a set amount of time to create as many words from the phrase.

April 14 National Gardening Day. This could be an awesome theme for your Teacher Appreciation Week also. As an idea--"We grow great learners at Loowit High School (fill in your school)." Provide a basket of seeds for your staff with a note of thanks for helping grow students or a tiny (cheap) fuscia start with a plant stake.

April 15 National High Five Day. Greet everyone with a high five today and add some dance moves to your celebration. Purchase little hand clappers from oriental trade, dollar tree, or a party store for staff with a note to say here is a high five of appreciation.

April 15 is Also National Laundry Day. Purchase Shout Wipes with a sticker or note that says I want to shout out to the world how thankful I am for you. (Shout Wipes are a must-have in the Cromwell Household)

April 19 National Garlic Day. Give everyone a bulb of garlic and a pack of tic tacs with a note "I will always have you covered." Or create a poster in the staff room where staff could share favorite things to use garlic in and for.

April 21 National Tea Day. A tea buffet to greet everyone in the morning with some breakfast pastries. Add a few signs that say "We are brewing up a successful year. Thank you".

April 22 Earth Day. You got this one. But it is also National Jelly Bean Day and I love Jelly Bellies. Have a game of Beanboozled available for staff or a beautiful colorful jar of jelly beans available today. Note: there are also small packs of Jelly Bellies available.

April 26 National Pretzel Day. Pretzels in the staff room or handed out in your treat cart with a note "Everywhere I turn I see great things happening in your classroom/school."

April 27 National Administrative Professionals Day. The most important day of the month to remember.

April 28 National Superhero Day. Turn lanyards into superhero badges with superhero names, emblems, or a special power they have OR pass out capes (purchased online) to all of the Superheroes you work with.

April 29 International Dance Day. Play dance music every chance you get today to lighten up the mood and get people moving--guaranteed to put smiles on everyone's face.

Cindy has over 20 years of administrative experience. She is currently the Alternative Learning Education Administrator for the Kelso School District where she serves as the principal of Loowit High School and the Kelso Virtual Academy. Cindy has two teenagers and has been married for 21 years to her husband Leszek. She was named one of three 2021National Digital Principals of the Year by the National Association of Secondary School Principals. Follow her on Twitter at@sholtys.


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