Member Support

Induction, Mentoring, Coaching and Member/Legal Support


We Support Principals With:

Principal Induction

Principal induction, coupled with principal mentoring, are opportunities to put supports in place for your new hire. The research is clear, if we do not put supports in place, we will be less likely to keep leaders in their roles beyond just a few years. Induction is the key to insuring we GROW good leaders, from diverse backgrounds with strong local context!

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School Leader Mentorship Program

For principals and assistant principals mentoring can support and help develop school administrators as instructional leaders and increase principal retention, contributing to greater stability in school reform efforts over time. AWSP’s mentoring program is designed to pair school leaders with a qualified mentor who has been specially trained by AWSP.

Leadership Coaching

For principals beyond their first two years, AWSP offers leadership coaching. We define coaching as a learning partnership between a coach and a principal in service of the development of leadership capacity in the principal. As a team, the pair identify growth goals, and through cycles of inquiry and action, the principal develops the self-awareness, skills, and strategies to achieve those goals. 

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Member/Legal Support

All AWSP member types are eligible for free professional advice from AWSP executive staff on employment-related issues. Our seasoned staff can help you navigate a thorny issue or offer a helpful second opinion. Our services are always confidential and respectful of all parties involved.

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For More Information 

Macy Bruhy | Assistant Director of Membership, State and Federal Programs | (800) 562-6100

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